Kangxi's mad favorite escaped concubine

Chapter 201 The Magical Little Fox

Chapter 201 The Magical Little Fox (2)
In the Buddhist hall, an old lama who is seventy percent similar to the Pure Dharma is reciting this verse: "When you come, you are happy and when you go, you are sad. It is empty to walk around the world. It is better not to come or go. There is no joy and no sorrow. Every day Riqing troubles himself to know. Things in the world of mortals seem to be far away. The mouth is clean and delicious, and he often wears a patchwork of clothes."

The man's demeanor and expression were more imposing than Jingfa, Wu Ya was still exploring the relationship between this man and the old emperor, when he saw "Little Xuanzi" rushing in and pounced on the lama.

"Hey..." Before Wu Ya's reprimand, she saw the lama hugging it very skillfully: "Xiaobai, where have you been, let me find it!"

Wu Ya blinked her eyes for a long time before speaking: "This...is yours?"

"It's a dog raised by a poor monk, how could it be with you, a holy monk?" the old lama said politely.

dog?Wu Ya pursed her lips, "Xiao Xuanzi" I'm sorry for you, I forced you to be a fox for so long!I am so ashamed of your dog face!Wu Ya was embarrassed for a long time before she opened her mouth: "I picked it up on the mountain, I thought it was a fox..."

The old lama smiled heartily: "It doesn't matter whether a dog is a fox, it is what it is, just be unique! Xiaobai, come back with me today!"

Xiaobai looked up at the old lama, then at Wu Ya, and was in a dilemma for a while.

Wu Ya couldn't help smiling, and squatted down next to it: "Little Xuanzi, your master is here to look for you, please go home!"

Hearing this address, the old lama was startled. Fang raised his head to look at the young monk with long hair, his eyes were full of inquiry and anxiety. be careful.This look shows that he is very sensitive to this mysterious word, at least maybe he has a slight relationship with the old emperor.

Wu Ya picked up Xiaobai and walked in front of the old lama: "Little monk Jingkong, haven't you asked the master's name yet?"

"The poor monk Liaochen, in the monastery, he often heard a few brothers mention the master, and today I finally met him by fate, which can be regarded as fulfilling the wish of the poor monk."

Wu Ya showed a bright smile: "Master still has such an attachment. In fact, the most difficult thing in the world is to have no desires and no pursuits. Everything follows fate, just like 'Little Xuanzi'. Has Fate found its own master?" Nonsense, she just knows how to talk empty words!
Liaochen smiled slightly: "Master is very right, we have not understood the essence after all. But since the meeting is fate, the master is interested in visiting Wenshu Temple, which is also a mission for Dust!"

Wu Ya raised her eyebrows, there was nothing wrong with going to have a look, after all every temple might hide the old emperor, Wu Ya pursed her lips: "Follow the fate! I will go to Wenshu Monastery to learn the essence of Tibetan Buddhism!"

Wu Ya followed Chen all the way to the top of Lingjiu Peak so easily, and saw the elegance of the first temple in Mount Wutai.In Wu Ya's view, this is almost like a palace built for the emperor, resplendent and magnificent, with dazzling glass. A little Maitreya who led the way guided Wu Ya into the temple gate, and began to introduce to her: the one hundred and eight temples in front of the temple. The steps symbolize one hundred and eight kinds of sufferings, that is, to step on one hundred and eight kinds of troubles in the world.Wu Ya curled her lips, it's a real form, a monastery, who is showing so many gimmicks?

Wu Ya spent the Spring Festival at Wenshu Monastery, and this seemed to be the most different Spring Festival she had ever lived. She was almost used to celebrating the festival with Xuan Ye by her side, and she suddenly had a deserted one, which felt a little uncomfortable.

Wu Ya leaned on her head and looked at the sky, pouted and sighed: "Xuan Ye, how are you doing, I miss you very much, do you want me? You must not want me, or I will take your emperor with me Ma elopes!" Wu Ya blinked her eyes, what she said, she is the daughter-in-law of the old emperor!Wu Ya couldn't help shivering twice, this kind of thinking is too evil!

Under the same blue sky, Xuan Ye sneezed twice in a row in the study.

"Long live Lord must have caught a cold, let's send an imperial doctor to take a look!" Li Dequan quickly became nervous.

Xuan Ye shook his head: "No need, maybe De'er is talking about me!"

Just as Xuan Ye was talking, he saw Liang Jiugong rushing in: "Long Live Lord, check... I found out, Master De went to Mount Wutai with this old monk!"

Xuan Ye frowned, well behaved, how could De'er run to Mount Wutai?There are many temples in Mount Wutai, and there are thousands of monks in Wenshu Temple alone. What is she doing in such a place as a girl?Xuan Ye sighed, she really is a troublemaker!Xuan Ye instructed the two of them: "Get ready, I'll ride Mount Wutai when you come over on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month!" As long as he knows where De'er is, he can capture her no matter where the world is!
In the Longevity Palace, Xianya and Yilan were helpless, they all remembered that the Long Live God visited them that night, but two months later, the emperor never came to their palace again, their plan failed.However, the whole night of entanglement did not bring them any benefit, and their stomach did not move at all, Yilan and Xianya became anxious, could it be that they just gave up?

Yilan pursed her lips: "Don't do anything! Xianya, are you willing to fake pregnancy?"

Xianya's eyes widened. She is only 14 years old. She has no concept of life. She didn't understand how to get pregnant, let alone a fake pregnancy?Xianya shook her head fiercely: "If you want to pretend, you can pretend it yourself, I can't pretend this!"

"Coward!" Yilan flung her sleeves away, not seeing Qing'er at the bottom of the wall.Qing'er pursed her lips. She needed to go to Lord Long Live to claim credit again. These two femme-hearted women played once every three days. How could she miss this best opportunity to make money!
Xuanye listened to Qing'er finish retelling the conversation between Yilan and Xianya, and then showed a stern expression. This Yilan is really greedy. She already has a fifth elder brother, but she still wants to conceive a dragon heir. Xuanye thought of Yilan once With a shrewd appearance, her teeth itch with hatred. If she hadn't gone to collect evidence of De'er for the Empress Dowager, De'er would not have to leave the palace at all!

Xuan Ye's jaw tightened. The fifth elder brother was adopted by the empress dowager since he was a child. At the age of four, he already showed a kind of detachment beyond his peers. The feeling of being indifferent to the world is very similar to the empress dowager.Xuan Ye speculated about Yilan's psychology. She should have hoped that the fifth elder brother would win the throne when he grew up, so she would cruelly send the fifth elder brother to the empress dowager to be raised, but now she is the same as her as a concubine. Concubine Hui and Concubine Rong have already raised her son by her side, but only her side is empty. To be on the safe side, she will naturally choose to raise a son who can win the dragon position by herself.

(End of this chapter)

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