Chapter 229
Wu Ya pursed her lips, she was worried, if Longkodo knew what happened today, she didn't know what position she would take.

Not long before the Spring Festival, Longkoduo rushed back to the capital from the front line, and learned that his sister and his concubine had teamed up to frame Wu Ya. Longkoduo also found it hard to accept, why did they insist on giving him such a Difficult multiple choice questions?
Wu Ya bit her lip and stood behind Xuan Ye, seeing Long Kedo kneeling in the middle of the hall pleading guilty in a dusty appearance, and felt a little embarrassed for him. On the one hand, Yu Lian and Si'er were both his family members, and it was him The inseparable family affection, on the other hand, Xuan Ye and herself are his monarch and friends, and it is his loyalty and friendship that cannot be ignored. These two forces have always troubled Longkodo, and even Wu Ya finds it difficult to make a choice .

"Longkodo, what do you think of the crimes committed by your eldest sister and concubine?" Xuan Ye kept a serious face.

"As a man in the family, I can't shirk the blame and should be blamed!" Long Kedo looked guilty, he could see the scars on Wu Ya's face that had just scabbed over, even though he was far away, it was still shocking, He couldn't blame his sister, but at least he shouldn't have brought Si'er into the house in the first place, maybe what happened today would not have happened.

"I lowered you to two ranks, and I will serve as the deputy commander of the inner guards. From today onwards, I will serve in the palace and be responsible for safeguarding the safety of the Forbidden City!" Xuan Ye didn't really want him to be punished much, he knew it very well, even if the whole Tong Jia's family all stood up against De'er, and he, Long Kedo, would not participate in it.

"But Yaksa..." Longkodo frowned. The battle on the front line had just begun, and he hadn't seen a turning point yet. How could he just come back like this?
"I have my own opinion! This is punishment, and there is still bargaining?" Xuan Ye frowned, and got up with a flick of his sleeves, "De'er, I go to the study, and you talk to Long Ke, if you have revenge, you have revenge!" Xuan Ye sighed. , got up and left, leaving the main hall empty.

Wu Ya walked down the steps and smiled at Longkodo: "You haven't fulfilled your dream of being a hero yet! Does it take too long!"

"Wu Ya..." Long Kedo frowned, "I'm sorry, the woman I brought back such a bad thing dares to covet your position..."

"You don't know what she thinks! And... don't drive Si'er away, maybe I will use her in the future!" Wu Ya raised her eyes and looked into Longkodo's eyes.

"Useful?" Long Kedo looked unbelievable, such a woman with evil intentions, Wu Ya is still useful?Long Ke looked at Wu Ya for a while, knowing that she would not answer his question, so he nodded: "Okay, I will keep an eye on her!"

Wu Ya patted him on the shoulder: "Don't look so weak, you will protect the safety of our entire harem in the future, be strong!" Wu Ya bent her arms, making a strong look.

Longkoduo nodded: "Okay, I will. Brother Rong Ruo will have his anniversary the day after tomorrow, are you going?"

Wu Ya frowned: "What anniversary?"

"Anniversary festival! When Rong Ruo went, you and Yun Xiao were both expecting to give birth, so we didn't dare to tell you. Didn't Long live God tell you until now?" Long Kedo's eyes widened, as if he was saying something well-known things.

Wu Ya only felt a pain in her heart, and her steps faltered a little. She didn't even see Rong Ruo's last side, and even almost missed his anniversary?Wu Ya couldn't help complaining about Xuan Ye's concealment, and pushed Long Kedo away and ran to the study: "Xuan Ye! Xuan Ye!"

Xuan Ye raised his eyes and saw De'er's face full of admiration, he was a little surprised: "What happened?"

"Brother Rong Ruo...has been there for a whole year?" Wu Ya's eyes were filled with tears, and she looked at Xuan Ye in disbelief, "Why...why did you keep it from me? Am I not Brother Rong Ruo's friend?"

"This not what you think, in fact..." Xuan Ye sighed, "I just don't want you to worry about it! After all, you were still pregnant at the time, I didn't expect that it would take a whole year!"

"Sister Qianmo knows?" Wu Ya raised her eyes, suppressing the resentment in her heart.

"Concubine Hui knew about it a long time ago!" Xuan Ye nodded, it was impossible to hide this matter from her.

"So, all of you are hiding from me alone? Could it be... Is it only me who is an outsider? I..." Wu Ya bit her lip, not knowing how to express her dissatisfaction for a moment.Why did the person she believed so much hide one thing for so long?
"De'er!" Xuan Ye walked over and hugged her, "It's not what you thought, you listen to me to explain to you, this matter is not that simple!" Xuan Ye pulled De'er to sit on the chair before sighing He said in a tone: "Rong Ruo didn't die, he just faked his death. He was tired of the official life and retired to the mountains and forests! Only Zhen and Concubine Hui knew about his fake death, not even his Ama Erniang, so, I I never knew whether I should tell you or not!" De'er should understand Rong Ruo's character, he has been tired of the court for too many years, and he decided to do this because of this illness.

"Retiring to the mountains? Then why didn't you bring Sister Qianmo with you?" Wu Ya's eyes widened. This matter sounds so strange no matter what!
"Concubine Hui doesn't want to!" Xuan Ye sighed, "She said she was a puppet left by the Nalan family in the palace. If she let her go, the Nalan family would definitely send another innocent girl into the palace. Be like this all the time, anyway, I'm used to it!"

Wu Ya frowned, must elder sister Qianmo be so submissive?Doesn't she know how to fight for it?Wu Ya was a little confused: "Then... shall we go to Nalan Mansion the day after tomorrow?"

"I will go, I still have some accounts to settle with Mingzhu!" Xuan Ye's eyes showed some killing intent, Wu Ya knew that it must be a matter for the court again, so she sighed heavily: " Then I won't go, let me pretend to pay homage to someone who didn't die, it's too tiring!"

Xuan Ye rubbed her head: "Okay, you can stay with Concubine Hui in the palace. After I really decide to have a showdown with Mingzhu, I will let Concubine Hui find Rong Ruo!"

Wu Ya returned to the palace with a sigh, another year, why did the days go by so quickly?

"Er Niang!" When the three-year-old Jiu Gege was most clingy and talkative, when he saw Er Niang coming back, he rushed towards him, "The fourth brother and the eighth brother will not take me to play!" Jiu Gege pouted his mouth full Oil cans can be hung.

(End of this chapter)

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