Chapter 15

Yu Lian's eyes were wet by Wu Ya's words: "Sister Wu Ya, I thought you would rob me of the child..." After more than two months, Yu Lian has already regarded the fourth elder brother as his own flesh and blood , she really couldn't imagine how her life would be if the fourth elder brother returned it to Wu Ya one day!
Wu Ya was a little dazed, she said this so much that she thought she was watertight, how could she still make someone cry?Wu Ya scratched her head subconsciously, then looked back at Xiaozhuang and Kangxi with pleading eyes, she didn't mean to make her cry, really didn't mean it!

"That's enough!" Xuan Ye interrupted the conversation, "I have handed over my fourth elder brother to Yu Lian to be raised by you, so there is absolutely no reason for De'er to take it back! Yu Lian came to the Palace of Compassion and Ning because he had to report the affairs of the harem , I still have government affairs, so I'm leaving first. De'er, you go with me!" Xuan Ye didn't know what the grandmother wanted to test, but he knew that the grandmother must be thinking about him, but the feeling of being used was still very uncomfortable. Well, he can't stop the temptations among the women in the harem, especially the one started by the grandmother, but if the grandmother really wants to test De'er, she can do it without him!The imperial grandmother clearly knew that he was very tired of these unnecessary disputes between women.

Wu Ya was a little surprised, is Kangxi angry like this?He wouldn't be blaming her for making his imperial concubine cry?No wonder she was choking and choking just now, it turned out to be so unlucky!

Yu Lian was still pear blossoms with rain, and looked at the emperor timidly.She also knew that the emperor didn't like her enough. She was able to be promoted to a noble concubine entirely because of her status and status. Let alone serving the bed, how long had it been since she had a good talk with the emperor!What's the use of being noble?After all, I still can't get the slightest sincerity from the emperor!Yu Lian is well-behaved, she was educated with three obediences and four virtues since she was a child, and helping the emperor manage the six palaces is what she should do, but she dreamed several times in the middle of the night, and she also hoped to be by the emperor's side, even if only once what!

Xiao Zhuang knew her grandson very well, and she would really embarrass him a bit by doing this. He shouldn't have been involved in these matters of the harem, but he forgot that if it wasn't for the noble man, he would have left early in the morning , so I won't be here to watch a few women intrigue.Xiaozhuang smiled faintly, and let the two go. It seems that this virtuous man really has something interesting.

Wu Ya heard Kangxi decisively cut off her thoughts of snatching back the fourth elder brother. She knew that history was like this, but she still felt distressed and didn't dare to attack. She could only follow Kangxi carefully out of the courtyard of the Palace of Compassion. Out of Kangxi's aura of anger, it almost froze the surrounding air. What did she say wrong? In one word, she can make Concubine Tong Jia cry and Kangxi angry, she is considered a genius!It seems that it is really not easy to survive in this palace!

Wu Ya was still in a daze, she didn't notice that Kangxi in front of her stopped suddenly and turned around, so she fell into his arms with a "boom".Xuan Ye immediately hugged her: "You..."

Before Xuan Ye could say anything, Li Dequan ran over panting, "Long live, Yunnan's urgent battle report!"

"You go back first." Xuan Ye let go of the person in his arms suddenly: "Show me the Qing Palace!"

The warm light in Xuan Ye's eyes disappeared in an instant, and what flashed was wild perseverance and wisdom. It was the light that wolves on the prairie would only emit when they found their prey. Wu Ya couldn't help but stare blankly. The aura that can't be seen in the middle of the day, the majesty of the Tian family, really didn't come out overnight.Wu Ya probably knew that it was the most critical moment for Ping San Francisco. The success or failure of the war in Yunnan directly related to the overall situation in the west. This war has been going on for several years, and it is time to fight to the death.Wu Ya stood on the spot and watched Xuan Ye sitting on the dragon, commanding the eunuch who carried the sedan chair to speed up his pace. She saw his slightly stiff back. In fact, he must be nervous too. The big net has been thrown out for so long, so close it After all, the mood is a little uneasy.

Wu Ya was not in a hurry to go back to the Yonghe Palace, but just took a leisurely stroll under the red wall with the silk and bamboo behind her, seeing these seemingly familiar and slightly unfamiliar environments, one door after another, one heavy ceremony, Wu Ya went further and further away The more I feel the oppression of the Forbidden City, women are bound in such cages for a lifetime!Wu Ya looked up at the drowsy sky and sighed heavily, if only she had a pair of wings to fly out here, she doesn't even ask for a Boeing 747, she can fly out in a hot air balloon!
hot air balloon?Wu Ya raised her eyebrows, maybe it can be done!As long as no one shoots her down as an arrow stack to make roast duck, she can basically fly out of the Forbidden City in a hot air balloon!But will she be used as an arrow stack?certainly!Will she make a hot air balloon?of course not!Damn, she's just a painter, it's okay to think about it wildly, how can she have such strong hands-on ability, really think of her as "Flying House Adventures"?
Wu Ya lowered her head in disappointment, lamented and continued to move forward, Si Zhu looked at her from behind her with joy and sadness, and she didn't know how to comfort her, just now the Lord Long Live has said so absolutely, the little elder brother will definitely not come back There will be hope, the master wonders if he can't think about it again?
"Master!" Si Zhu called to stop the virtuous man who was walking aimlessly, "Master, we can't go any further, we have already arrived at Xinzheku!"

Xinzheku?Wu Ya turned her head back, sure enough, the place has obviously become extremely deserted, and the house is a bit dilapidated, as dilapidated and dilapidated as the Forbidden City she saw in modern times. This is the place that often appears in Qingchuan dramas, Wu Ya Curiously looked inside.

"You damn girl, I told you not to work hard. You are trying to seduce someone by dressing up like this all day long! Work for me!" An old but sharp voice came from the wall, Wu Ya was very curious, and then Signal Sizhu to go in and ask.

Sizhu couldn't resist the noble man's kindness, so she had to go up to inquire. When Wu Ya entered the door, she saw a girl in a rough single dress with messy hair sitting in the yard, and several girls in the same clothes were far away. From afar, he looked at the girl on the ground with contempt, and the person who received Si Zhu was an old nun with a snobbish face.

After all, Sizhu is the eldest aunt who has been in the palace for some time. Seeing this appearance, she has roughly guessed it, but the woman in the middle of the courtyard is not at ease with her work, and she sneaked out and was caught by the nanny. In fact, it is not worthy of the master. Inquiry.

(End of this chapter)

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