Kangxi's mad favorite escaped concubine

Chapter 224: Going out of the palace and causing trouble

Chapter 224: Going out of the palace and causing trouble (1)
Wu Ya stroked the sticky beard on her chin: "You are the one who insists on following me, so there must be a price, right?"

"You..." Zhen'er pursed her lips and said nothing, forget it, you can dress up as a man, as long as you can go out of the palace to play, you can do anything!And... Zhen'er's eyes are rolling, he still has a place to go!

Liu Shengfang looked at the confronting mother and son with a little embarrassment. He couldn't understand it. The fourth elder brother looked steady and precocious in front of everyone. It is also excellent two points, which shows that it is so stable.But facing Wu Ya, he always looked like a ghost.

Zhen'er stopped arguing with Er Niang, turned around and jumped away, Wu Ya looked at Zhen'er's back, curled her lips: "I don't know where I went crazy again!"

"Could he still be crazy than his mother?" Liu Shengfang sighed slightly and shook his head.

"Stupid goose!" Wu Ya was annoyed, and after holding it back for a long time, she snorted softly, "Well, he's crazy and can't beat me!"

Wu Ya's guess was right, but within a short while, Zhen'er disappeared without a trace.Liu Shengfang was a little worried: "Wu Ya, brother Si is gone, why don't you go look for it?"

"Don't worry, Zhen'er is up to me, no matter where he goes, he can play happily, don't worry, he will probably come back at night!" Wu Ya smiled slightly, Zhen'er was already eight years old, He understands all his thoughts very well. He understands people's hearts better than her, so she can rest assured that Zhen'er can choose the direction she likes by herself, and she just needs to wait for him to come home.

"Let's go, silly goose, let's go to Dashilan! I miss the pea yellow there very much!" Wu Ya smiled happily at Liu Shengfang. She also knew that she would only stay in the capital for two days. If he hadn't returned to the palace yet, Xuanye would most likely kill him.

So while you still have freedom, you must make a fuss!

Unlike Wu Ya, the fourth elder brother did not go to the downtown area, but walked to the courtyard in the northwest. His companion, Mu Mu, is the son of Fei Yanggu. He finally came out of the palace this time, so he must go He made a fuss there, teased him!
The fourth elder brother knocked on the back door, and an old mother opened the door: "Little girl, who are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for Mu Mu! I'm his little friend, let him come out quickly, or I'll look for your master!" The fourth elder brother rolled his eyes, he naturally couldn't waste his appropriate female attire!

The old mother didn't dare to say anything, if the trouble really came to the master, I'm afraid the young master would be beaten up again, so let's invite the girl in first before making any plans!The old mother invited the girl to the back garden, and hurried to find the young master. Buddha blesses, but don't let the master and wife see it!

Seeing the appearance of the old mother praying and moving her little feet to the yard, the fourth elder brother couldn't help laughing, she is really a stupid old lady, although Mu Mu is three or two years older than him, she is only ten years old, where is she? It's a bit too advanced for a good friend to come to your door!

The fourth elder brother wandered around in the back garden. This garden is not as big as in the Forbidden City, but it is winding and secluded, very elegant. Not far away, he saw a little girl of his age practicing in the pavilion. Guzheng, the girl surrounded by flowers is as smart and well-behaved as a flower fairy. Although she is young, she is very good at playing the piano. The fourth elder brother couldn't help listening to it with a little fascination, and clapped involuntarily after the song was over.

"Who is it?" The little girl stood up and saw that it was a girl of her age, so she felt relieved and approached her with a slight smile, "Who are you? I don't think I've seen you before!"

"I..." Brother Si rolled his eyes, "My name is Zhen'er, and I'm Mu Mu's good friend. Who are you?"

"My name is Mulan, and I'm Mumu's younger sister! Have you known your brother for a long time? Why haven't you heard from him?" Mulan's eyes were bright, and she was slightly surprised, looking at the person in front of her with a refined demeanor. girl.

"Who is looking for me?" Mu Mu searched for a long time, only to see a girl talking to Mulan beside the pavilion, dare someone pretend to be his little friend, let's see how he will deal with this wild girl!Mu Mu patted the girl on the shoulder with his first hand, trying to bring her down, but the fourth elder brother glanced at him, and rolled him under him: "Mu Mu, look clearly, it's me!"

Lying on the ground, Mu Mu saw the face of the fourth elder brother appearing in front of his eyes. For a moment, he didn't know whether to smile: "Um... you... why are you here?" Mu Mu stood up with a look of embarrassment.

"Let's come and see you!" The fourth elder brother cast a wink at him, and Lei De Mumu was at a loss, "Why, Mu Mu, you don't want Zhen'er anymore?"

Mulan's big eyes flashed, and she looked at this fun-looking older sister: "My brother's friends are my Mulan's friends! You can come and play with us anytime in the future!"

"Okay, one word is... hey!" Before the fourth elder brother finished speaking, he was dragged aside by Mu Mu and asked in a low voice: "Si elder brother, what are you going to do, are you interested in my sister?"

"You are so sensitive, you are all friends, I just cherish my talent!"

Mulan tilted her head and looked at her brother and the girl biting their ears together, she couldn't help but smile a little, this sister is really interesting, even such an arrogant brother can hold back, it seems that she should be a very worthwhile friend friend.

On such a sunny afternoon, several young children met in such a disordered relationship. Although it was short, it laid the foundation for a story that will last for too long.

In the big fence, Xuan Ye, who was dressed in casual clothes, was also dragging Su'er around to look for De'er's traces. This woman who is afraid of chaos in the world has gone crazy again!
"Huang Ama, there, Erniang!" Shu'er pointed slightly with her chubby hand, and Xuan Ye really saw De'er following a woman looking at the rouge and gouache. Xuan Ye was a little surprised, the woman beside her was who?Xi'er let go of Huang Ama's hand, and rushed directly to hug Er Niang's thigh: "E Niang, Xi'er has caught you!"

"Let go, who is your mother?" Si'er, who was buying rouge, was suddenly hugged by a wild child's legs, and couldn't help being angry, "Whose child is this? Does anyone else want it? "

(End of this chapter)

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