Chapter 101 (one hundred and one)

Then he thought to himself, if he breaks into Beigou this time, his greed will rise, wondering if all the unfinished uses of the formation will be revealed?In other words, can I return safely from Beigou?

Just thinking about the astonishing tomato fields in the valley in the middle of the valley makes Yu Yu's hairs stand on end.

Yu Yu is extremely thankful that she is not like the elder sister, because she has a personality that does not leave when she encounters some rare spiritual plants.She has always listened to the master's words. The master said that everything in the world grows sometimes, and you should harvest the right things at the right time, and don't kill them all. Whether it's catching spirit beasts or picking spirit plants, only take what you need, but don't ask for too much.

Every life in the world is limited, and if you extract too much, you will always be punished.

In the past, when Yu Yu met Lingzhi in Qingyan Mountain, he also took some of them and kept some of them to let them continue to take root and sprout. But at that time, it was not because he was afraid of the retribution Master said, but because he simply felt that he didn't need so much, and it was a waste of energy to take it back. .

And last night and the night before last night when I dug out the elixir and spiritual plants in Beigou, I only picked some needed ones. One reason was that there were some things on Yingling Ridge, so I didn't need to go so far to bring more back.The second is that the physique of ordinary people cannot bear the effect of such a high-year medicine, and it is useless to use it.

Yu Yu was never afraid of retribution, but at this moment she was extremely grateful that she had followed Master's teachings and formed a good habit.

If not, I'm afraid that last night, she, Yu Yu, would have to reincarnate and change her name again.

There are quite a lot of things, and it took Yu Yu three or four days to fully plant them.

After taking care of these things, Yu Yu discovered that the spirit bees had a queen bee, so she tamed her and made the group of spirit bees settle down in Duyingling.

Spirit bees belong to insects, including the Fengxun spirit silkworm eggs that were brought back from the ball feather seeds brought back the night before. There are two kinds of spirit insects in this Duying Ridge. Although they are not of high rank, there are After the spirit insects, Duying Ridge finally has a few species, and it is more like a fairyland.

After a few days of busy work, Yu Yu took a break and looked at the bright morning glow in the sky. Yu Yu picked some newly acquired spiritual tea, made a pot of tea, and was about to enjoy it for a lifetime.

But I saw Yu Jinhua rushing to Duying Ridge, and said to Yu Yu: "Little Yuer! Little Yuer! Father told you to go home, saying that Master Bai is here."

Yu Yu felt strange, so she asked Yu Jinhua, "Isn't it the day after tomorrow that I will go to Bai's house to study? Why did you come today? This is not the day to collect medicine!"

"Oh, did you forget? Young Master Bai's family came here because of the bastard who came to our house to steal things! Dad told you to go back, you can go down the mountain and go home!" Yu Jinhua stood under the medicine field and shouted towards the cabin. , not approaching the cabin, turned around and went back after shouting.

It wasn't Yu Jinhua who came to remind him, but Yu Yu had been farming and turning the soil these few days, but he had really forgotten Er Liuzi.

So he didn't boil the tea anymore, he just put the tea into a clean bamboo tube, hung it on his body and chased Yu Jinhua home.

It's better to cook this tea at home, just to entertain guests.

As soon as he got home, Yu Yu saw Bai Shaodong's family and Yu Gensheng talking about 'erilots' and 'ermas'. After listening carefully, he realized that no matter whether they were second-raters or second-raters, those who used them behind their backs were all Rejuvenation Pavilion.

"This Huichun Pavilion is a branch of Huichuntang in the capital. Huichuntang and my Xinglin Pavilion have always been at odds. Because of their Huichuntang's dominance of the business in the capital, we Xinglin Pavilion have no choice but to avoid their edge. We only opened one store in the capital. The stores are all opened in places like prefectures and counties. Unexpectedly, Huichuntang bit us and refused to give up. We changed the name and opened a store in a place where we have Xinglin Pavilion.

Originally, our Xinglin Pavilion and their Huichun Hall were friendly in face. Whether it is doing business or opening a medical clinic, we all get rich based on our skills, and we never put these secret rivalries on the bright side.However, after my Bai family made great contributions to the epidemic situation in Lingnan County last time, they couldn't sit still in the Huichun Pavilion, and provoked again and again.

Originally I thought it was just looking for my bad luck at Xinglin Pavilion, but I didn't expect them to let someone touch your house. It was also because I caught the two horses this time, and I was too impatient at once, which made Huichun Pavilion shameless and put this fight The matter has been brought to the table.Speaking of which, you are bothered by doing business with my family. I'm really sorry, Brother Yu! "Bai Shaodong's words were sincere and apologetic.

How could Yu Gensheng accept such an apology?This business is a matter of mutual benefit. The Bai family is fair and has never suffered a loss in terms of money.Besides, people are afraid of being famous and pigs are afraid of being strong. When he agreed to start a business, Yu Gensheng thought about how to deal with it when his family became prosperous and someone was jealous.

"Hey, I can't say that. Doing business is what you want, and there are risks if you benefit from it. What's more, that bastard just came to my house to have a look. Before he had time to do anything, he caught me for a long time. Fight, I think these wicked people will not dare to casually come to my Yu family's door in the future." Yu Gensheng said to Bai Shaodong's family.

The two of them talked about Huichuntang again, and Yu Yu knew that Huichuntang was opened by the Qi family, which was Mr. Qi's Qi family.

The Qi family is also a family of medicine. For generations, some of their family have worked in the Imperial Hospital, and some have been officials in other places. Speaking of which, their strength is comparable to that of the Bai family.

As for the Bai family, to the generation of Bai Shaodong's family, because the old doctor Bai returned from the Imperial Hospital, only one of the younger generation's children can enter the Imperial Hospital, Bai Shaodong's family, but this one is unrestrained and unwilling to go to Beijing go.

Like the old doctor Bai's sons, in the end only Bai Shaodong's family was suppressed by the old doctor Bai to sit in the house, and the others were either engaged in official careers or wandered around outside. None of them wanted to just be a doctor.

That's why the Bai family made great efforts to select smart children from the side branches to teach, but they didn't want the reputation of the Bai family as a medical heir to decline.

The two of them were just finishing talking about Huichun Hall and Qi's family, when Yu Yu's tea was ready, she came in with a teapot to add tea to Yu Gensheng and Bai Shaodong's family.

"Good tea! What kind of tea is this?" Bai Shaodong's family took a sip of the spirit tea that Yu Yu brought back from Beigou, and immediately looked up at Yu Gensheng in surprise, and asked.

Yu Gensheng only knew that Yu Yu had all kinds of strange things bestowed by the gods, but they were all medicinal materials, and he had never seen anything like tea, so he also took a sip of tea curiously.

As soon as the tea was in my mouth, it turned into a warm current and rushed straight to Tianling Gai, I just felt my mind was a bit clearer.Immediately, the fragrance of the tea spread in his mouth, and he felt that wherever the tea went in his abdomen, it was warm and his whole body was incomparably refreshed.

One sip didn't seem to be satisfying enough, Yu Gensheng couldn't help but took another big sip, and exclaimed: "It's good tea!"

Seeing Yu Gensheng like this, Bai Shaodong's family was clearly drinking this tea for the first time, so they became even more curious.

But before he could ask, Yu Yu spoke first, "This is wild tea that my father and I found in the mountains. It's the first time to make this tea today, and I don't know what it's called."

 The second update, the agreed double update, then the double update!

  If this week's recommendation votes are ranked in the top [-] by the week, [-] words will explode on Sunday!

(End of this chapter)

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