Chapter 222 Elder Brother (2)
The interrogation room was so quiet that only the sound of his own heartbeat could be heard, Wu Ya was actually more nervous than his own affairs, as if after waiting for too long, Chen Jiadong nodded heavily: "Okay, I give up fighting the Qing Dynasty, I want to take Yun Xiao away !"

Xuan Ye raised his eyes and looked into Chen Jiadong's eyes, and it was exactly as he expected, the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes always have that constant love for their children!Xuan Ye nodded: "Well, after Yun Xiao gives birth, I will set you free!"

"Sister Wu Ya!" Chen Jiadong opened his mouth, looking into Wu Ya's eyes, "You will take good care of my child and Yun Xiao's and prevent him from being hurt, right?"

Wu Ya pursed her lips and nodded heavily: "It must be treated as my own!"

Wu Ya relayed everything about the Clan Mansion to Yun Xiao who was lying on the bed and conceived: "Yun Xiao, I'm sorry, I can't ask Xuan Ye to return both of you to Chen Jiadong. Xuan Ye is right, he really needs Only when there are hostages can Chen Jiadong be kept honest! So..."

Yun Xiao smiled slightly: "Sister, this is already the best ending I can think of, don't blame yourself anymore, I am very relieved to leave the child to you, sister, it is very happy to be able to go back to the mountains with the person you like Is it right?" Yun Xiao had a wry smile recently, but she still couldn't help the tears streaming down, Yun Xiao choked up and said, "Sister, Yun Xiao can't bear you and the Palace of Eternal Peace!"

"Silly girl!" Wu Ya also choked up, "Elder sister can't bear you either!" Wu Ya cried a little uncomfortably, and retched uncontrollably, Yun Xiao frowned: "Sister, you..."

Wu Ya was also a little flustered, she reached out to feel her pulse, and sure enough, she was pregnant again!Yun Xiao burst into tears and smiled: "My sister can't let go of anything, and Yun Xiao's sister also joined in the fun after giving birth! It just so happens that the two of them grew up together, so they won't be alone anymore!"

Two pregnant women suddenly appeared in the Yonghe Palace, and the servants of the Yonghe Palace entered the state of full preparation, serving the two masters every day, and the days passed quickly.

Concubine Ding, who was touched by Wu He, gave birth to a son at the end of the year, and soon after the beginning of the year, Yun Xiao also began to prepare for childbirth.Yun Xiao grabbed Wu Ya's hand nervously every day, and couldn't restrain the tension and excitement in her heart. For the first time, she knew that being a mother was such an indescribable feeling.

When Si Zhu came back from the infirmary, it was just in time for Yun Xiao to give birth, Yun Xiao's shouts could be heard almost everywhere in Yonghe Palace, Si Zhu held Wu Ya's hand tightly: "Sister!"

Wu Ya sighed, and leaned her head on Si Zhu's shoulder: "This is a process that every woman must go through. In my impression, Yun Xiao is still the little girl who can't speak, and she will do it after all. Got a woman!"

After all, Yun Xiao gave birth to a son smoothly, and Wu Ya put the cleaned and fat boy beside Yun Xiao: "Yun Xiao, the child looks exactly like you, and he will definitely be a beautiful man who will fascinate thousands of girls in the future !"

Yun Xiao smiled weakly: "Sister made fun of Yun Xiao again!"

Wu Ya put the child in her arms: "Talk to him! I won't disturb the time when your mother and child get together!"

Wu Ya walked out of the delivery room before asking Xuan Ye: "Xuan Ye, what are you going to do with Yun Xiao's child?"

Xuan Ye smiled slightly: "Yun Xiao is my constant presence in name, and her child is naturally my thirteenth elder brother! You shouldn't object, right?"

Thirteen?Wu Ya's eyes widened. Is Yunxiao's child Brother Thirteen?Is it Thirteen who was born and died with Zhen'er?Wu Ya bit her lip and nodded: "Brother Thirteen, very good!"

Xuan Ye pulled Wu Ya closer to him, let her sit on his lap, and reached out to touch her belly: "In two or three months, you will give birth too? I am a little worried, will you still have a difficult labor?" gone?"

Wu Ya smiled bitterly: "Why can't I see that you are worried, if you are really afraid of my dystocia, why would you sow seeds here? If it wasn't for satisfying your desires, why would I have to suffer like this!"

Xuan Ye pinched her smug little nose: "You are such a good-looking little guy who got cheap, didn't you also enjoy it when I planted the seeds?"

"Long Live Lord, Lord Longkodo please see me!" Li Dequan walked over respectfully and passed on the message.

"Xuan!" Xuan Ye looked back at De'er. De'er's eyes were full of confusion. Recently, her thoughts were on Yunxiao's mother and son. Come, it must be for this matter!

"Long Live Lord, I ask you to send troops to Yaksa, and I will not take back the lost land, and I swear not to return to the court!" Longkodo frowned. He had missed the last chance to fight Tsarist Russia last time, and he would not give up no matter what This time!
"Have you discussed it with your Ama?" Xuan Ye sighed, this stubborn Long Kedo, it seems that this time is inevitable!
"Yes, Ama can't beat me, and she has already acquiesced! Wu Ya once said that Ama didn't agree with me because I had nothing to do. Now that I have two sons, he has no reason to object!" Longkodo Frowning tightly, he has already decided to go to war, this time, he must use his own strength to create a world!

Xuan Ye nodded: "Okay, I allow you to go to Yaksa with the army!"

Wu Ya pursed her lips and listened to the conversation between the two. Only then did she know that Tsarist Russia took over Yaksa again. Longkodo is bound to win this time, right?Wu Ya remembered that Xuan Ye had conquered Yaksa in person, and it seemed that Longkodo's battle must have been difficult!Wu Ya sighed, and walked to Longkodo: "Longkodo, you have to pay attention to your own safety! Do you understand?"

Longkodo nodded: "I know!"

Rong Ruo was sick at home, Long Ke sent more troops to Yakesa, Cao Yin was appointed as Jiangnan weaving, and Ma Qi was appointed as the governor of Liangjiang. These friends around Wu Ya disappeared all of a sudden. I remember how everyone went out of the palace to play and bicker together in the Qianqing Palace, but in an instant, they all went their separate ways.

Fortunately, the stupid goose still stayed in the palace, and the officials became higher and higher. Almost everyone knew that Liu Shengfang was the most skilled person in the Taiyuan Hospital. The medical skills of Liu Shengfang brought back are far superior to his.

"Stupid goose, you are trapped in this Qianqing Palace every day, are you happy?" Wu Ya sat on a chair chatting with Liu Shengfang with her stomach upright. He is not young, but he has never married. normal.

(End of this chapter)

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