Farmhouse Little Fortune

Chapter 110 What a baby

Chapter 110 (110) What a baby (add more updates)

Bai Wu was very bad at arithmetic, so he stood up with a sad face, looked around, but no one told him the answer, and looked at Yu Yu several times, seeing that Yu Yu didn't help him, he stammered and said to Mr. Chen: " Students can't figure out..."

Mr. Chen knew more about Bai Wu's background than Yu Yu, and he was not surprised that Mr. Chen couldn't answer, so Mr. Chen didn't reprimand Bai Wu when he didn't answer, but said softly: "You are about the same age. We are good friends, we should help each other, but some things need to be helped, and some things need to be persuaded instead of blindly protecting. Bai Wu, Yu Yu is not serious in class, and he didn't even hear me, shouldn't you ask me? It’s time to help her with problems, but to remind her to be serious when she’s distracted. Do you understand?”

Bai Wu nodded to show that he knew, and Mr. Chen told him to sit down.

Afterwards, Mr. Chen talked to Yu Yu again, about telling Yu Yu to refrain from arrogance and impetuosity, and to be a down-to-earth person.

Naturally, Yu Yu expressed her earnestness to be taught, but she passed orders to Xiaobai, asking Xiaobai to help her with the class, staring at every word and deed of her husband, and continued to wander in her mind, counting the various ingredients of Zhuyan Cream in her mind portion.

But Mr. Chen didn't know what was going on in Yu Yu's mind. He saw that it was Yu Yu who was staring at the book with eyes full of energy, listening attentively, with a well-behaved appearance.

Involuntarily, Mr. Chen gave Yu Yu a higher evaluation in his heart. A child who is willing to obey the teaching and correct it immediately is a good child!
After the morning class, Yu Yu received a complaint from Xiaobai that she couldn't really hear Mr. Mosquito's sound at the door.

Yu Yu saw that Xiaobai was not willing to attend the class for him, so he took out some yellow-grade pills that he tried to refine at home a few days ago, stuffed three or four pills into Xiaobai's mouth, and made a condition: "If you will help me every day I will listen carefully to the class, and when I find more spiritual plants, I will give you these pills as jelly beans every day in the future, how about it?"

As soon as Xiaobai saw Yu Yu take out the pill bottle, his saliva flowed out. He heard that as long as he attended the class, he would have jelly beans to eat. He didn't dare to complain, so he agreed immediately.

In fact, Xiaobai is just complaining, he is very dependent on Yu Yu, but even if he doesn't know how to do what Yu Yu orders, he always wants to do the best, for fear that Yu Yu will be unhappy and terminate the master-servant contract one day, Leave it alone.

In Xiaobai's heart, Yu Yu is not only his master, but also his parents who have supported him since he was three months old.

So in class in the afternoon, with Xiaobai listening carefully, Yu Yu naturally focused on the prescription.

For a while, I was so fascinated by the research that Yu Yu didn't even know that my husband had already dismissed get out of class.

It wasn't until Bai Ruoqian went to Jidelou to look for Mr. Qi in the afternoon, saw Xiao Bai lying in the yard bathing in the sunset, found that Yu Yu hadn't left yet, and called Yu Yu several times, Yu Yu finally came to his senses.

There are only five students in Mr. Qi's class, and Mr. Qi is not a talkative person, so Yu Yu just held his stack of prescriptions in his hand and read, chanting words while reading.

Anyway, Mr. Qi only cares about the content of his class, and he doesn't care about anything else.

Bai Wu, Bai Yu and Bai Ruochen remembered that the medicinal properties of the medicinal materials were already dying, and they didn't have time to talk about what Yu Yu was doing. After all, Yu Yu was too easy to carry, and they all tensed up when they arrived in Mr. Qi's class. Empty gossip.

Therefore, Yu Yu didn't even know when Bai Ruoqian stood beside him.

Yu Yu was shocked by the sudden appearance of Bai Ruoqian, and Xiao Bai couldn't help sighing secretly: Master has lived with mortals for a long time, and even lost the habit of spreading his spiritual sense to guard against everything.well!My fool master!
But Xiao Bai didn't dare to speak to Yu Yu like this, he only squinted his eyes and glanced at Bai Ruoqian, then continued to lay his head on his lap, enjoying the warmth of the setting sun.

"Brother Bai, are you here to find Mr. Qi?" Yu Yu put away the prescription and the medicine bottle in his hand, while talking to Bai Ruoqian as if nothing had happened.

Bai Ruoqian, on the other hand, deliberately teased Yu Yu and didn't answer. Instead, he went to Yu Yu's hand to look at the prescriptions that Yu Yu had hurriedly put away, "Ha, Xiao Yu'er, you must have been dishonest in class. Caught by me! I will see Uncle Yu tomorrow, so I must have a good chat with him~"

Yu Yu didn't care about it, and even rolled her eyes in her heart, thinking that she wanted to sue or something, so I didn't let you sue.

But he still said with a cheerful smile: "I'm going back to my residence, brother Bai should go if he wants to do anything, and I won't play with you for now."

After speaking, Yu Yu called Xiao Bai, and was about to go back to Jinxiu Hall.

Seeing that Yu Yu was going to leave, Bai Ruoqian stood there for a while, seemed to think of something, and suddenly chased after Yu Yu, saying to Yu Yu: "I remembered that I was going to Xikuayuan too, so let's go together! "

Yu Yu didn't care about having one more person to go with him, but Bai Ruoqian was 'bigger' than him, and the two of them couldn't chat together, so Yu Yu didn't open his mouth to find anything to talk about.

The two of them walked in silence for a while, and seeing that they were about to reach Xikuayuan, Bai Ruoqian suddenly said, "Sister Yu Yu, what kind of treasure is that prescription in your pocket?"

Yu Yu's heart tightened, and she thought to herself: It's not possible, is it?The prescription of the medicine will inevitably lead others to see the clue, she has already replaced the name of the medicine with something else, can this be discovered?
Yu Yu glanced at Bai Ruoqian vigilantly, but Bai Ruoqian smiled when he saw this, "Sure enough, there is a baby! Tell me what kind of baby it is! Maybe we can help each other!"

"What treasure can I have?" Yu Yu laughed dryly and denied it.

Bai Ruoqian smiled even bigger, "Oh, no, forget it. Originally, I planned to open a shop by myself and find a partner, but I haven't decided what kind of shop to open yet. You don't have a treasure , forget it, then we can’t form a partnership. Oh, what a pity, what a pity!”

As soon as Bai Ruoqian said that he wanted to open a shop by himself, Yu Yu also changed his attitude all of a sudden, and quickly asked with a smile, "Brother Bai, do you mean that you don't want your grandmother to know about opening a shop by yourself?"

Bai Ruoqian nodded, "Of course, my own shop is my private property. Naturally, my family doesn't need to interfere with private property."

"Then why did you ask me to cooperate?" Yu Yu continued to ask.

Bai Ruoqian understated, "I thought, if you are young, smart, and capable, you are the most suitable among all the family and friends around you, so I'm looking for you."

Suddenly Bai Ruoqian changed the subject, instead of letting Yu Yu ask endlessly, he started to ask Yu Yu, saying, "Now can you tell me what is in your pocket? I thought you The prescriptions at home must be more than one kind of antipyretics, otherwise your family would not sell the prescriptions so easily. I didn’t expect that I guessed it right. You really have other good things. The pills for curing diseases, My brother-in-law and my grandfather have been researching for several months, but have not researched the formula, so you should know how to make the medicine, right?"

 eighth more
  that's all

  Please recommend tickets, monthly tickets, various tickets and check-in collections~~~
(End of this chapter)

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