Kangxi's mad favorite escaped concubine

Chapter 215: The Storm in the Palace

Chapter 215: The Storm in the Palace (1)
"What's going on?" Wu Ya asked directly.

"It's not for that Si'er!" Cao Yin answered, "Fu Jin, who is the main house of Longkoduo, took advantage of Longkoduo's absence, and assigned Si'er to Longkoduo's old father-in-law's house as a maid, and almost became him. Father-in-law's concubine, fortunately, Longkodo rescued Si'er in time! No, as soon as the matter was clarified, Longkodo would be blown up! No matter how much we can persuade, we can't persuade, and we will divorce our wives!"

Longkodo let Cao Yin explain the whole thing clearly, because since he decided to come to Qianqing Palace, he didn't want to hide it from anyone in the palace!

Wu Ya pursed her lips and remained silent. It turned out that the intrigue between women was not only in the harem in the Qing Dynasty, even the small Tong Jia's mansion was also uneasy.

Xuan Ye sighed: "One day husband and wife, one hundred days of kindness, I don't care who you like, but how to deal with the fights in your own family is originally a part of a man's responsibility. If you want to divorce your wife every now and then, it won't solve the actual problem! "Unless you choose monogamy like Rong Ruo, you will completely cut off the occurrence of fights!"
Longkodo clenched his fists, lowered his head and refused to speak, why didn't everyone support him in divorcing his wife? Could it be that he was allowed to continue raising such a woman who did all kinds of evil?

Wu Ya pouted, tugged Longkodo's sleeve, and signaled him to follow her outside the hall, Longkodo obediently obeyed her strength, and was pulled out of the hall by her, the rest of the three people in the hall sighed and watched Looking at the backs of the two, in this world, Wu Ya is probably the only one who can restrain Longkodo, who is a little violent.

Wu Ya pulled him to sit down on the steps outside the hall, only to see him panting with lingering anger: "Every family has scriptures that are hard to recite, I think I can understand your mood now. But you are the one of these women They all rely on your love to survive, and they are so jealous because they all hope to be favored by you. Now you have divorced your first spouse because of Si'er, and you will only let Si'er Make more enemies in the harem, I don’t need to explain this truth to you, you all know it, and that’s why Xuan Ye tries every means to add some vacancies, if you make too many enemies, it will harm Si’er instead, understand?”

"I...I don't feel sorry for Si'er, I just hate her for doing this. Even if she is the main wife, she can't bully other people casually!" Long Ke was afraid that Wu Ya would misunderstand, he had already figured it out, and he had no problem with Si'er. Er'er was just infatuated for a while, thinking that he could exchange a face for peace of mind, but in fact he was wrong, it was simply impossible, what he had for Si'er was not love at all.

Wu Ya sighed: "I can't take care of your family affairs too much. I just want to tell you that divorcing your wife is not a game. Don't draw conclusions without thinking about the pros and cons, okay?"

Longkodo got up: "I understand, don't fight unprepared battles! I'm leaving, man, it's really useless to bother you with your own housework!" Longkodo didn't wait for Wu Ya to speak, and had already made great strides Left the Qianqing Palace.Wu Ya didn't get up, she sat quietly on the steps in a daze, it turned out that people's hearts can be so sinister, how many dangers she buried in the harem may not even be clear to her, and Xuan Ye is trying to reconcile the relationship between everyone, And far more than she imagined!
The sun hangs high and shines on the earth, but there are too many little secrets hidden in Yikun Palace.Yilan hid in the Yikun Palace and did not dare to go out. She already had a big belly and was going to give birth in a few months, but this time when she found out that she was pregnant, Xuan Ye had already left the palace for a tour. Before the emperor left the palace in the respect room, there was a record of her favoring, and she passed the test with the empress dowager and the empress dowager, but she knew very well that Xuan Ye came only to warn her not to be distracted, and did not move her at all. One finger!If someone reported her pregnancy to Xuan Ye, she would really die without a place to bury her!

Wu He went over and put his arms around her waist: "What are you doing, you look uneasy!"

"Get out of here!" Yilan looked disgusted, it was this guy who drove her to a desperate situation, why was she so useless, falling under him time and time again?This time she really played too big, what should she do?
In the dark place outside the door, Xiao Ran was sneering. Her titular sister killed her child. This time, she wanted her "sister" to die without a burial!Xiao Ran turned around and walked towards Jingyang Palace. The imperial concubine Tong Jia promised to help her. This time, she will definitely not lose so badly again!
Liu Shengfang saw someone in the imperial hospital bringing fetal protection medicine to Yikun Palace, she couldn't help becoming suspicious, and got a chance to ask Concubine Yi for a safe pulse, so she could find out.When Yilan saw this pockmarked imperial doctor, she couldn't help being startled, and she regained her composure after thinking about it. She seemed to have heard Hong'er mention that Long Live Lord brought back a doctor with a grimace from Jiangnan. He had the most superb medical skills. He is gone!
"Emperor doctor, is there any abnormality in my fetal gas?" Concubine Yi asked softly.

Liu Shengfang looked up, looked at Concubine Yi's flirtatious attire, and said coldly: "Concubine Yi's womb is stable, but recently she has been restless, a little sleepy and weak, needs more rest, and calms down!"

Yilan was startled, she was right, seeing what the imperial physician said was true, Yilan pursed her lips: "Then what kind of medicine should I take?"

"Heart medicine!" Liu Shengfang stood up, "Your Majesty is sick in her heart, and she needs heart medicine to heal her! I am not skilled in medicine and cannot prescribe prescriptions, so I will resign!" Liu Shengfang kowtowed and turned around, her face was so cold that she could almost knock off ice, After coming out of Yikun Palace, he went straight to the direction of Yonghe Palace.

"Stupid goose, what's the matter? Why are you so serious?" Wu Ya looked at his frowning brows, and couldn't help getting nervous. She returned and poured water for him, stuffing it into his hand, "Xuan Did Ye discover your identity?"

Liu Shengfang shook her head: "I just went to Yikun Palace, Concubine Yi has already had a belly of eight or nine months! Is the emperor not good enough for you? I..." Liu Shengfang's words almost reached his lips, but he still swallowed into the stomach.

"Concubine Yi is pregnant?" Wu Ya was also a little surprised, she knew Xuan Ye's dislike for Yilan and Xianya very well, if Xuan Ye cheated, she would rather believe that Xuan Ye would go to Yulian's place than that he would go to Yilan's side.Wu Ya sighed, there must be something wrong with this matter!Wu Ya stretched out her hand to hold the arm of the stupid goose, "I will investigate this matter, thank you for worrying about me!"

(End of this chapter)

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