Chapter 226
Wu Ya nodded: "Okay, I got it, you have to find out whether this person is that Wu Ya's Dove!"

It took Xuan Ye a long time to find out about this woman named Si'er. From her birth to her entry into the brothel, he knew it clearly. It was obvious that she was not that Dove, at least, the possibility of being so was very small.Will it be spirit possession?Xuan Ye bit his pen and thought, De'er did not find an identical body when she traveled here, so how could Dove swap her soul to an identical body for no reason?Xuan Ye put things into a straight line, obviously, someone wanted to use Si'er's face to beat De'er!
Xuan Ye's face suddenly became stern, and he would not let anyone who dared to play De'er's idea!
Xuan Ye frowned, thought for a while, and decided to call Long Kedo back. If he got the news that the emperor hurt his family on the battlefield, he would definitely not feel comfortable. Xuan Ye didn't want to be such a villain behind his back , It is better to explain clearly to Longkodo face to face, and then do it!

In a blink of an eye, it was the fourth elder brother's eighth birthday. Wu Ya was watching the little eunuch sweeping the fallen leaves in the yard when she heard a plop coming from the door. Elder Brother started to line up until the tenth elder brother who was just three years old. Except for the "sixth elder brother" who died young, the other nine brothers stood on the ground from the oldest to the youngest, all looking at each other with longing little eyes. Looking at her, Wu Ya raised her eyebrows, what kind of battle is this?
"Er Niang..." The fourth elder brother acted like a baby at Er Niang, "Today is Zhen'er's birthday, why don't you hold me a birthday party or something?"

Wu Ya raised her eyebrows, looking at the three-year-old Elder Brother Shi who just stared at her drooling, no need to ask, it must be that Zhen'er is promoting the cake that he has always dreamed of since he was a child to these gluttons again!Wu Ya curled her lips: "You guys can shine shoes! Look at you brothers, you are so promising? If you want to eat cakes, you can do it. Let me recite "The Analects of Confucius" and listen to it!"

"Zi said: Only mothers are good in the world. A child with a mother is like a treasure. If you put it in your mother's arms, you will not be able to enjoy happiness!" Zhen'er smiled extremely harmlessly, flattering my mother, there should be no one who cares more than him okay.

"What!" Wu Ya hugged Zhen'er's drip head and kissed her in the extreme disregard of her image, "I gave birth to it after all, so follow me!"

The fifth elder brother looked different, and tugged at the skirt of the eighth elder brother beside him: "There is no such article in "The Analects of Confucius?"

"That's what our Tokuko said!" Hu'er also had a smile on her face, hum, fourth brother is too childish, Er Niang has been teaching them to sing "Listen to Mommy" recently, okay?
"Dezi?" The fifth elder brother scratched the back of his head. He hadn't heard of Dezi?

Wu Ya made a huge cake and divided it among the children. Looking at the innocent eyes of these children, Wu Ya was a little dazed. It would be great if the time could be fixed at this moment. No disputes over the throne, no gang entanglements, simple and happy, is the most beautiful thing in the world.

From the corner of her eyes, Wu Ya caught a glimpse of Zhen'er hiding something in her arms, and she couldn't help becoming curious, and moved to his side to look up and down: "What are you doing? What are you hiding?"

"Er Niang..." Zhen'er looked confused, but he was used to telling Er Niang frankly, so he didn't hide it from her, "I left a piece of cake, and I want to send it outside the palace with two friends Share!" Zhen'er pursed her lips, looked at Er Niang's expression, and gave away the cake that Er Niang made for their brothers without Er Niang's consent, wouldn't it be too good?
"Friends outside the palace?" Wu Ya pursed her lips and smiled, Zhen'er has grown up enough to meet the friends she wants to know by herself!Wu Ya smiled gratifiedly, "Okay, save it, Er Niang will make you two more interesting dishes, you can take them together!"

"Thank you, Erniang!" Zhen'er smiled brightly, and rushed forward and hugged Erniang's neck. He always believed that he had the best Erniang in the world. Although he was unreliable at times, he was the best for them. The most considerate mother for children!
All the little elder brothers laughed happily in the Yonghe Palace, no one saw that not far outside the Yonghe Palace, Yu Lian was hiding in the corner with her lips tightly pursed, listening to the laughter in the courtyard.The fourth elder brother obviously belongs to her, she is the mother appointed by the emperor to the fourth elder brother, why does the fourth elder brother see her now as if he is a stranger, and does not know her at all!Did she take all the trouble to drag the fourth elder brother until he was over two years old, just to give it back to Concubine De?
Yu Lian was not convinced, Concubine De was favored by the emperor, and also her fourth elder brother forever, why is there no one in this world who can bring her down?She didn't believe that no matter how many times she failed, she would eventually succeed one day. She must find a way so that Concubine De would never recover!
"How is that woman called Si'er preparing?" Yu Lian pursed her lips, she wanted to make Xuan Ye feel that this Concubine De is a fake at all, and that Si'er is the real Concubine De, who he has always been A woman who is thinking about it!Yu Lian sneered, Si'er had a face exactly like Concubine De's, since Longkodo found such good chess pieces, how could she not make good use of them?

The maid beside Yu Lian lowered her head and replied: "Master, Miss Si'er said that she has memorized everything you said, so there shouldn't be any problems!"

"Should? What should be? She must have no problems at all, absolutely!" Yu Lian shook her sleeves and left. This time, she had to do it herself!
This year's winter came very early, the leaves on the trees had just fallen, and the first snow of winter came overwhelmingly. Wu Ya was yawning boredly as she watched the flying snow outside with a hand stove in her fur fur.

"Master, just now a little eunuch came to send word that Lord Long Live is waiting for you to enjoy the snow scene together in the imperial garden!" Jinse also took a hand stove and came over to change it for the master.

"Little eunuch?" Wu Ya pondered for a moment, Li Dequan was always used by Xuan Ye to notify him of something, even if Li Dequan really had something to do, it should be a eunuch that Jin Se knew, a little eunuch that Jin Se didn't even recognize, Xuan Ye Ye has always been unbelievable!Wu Ya pursed her lips, she must be on guard!Wu Ya sighed: "You let the little six and the little nine follow me from a distance to see who wants to see me. If you find something unexpected, go directly to Qianqing Palace to find the emperor, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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