Chapter 49
"Sacred tree, it's really been a long time." Otsuki Yuyi stood at the root of the sacred tree with a black cane in his hand, and sighed as he looked at this huge sacred tree. It was because his mother was sealed into it by himself. In the moon, he can still feel that his mother is constantly impacting the seal in the seal and wants to come out.

But it's a pity that her resistance is getting weaker and weaker. She will fall into a deep sleep in a short time. The mother who ate the fruit is not something she can kill herself. Maybe someone will be able to kill her in the future. Let her be relieved at that time. .

He looked around, and when he sensed it before, he found that there were no other intelligent life here except for a few toads in the pond not far away.

"Toad? Who is it?" Yuyi asked looking in the direction of the pond.

"A toad of the toad family has never seen a sage of the Six Paths." Today's Datongmu Yuyi is not a simple character. After all, he is still the one who saved the world, and he has learned the art of immortality. His status is not bad compared to the immortals in the three holy places. Yes, so Toad Mo bowed his head respectfully out of gratitude and respect for him.

"Toad Mo, hello, I will take back the sacred tree later, there may be a lot of movement, so you need to leave first, otherwise it is easy to accidentally hurt you." Otsutsuki Yuyi is not so resistant to Miaomu Mountain now. , when Hamowan found him, he could feel sincerity, and he could also guess some things, such as fairy charms and fairy arts...

Toad Mo immediately returned to Mount Miaomu with a few other toads. Yuyi watched the left toads come back and began to recover the sacred tree.

Chakra broke out and Yuyi began to communicate with the sacred tree with the eyes of reincarnation. The huge sacred tree trembled continuously, until more than ten seconds later it began to twist and shrink towards the center, and the sacred tree turned into a huge group of Chakraki It began to infuse it into Yuyi's body.

During this period, because of the injection of the sacred tree, Yuyi burst out a huge chakra and radiated towards the surroundings, pushing out the surrounding forest continuously, just like the future Penn invaded Konoha, Yuyi did not expect such a Huge, fortunately let the toad go back before.

It took nearly 5 minutes to fully absorb the sacred tree into the body. Feeling the huge chakra feathers in the body also felt that he was invincible for a while, but he who had already enlightened would not be addicted to it, but really began to divide the ten tails .

The controlled sacred tree is calm, but the ten tails that have turned into a chakra collection are very violent. The ten tails only have endless desires to devour, so Yuyi can clearly feel the violent and evil soul in his body.

Controlling his own power, he directly divided this soul into nine parts. To his surprise, the divided soul became nine independent souls under the control of his reincarnation eyes. It seemed that consciousness had not yet been born, so he suddenly I want the power of the sacred tree to help human beings who still have some difficulties in life.

He also divided the ten-tailed chakra into nine parts and injected them into the nine souls, and then used the eyes of reincarnation to shape the bodies of the nine unformed tailed beasts.

Since then, the nine tailed beasts have been born, but now they are just nine green gouyu, and Yuyi also smiled slightly when he saw the nine cute little things reflected in the gouyu.

"The art of psychic!"


A toad was psychicized by Yuyi, and seeing the toad Yuyi that really appeared in front of him was both surprised and sighed. I didn't expect that the technique I got from Miaomu Mountain before could really psychic out the toad of the toad family.

"Huh? Hagoromo?" Hamomaru was originally cultivating, but suddenly the surrounding environment changed. He looked at Otsutsuki Hagoromo standing in front of him and asked suspiciously.

"Hamawan, it's been a long time. I didn't expect you to grow so big." Looking at the big toad Yuyi who was taller than him in front of him, he said with a smile, his original partner has also grown up.

"Hahaha, of course, I am the next generation of the Great Immortal Toad, so I will naturally grow up." Hamamaru was also a little happy after not seeing his partner for a long time, and said jokingly to Yuyi .

"So, what do you want me to do?"

"Oh, by the way, there are three things. One is to try this technique to see if it is really useful. The second is to let you tell the immortals of the three holy places that I have already recovered the words of the sacred tree. The third is that I will The sacred tree was divided into nine parts, and I used these nine parts of chakra to create nine little lives, and I want to use them to help the world after they grow up." Only then did Yuyi remember the matter of summoning the toad, yes Said while holding Hama Wan.

"Huh? Nine little lives. Since it's you, it's fine. Why would you want to create them?" Hamomaru asked Yuyi suspiciously. To create nine lives to protect the world.

"Hehehe, I am not the kind of life that my mother can eat chakra fruit to have an immortal body. I can feel that my lifespan is being consumed continuously. My lifespan is running out, but compared to the ordinary life in the Warring States Period People can live a long life, hahaha." Yuyi said jokingly with a big laugh.

"What are you talking about? You are only in your 40s now, and your son is only an adult. I really don't understand why you would think that you will die." Yu Yi, who is still a middle-aged man, will think about what will happen after his death.

Yuyi shook his head with a smile and didn't explain much. After chatting with his old friend for a while, Tomamaru returned to Mount Miaogi, and Yuyi himself flew in the direction of Ninja, and now Ninzong is getting stronger It made him very gratified, but at the same time he had to face many problems.

Among them are his two sons. Indra is talented, but he is self-willed and despises the weak. Asura is not talented but gentle. The son is what I need to consider now.

Indra inherited his own eyes, and Asura, though not obvious, also inherited his immortal body. If I pass the power of Yang Dun to him in the future, I will be able to open the immortal body, and the immortal body is very suitable for practicing immortal arts. At that time, I really don't know which of the two children is stronger or weaker.

Yuexin, who was far away in Hope City, felt it because of the chakra explosion when Yuyi began to collect the sacred tree, but he did not take the risk to check it. Although he is now stronger than Yuyi, he still hangs on for the future. Bar.

After receiving the news from the Slug Great Immortal that Yuyi had completed recycling and created nine lives, Yuexin smiled, hey, the backhand left by him worked, because he was not collected by Yuyi after the battle Therefore, Yuexin was not sure whether Yuyi would create tailed beasts, so he kept some tricks in the sacred tree.

Once the chakra of the sacred tree touches the reincarnation eye, it will erase ten tails' consciousness and divide it into nine pure souls. He doesn't believe that Yuyi will have no idea when he sees nine such pure nine souls. Now it seems If there were no accidents, and the nine tailed beasts were born, then Ninzong himself would also start to intervene.

"Come here." Yue Xin said lightly, and in an instant a staff member from Master House appeared behind Yue Xin.

"Notify the Yokota family who was placed in the Ninja sect to start revealing the information of the twelve seals to Indra little by little, guide him to learn and create the twelve seals, and then publicize Indra's achievements in the Ninja sect, At the same time, repel Asura."

"Yes!" After this person wrote it down, he disappeared with Yue Xin waving his hand.

"I've already created the environment for you, so Heijue, it's up to you next, whether you can let Indra expose the kaleidoscope Sharingan because of love and hatred, you can figure it out yourself." Yue Xin Standing alone on the top floor of Wanshiwu and taking a sip of tea, he muttered in a low voice.

There is no doubt that the Otsutsuki clan is powerful. If you want to defeat the Otsutsuki clan here in the ninja world, you can only start in terms of combat ability. Ninjutsu that blooms with a hundred flowers, various magical sealing techniques, and strange blood successors and secrets These are all effective means to fight against the Otsutsuki clan in the future.

Little do they know that in the future, the big tube wooden peach pose will be covered with an invisible ball, and then beaten by Ming Zuo, and finally died in the hands of the ball. It is really frustrating.

As early as half a month ago, when Yuyi was slowly rushing towards this side, he sensed that Heijue was going in the direction of Ninzong. Arranged a lot of things to do, just to let Yuyi go back slowly, so that the two brothers Hei Absolute can start.

"Then, Hei Jue, let me see how far you can go. Whether the plot is exciting or not depends on you as the director." Tea.

"Uncle! Help me!" Just as Yuexin was about to take a couple of sips of tea and feel happy, a rash young man broke in and knocked Yuexin's coffee table away.

Yue Xin watched his beloved teapot fly away and immediately got up to catch it. This was a gift given to him by You Zi two years ago, and he cherished it.

"You kid, what are you doing so recklessly, the sky is falling?" Yuexin glared at Yosuke angrily while rubbing the teapot, and then sat back on the recliner in relief, completely ignoring the flustered Yosuke Yokota.

"No, uncle, my mother is going to kill me!" Yang Jie leaned over to Yue Xin's side and said anxiously, Yue Xin also heard an angry shout from the wanderer downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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