Kangxi's mad favorite escaped concubine

Chapter 206: Meeting 4 Children at Night

Chapter 206 Meeting Sier at Night (1)
Xuan Ye frowned, why has he become synonymous with danger again?Xuan Ye hugged Zhen'er: "Your mother-in-law is letting go, and you should listen to her!"

Zhen'er was at a loss: "Children should listen to my mother!"

Wu Ya couldn't help laughing behind her back, good boy, really a good boy of Erniang!
Wu Ya originally thought that Xuan Ye's promise that she could go to the Qianqing Palace would be implemented soon, but he didn't expect that he would lock her up until the Chinese New Year before releasing her. Why did she just finish confinement?
The entire Qianqing Palace is full of lights and festoons, and you can see fiery red lanterns hanging high everywhere, adding a bit of enthusiasm to the originally red courtyard. Wu Ya stretched her waist and took a breath. The feeling of freedom is really good. Suffocated to death in Yonghe Palace!

"Hey, rare guest, it's not easy for you to be released unexpectedly!" Cao Yin leaned over to tease Wu Ya as soon as he saw him.

Wu Ya rolled his eyes at him: "Why am I a rare guest, this is my home, and I'm the hostess!"

Long Kedo frowned tightly and didn't speak, hiding in the distance and refusing to approach, Wu Ya caught a glimpse, and abducted Cao Yin: "Hey, who is angry with Long Kedo? Like the little daughter-in-law who is excluded?"

"Which of us dares to make him angry. He wants to send troops to fight against the Russian Empire. Tong Guowei is not allowed to live or die. He is angry there!"

Ma Qi smiled: "If I were Tong Guowei, I wouldn't let Longko go. He is Tong Guowei's youngest son, who wouldn't protect his old son!"

Wu Ya listened to their narration, the Tsarist Empire, Russia?If she remembers correctly, in a few years Xuanye should still be personally recruited by the royal driver!Capture Oboi, pacify three times, regain Taiwan, pacify Zhungeerdan... During the period of her pregnancy, Shi Lang had already recovered Taiwan, and now, only Tsarist Russia was left entrenched in the north.

Xuan Ye and Tsarist Russia have fought for a lifetime!Wu Ya sighed, walked to Longkodo, and sat gently beside him: "Do you want to go to war?"

Long Kedo frowned, and looked at her for a long time: "If you are also here to persuade me, don't open your mouth!" He promised to listen to Wu Ya's orders, but this opportunity is really what he has always dreamed of.

Wu Ya shook her head: "I'm not trying to persuade you, I support you, a good man has ambitions everywhere, I think you should go!"

"Really?" Longkodo stood up suddenly, looking straight into Wu Ya's eyes, she supported herself?
"But it's not now!" Wu Ya changed the subject, "Tsarist Russia is tough, and it can't be defeated in a day. You don't need to go to the front line now. Besides, you are 25-[-] this year, and you haven't given your Ama birth yet What about a fat grandson, how could he be willing to let you go?"

Wu Ya's words immediately hit Longkodo's weakness. Because of Wu Ya's relationship, he rarely consummated with his wives and concubines, so how could he have any children.She is calm, but he is not. Facing the most real thought in his heart, he still cannot face it calmly.

Long Kedo's eyes suddenly became lonely, she hoped that he would have children, he knew, he knew...

Looking at Long Kedo's lonely eyes, Wu Ya realized that she seemed to have said something wrong.Biting her tongue secretly, she advised him that everything would be fine, why did she have to rely on the issue of men and women?Anyone can talk to him about this topic, but she can't.Wu Ya sighed: "I'm sorry, I have no other meaning!"

"I see." Long Kedo raised his eyes and looked at Wu Ya, "There are three ways to be unfilial and have no descendants. You are right, I should think about Ama!"

Wu Ya seemed to want to say something, so Li Dequan came to pass on the message: "Long live, Zheng Keshuang, king of Yanping County, brought his retainer Feng Xifan to see him."

Wu Ya turned around, Zheng Keshuang?Isn't he the one who robbed Ake with Wei Xiaobao?And Feng Xifan... Wu Ya suddenly became interested, and obediently ran behind Xuan Ye, eagerly waiting for Zheng Keshuang to come to the hall.

Wu Ya stared wide-eyed at the two people who walked in through the gate. Are these Zheng Keshuang and Feng Xifan?Wu Ya almost burst out laughing, the older one is only about 40 or [-] years old, and the younger one... looks like he is only twelve or thirteen years old?The cognition gap between Zheng Keshuang and her is too big?

Wu Ya listened to the mediation between Xuan Ye and the two of them, conferring different titles and official positions on them, and then sent someone to put them under house arrest. Wu Ya knew that Xuan Ye would never be soft when it came to matters of territory and country.Therefore, the battle of Yaksa, one can imagine what kind of fierce battle it will be!Wu Ya pursed her lips and looked in the direction of Longkodo inadvertently. As a general, not allowing him to go out to fight is the greatest insult to him.

The night is getting darker, and the slender crescent moon seems to be smashed inadvertently, just like Longkodo's broken heart now.He wandered the streets alone, but he didn't know where to go.The flagon in his hand was already empty, and his footsteps gradually faltered, wandering around aimlessly, preferring to make do with crowded places.

"Hey, sir, come in and have a seat!" A bustard saw that he was well dressed and wearing official boots, and he looked like a big official, so she hurried over and grabbed him, "Grandpa, let's hook up the fence." There are all kinds of girls in the pavilion, just come in and sit down!"

Gou Lan Pavilion?Long Kedo looked up at the plaque. It turned out that he had come to Bada Hutong. It was here that Long Live Lord found Wu Ya last time. At that time, he didn't know that she was a girl!Longkodo smiled wryly, followed the strength of the bustard, and walked into the Goulang Pavilion.

"Bring me some wine!" Longkodo sat down and patted the table. He was not used to the bright lights here, but there were also his memories here. Everything seemed to be yesterday, but it disappeared in an instant. exhausted.

Longkodo smiled wryly, but seeing Wu Ya walking by in front of him, Longkodo's eyes widened suddenly, he got up suddenly, rushed over with a stride, and grabbed her wrist: "Why are you here!"

"Guan Ye... Guan Ye, what are you talking about? Do you know Si'er?"

"Si'er, what's the matter?" The bustard hurried over, "Si'er, why did you provoke this official?"

"Mom, Si'er didn't do anything!" Si'er felt aggrieved, she really didn't know why this person rushed over suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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