Kangxi's mad favorite escaped concubine

Chapter 210 The Dispute in Yikun Palace

Chapter 210 The Dispute in Yikun Palace (2)
Wu Ya walked out of the gate of Yikun Palace with some hesitation. No matter how she looked at this Xiao Ran, it seemed strange, and it really gave her an indescribable feeling.All of Wu Ya's thoughts were entangled by Xiao Ran, and she didn't notice that a man dressed as an eunuch was looking at her fascinatedly at the corner.

Wu He's smile became more and more wicked. Why didn't he know that there were such beautiful characters outside Yikun Palace? There are so many lonely souls waiting for him to redeem, how could he waste his youth on these two sisters!
When Concubine Yi came back, she heard Hong'er's report, Xiao Ran looking for Concubine De?No matter how you think about it, this matter is not easy. Recently, she feels that Xiao Ran is not normal. Every time she looks at her and Wu He, her eyes will show jealousy unnaturally. If she has a relationship, then she has to guard against it!
"Hong'er, go and find out what tricks the two of them are playing! I want to see, who else in this world would dare to trick me!" Concubine Yi narrowed her eyes, she has always taken good care of her seemingly A weak little sister, but if Xiao Ran doesn't know how to cherish her, don't blame her for being cruel!
With the crescent moon hanging high, Wu Ya just stretched her waist, looking at her prepared luggage, she should be leaving in a few days, and she has to think quickly to see if there is anything left behind!She had arranged Zhen'er and Xuan'er's homework, she left, and Si Zhu and Nanny watched them study on time.

"Master, master, it's bad!" Xiao Jiuzi hurried in, "Master Guo Luoluo's elder brother is dead, someone accused you of poisoning him!"

Wu Ya raised her eyes abruptly: "What? I..." Wu Ya wanted to say that she had nothing to do with that Xiao Ran, and she couldn't continue talking before she could say anything. She only met Xiao Ran ten days ago. Ya bit her lip, how could it be such a coincidence?It seems that everything is not that simple!
The Empress Dowager and the Empress Dowager sent people to the Yonghe Palace to search, and escorted Concubine De to the Compassionate Palace for questioning.Wu Ya sighed, that's all, let's take one step at a time!She doesn't believe it, she won't be able to defeat the evil forces!Although she is not Shui Bingyue, she cannot represent the moon to destroy the evil forces on the earth, but at least she also has a "night dress mask" who is always by her side!
The little elder brother was only eight months old, and he was placed in the center of the main hall of the Compassionate Ning Palace. No one had closed his eyes for him yet. Such a small dead baby made the entire Compassionate Ning Palace very dignified. Only Xiao Ran could be heard. Kneeling on the ground piercing sound.

Wu Ya was brought into the hall, Xiao Zhuang narrowed his eyes slightly: "Concubine De, what do you say?"

Wu Ya said respectfully: "De'er will not admit to the trumped-up charges! Who has any evidence to prove that this child's death is related to me?"

"Report to the Empress Dowager, this prescription was found in the baggage of the Yonghe Palace!" A eunuch presented a prescription, and Xiaozhuang unfolded it and read softly: "Thundervine, diamond powder, turpentine..."

Wu Ya frowned, the appearance of this piece of paper was obviously written by Xiao Ran to her to help bring the medicinal materials, how could it be read in a different way?Obviously, Xiaozhuang would never help them do this kind of thing to frame others, that is to say, there must be something wrong with this piece of paper.

"Doctor, what are these?" Xiao Zhuang's voice became much higher, and his eyebrows were tightly knit together.

"Back to the empress dowager, it's all poison!" The imperial physician replied respectfully.

"Wu Yashi!" Xiao Zhuang jumped up, "What else do you have to say!"

Xiao Zhuang's stern voice was heard by Xuan Ye who was about to step into the palace, Xuan Ye took a few steps and stood in front of De'er: "Old Ancestor, there must be a misunderstanding about this matter, De'er will never Will do things that hurt children!"

Xiao Zhuang was so angry that he trembled: "Emperor, it is because of your protection and connivance that this woman becomes more and more lawless. If you dare to hurt the nobleman Guo Luoluo's child today, you will dare to hurt the crown prince and Aijia tomorrow! You Are you willing to let her kill the entire palace?"

"Old ancestor!" Wu Ya frowned, and directly retorted, "Is this the kind of person I am in your heart? When have you never admitted what I did! I didn't do the poisoning thing, so I just said nothing. will admit it."

Wu Ya walked a few steps forward, leaned close to the little elder brother, looked at the miserable situation of the little elder brother, and snorted softly: "That list can't prove that the little elder brother was killed by me at all, because the little elder brother was killed by me. poison, it’s not on the list at all!”

Wu Ya paused slightly, looking around at the women with different expressions in the Palace of Compassion and Ning, their gloating appearances inspired her fighting spirit instead, no matter what the truth is, she must clear her name.

"Little elder brother's pupils narrowed, his whole body became tense, his extensor and flexor muscles contracted extremely at the same time, and then he developed typical Tudening convulsion symptoms, and finally died of respiratory muscle rigidity and suffocation. This is a typical symptom of nuxon poisoning. Nymph is very poisonous, it is a strong poison, and the list that the Empress Dowager just mentioned has only a few chronic drugs, which means that my little elder brother has nothing to do with this list!" They thought, she Is Concubine De still the virtuous person who didn't understand anything back then, she could only choose to escape when she was framed, she now has enough knowledge to strengthen herself, framing her with poison is the biggest miscalculation of that person!

Even Xiaozhuang was surprised by De'er's explanation, it was so professional that even the imperial physician nodded frequently, it took a while for Xiaozhuang to restrain his surprised expression, and asked seriously: "Then you also have the intention of preparing to poison, otherwise, why would you Prepare the formula for this poison!"

Wu Ya was so angry that she couldn't help but smile: "Empress Dowager, why do you want to be punished? If you search more carefully, maybe I have other poison formula books! I was able to survive with the help of my master back then. Since then, he has been telling me to identify poisons. If I had the intention to poison, I am afraid that someone would have been murdered. How could I be such an innocuous character like little elder brother! But it is very strange that this picture The list is precisely given to me by the nobleman Guo Luoluo, which also makes me very puzzled!"

When Wu Ya was talking, Xuan Ye kept looking at her blankly. This De'er was so dazzling that he could barely open his eyes. She had grown into a powerful character who would not be easily defeated. Ability to resist the occasional attack from the harem.

(End of this chapter)

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