Kangxi's mad favorite escaped concubine

Chapter 219 Catch a Turtle in the Urn of the Yonghe Palace

Chapter 219 Catch a Turtle in the Urn of the Yonghe Palace (1)
Li Dequan hurried over, saying that the remnants of the Tiandihui had been arrested and taken into the Meridian Gate.Wu Ya raised her head and looked at Xuan Ye, why did things come up all of a sudden?Xuan Ye still had a clear look in his eyes, Wu Ya pursed her lips: "I'll go back to Yonghe Palace and change my clothes before I go to Meridian Gate to find you!"

Xuan Ye nodded, then strode away, Wu Ya returned to the Yonghe Palace alone, lonely, Jinse welcomed her in, she hugged Jinse's waist tightly and refused to let go: "Jinse, don't come out again. What an accident, Si Zhu and Yun Xiao have left the Yonghe Palace, I only have you left!"

Wu Ya is as fragile as a porcelain doll, as if it would shatter when touched, and Jinse also knew how sad the master is now, so she could only coax her softly: "Master, don't worry, Master Cheng and Young Master Yun will come back, we Yonghe Gong is always a family!"

Wu Ya regained her mood before she changed into Xiaozhuzi's clothes and headed for the Meridian Gate.

Wu Ya bit her lip, looked up at the blue sky above her head, she had to be calm and strong, only then could she wait until Yun Xiao and Si Zhu came back!Wu Ya sighed heavily, and then quickly ran to Xuan Ye's side, quietly looking at the several men who were bound by five flowers at the gate of Wuhua, she could name several of them, after all, she has come to this step!

"Dog thief, if you want to kill or kill, please do as you please, stop putting on airs with us!" A bearded man was yelling on the ground, looking at the emperor of the Qing Dynasty with a dissatisfied expression on his face.

"Chen Jiadong, you are the bandit leader of the Tiandihui. I only ask you, are you willing to obey Zhaoan and serve the Qing Dynasty?" Xuan Ye said calmly. This was the last time he asked him. Sad, maybe he had already withdrawn these people and beheaded them.

Chen Jiadong sneered: "You killed my father, how could I work for my father-killing enemy?"

"It was Feng Xifan who killed Chen Jinnan, you foolish people who pledged their allegiance to the traitorous party! It wasn't me!" Xuan Ye's eyes widened. Are these people fools? They can't even tell friends from enemies. They deserve to be here today. this step!Xuan Ye looked back at De'er, and then said coldly: "Put everyone in the clan mansion, and beheaded after autumn!"

Wu Ya trembled, and looked at Xuan Ye's profile in disbelief.

Seeing everyone being escorted away, Wu Ya grabbed Xuan Ye's sleeve: "How can you execute him? What do you want Yun Xiao to do? She..." Wu Ya choked up when she thought of Yun Xiao's possible appearance.

"The execution will be executed after autumn. Everything will turn around. I will discuss the conditions with Chen Jiadong alone to see whether he cares about his hatred that was originally pointed at the wrong target, or whether he cares about the mother and child who are waiting for him to take care of now." !"

Wu Ya pursed her lips and remained silent, before raising her head and asking him after a while: "Will he choose to give up anti-Qing for Yunxiao's mother and son? If you were him, would you?"

Xuan Ye reached out and hugged her tightly: "If you are really in danger, I am willing to trade my throne for you! Your safety is something I will never give up!"

Wu Ya pursed her lips and nodded: "I will protect myself!"

The sun was sinking to the west, casting people's shadows so long that they seemed to extend to the end of the road.Wu Ya rubbed her shoulders and walked towards Yonghe Palace. She had experienced so many things this day, as if she was going to drain all her energy.Wu Ya was thinking about how she could meet Yun Xiao and how she could prevent her from doing stupid things. She didn't notice the danger lurking around her.

A pair of eyes full of sensuality stared at her and followed her all the way, until there was no one around, and then rushed over, dragged her into a corner, and pressed her hard into the corner.

Before Wu Ya could react, she was pushed into a corner by an eunuch. Wu Ya came back to her senses and looked at the eunuch with high male hormones in front of her. Isn't this the eunuch I saw in Yikun Palace just this morning?Wu Ya could feel the oppression under him, this man is a real man, not a eunuch at all!
Wu Ya's eyes widened: "You dog slave, do you know who I am!"

"Empress Defei, is it possible that I will become a little eunuch? Come on, Empress Defei, I miss you so much, let me smell you!" Wu He's face was full of love, and he couldn't help but say that he was like a dog. He leaned towards her body like a baby, which made Wu Ya feel sick. Wu Ya pushed him away with all his strength, not allowing him to approach.

"Slave dog, it's time for me to make up my mind, so I'm not afraid that I will chop you off!" Wu Ya glared angrily, this guy is really daring, how dare he stretch out his salty pig's hand to her?
"You were the one who kept winking during the day, and now you're pretending to be a chaste woman. She's just a prodigal bitch. Don't worry, I can satisfy all your needs!" Wu He relied on his own strength. The man was so strong that he bound her tightly, refusing to let go at all.

"Wait a minute!" Wu Ya's eyes rolled slightly, "I'm a lady after all, how can I fight a field battle with you here! You come to Yonghe Palace at night, we can stay together all night!" Wu Ya's winking eyes were slightly confused, and she directed at him A charming light flashed, Wu He had never seen such a battle before, he was so fascinated at that time, he couldn't think of any problems at all.

"Good man, don't lie to me!" Wu He hugged her tightly.

"Of course I won't lie to you! I'm still waiting for you to release all my wanderlust!" Wu Ya took out a handkerchief, "Hold it, rely on it at midnight, the little eunuch will let you in, I'm leaving, don't follow me!" Come here, be careful not to be misunderstood!" Wu Ya took advantage of the time when he was grabbing the handkerchief and pulled away, took a few steps to escape the danger.

Wu Ya ran back to the Yonghe Palace as fast as she could, and seeing the gate of the Yonghe Palace closed tightly, tears of grievance burst out of her eyes.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Jinse gently held the master's arm, and found that her whole body was trembling, and suddenly panicked, "Master, what's the matter with you?"

Wu Ya choked with sobs, and shook her head at Jinse, "I'm fine, I escaped! Tonight... we're going to catch the turtle in the urn!"

Wu Ya settled down, and then commanded the entire Yonghe Palace to enter a state of strict preparations. The little six went to Qianqing Palace and told the emperor what happened. When Xuan Ye learned about it, he immediately became furious. Even dismantling it into pieces was not enough to appease his anger!
(End of this chapter)

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