Chapter 121 (120 [-]) A thief
Perhaps it was because Xiaobai became more proficient in controlling the beast fire when he grew up, the refining of this sword blank did not take three days and three nights, and the refining was completed in the middle of the third night.

Yu Yu didn't continue to refine it anymore. This crafting is similar to refining medicine. It is an extremely time-consuming and mind-consuming thing. She has limited use of her consciousness now. Yu Yu feels dizzy after controlling her consciousness so finely for so long. Rising, some can't bear it.

When the sword blank was finished, Yu Yu took it into Xiaobai's space, and immediately stopped staying in Yingying Ridge, planning to go home and have a good sleep.

As soon as the seven-ring array was opened, Yu Yu felt that the atmosphere in the village was a bit subtle.

I rushed home to have a look, but I saw that Yujia Village was very noisy, many people were lighting lamps and lighting torches everywhere, there was a lot of battle.

Yu Yu felt something was wrong at the time, and immediately went home to ask what happened.

When I went home and asked, I found out that the old He family was doing something again. She didn't know what happened in the middle of the night. She said that there was a thief at home, and she screamed and woke up Yu Tiesheng and Yu Yunsheng's family next door. .

The second student of Yun Tie was a young man of blood, and when he heard that there was a thief, he immediately lit a torch, shouted loudly, and came to ask.

When I went to Lao He's residence, I found that things were not messed up. Jin Guo'er and Jincao brothers and sisters were also frightened, lying in Lao Yu's arms and crying.

With this quarrel, many people were awakened, and they lit up their lamps and came out to check.

Yu Yu didn't know that she was retreating at Duying Ridge, so when she came out and saw such a scene, she was naturally taken aback.

As soon as the old He family started making trouble, Yu Gensheng went to the new house, so Yu Jinhua was the only one at home.

As soon as Yu Yu came back, before he had time to ask what the village was doing with so many torches, he was surprised by the sudden appearance of several large boxes in the main room.

"What is this?" Yu Yu asked Yu Jinhua.

Yu Jinhua said: "Oh, these, these are all sent by my third cousin yesterday. You are learning from the gods, I don't know. The third cousin came to the house yesterday and brought two carts of things for each of us. A gift, and 100 taels of silver!"

I heard that it was sent by Luo Qin, so I didn't ask any more questions.He delivered two carts of stuff in such a high-profile way, one knows what it was like just thinking about the scene.

Afterwards, Yu Yu briefly asked what was going on in the village, and then he realized that it was the old He family who said there was a thieves.

So Yu Gensheng took Yu Yinhua to see it.Yu Yu was worried, afraid that the old He family would make trouble again, and deliberately found trouble with Yu Gensheng, so she didn't care about rest, and immediately went to the new house.

As soon as you enter the courtyard, it's almost the same as when it was full of people that day. The difference is that it was already dawn that day, but it's still midnight today. There are torches everywhere, and the old He family's new house is the center, illuminated by a piece of fire. .

Yu Yu squeezed into the courtyard and saw Yu Gensheng talking with old He Shi in front of the eaves.

Yu Gensheng asked old He Shi: "When did you realize something was wrong and woke up to see?"

Old He Shi choked, and replied very sadly: "I was thirsty in the middle of the night, and I wanted to drink water, but when I got up, I found that two jars of lard had been placed beside the bed. I put this lard in the kitchen at the beginning of the year. Yes, it was dark, I stepped on lard and fell, but I heard the sound of falling things in the Jinguoer room next door, so I got up and lit the lamp. This is what it is now!"

Yu Yu probed into the house and saw that the house was indeed a mess, the clothes in the closet were torn all over the floor, and the things in the kitchen were also scattered everywhere.Old He’s room was the messiest, only the bedside and wardrobe were messed up in Jinguo’er’s room, but the Golden Grass House was still tidy. It seemed that the thief was very familiar with the layout of Old He’s house, so he could do it. With such precision, even where the old He's lard is placed in the kitchen, I can feel it.

This thief looks like an acquaintance!

As soon as Yu Yu defined "thief", Luo Qin's greasy face first appeared in his mind.

But when I think about Yu Jinhua saying that he sent a lot of things just yesterday, and there are still a few big boxes piled up at home, and he is not short of money and doesn't look down on old He's things, it shouldn't be him.

Moreover, he pretended to be a Taoist priest and gave Lao He's laxatives twice, so he shouldn't even know where Lao He's lard is?

I have lived with the old He family for five years, if it is not for the strong spiritual sense, I am afraid that it would be difficult to think of the place where the old He family hides lard!
If this thief hadn't been very familiar with the old He family, he probably wouldn't have known about it.

Yu Yu continued to walk into the house, and after looking around, she spread her consciousness to scan, and found a person in the wardrobe in the golden grass house.

This thing is interesting!

Yu Yu pretended not to know that there was someone in the Golden Grass House, just like a curious child, looked around, and then came back to the yard.

Because both Jincao and Jinguo were crying so much, Yu Yinhua coaxed them both, but Yu Yinhua is not very good at coaxing people, coaxing people is no different from threatening.

Jin Guo'er knew how to act according to her face, but the four-year-old Jincao was still ignorant. The more Yu Yinhua frightened her, the more she cried.

When Yu Yu wanted to ask the old He family if he had discovered anything, or if he was suspicious, Yu Yinhua seemed to have caught a savior, and dragged Yu Yu to coax Jincao.

Old He Shi was still holding Yu Gensheng's hand and crying, while Old Yu was sitting in the corner helplessly holding the golden fruit and golden grass.

Yu Yu sighed, she doesn't know how to coax children either!
What's more, this big drama has only just begun. If I, a person who sees through everything, don't appreciate it, it will be too boring!

After thinking for a while, Yu Yu took Xiaobai to Jincao's hand, and said to Jinguo'er Jincao, "Don't be afraid, I will ask Xiaobai to protect you and sleep with you tonight. If you still cry, then Never mind."

Jin Guoer Jincao watched Yu Yu play with Xiao Bai, Yu Zhi and Tie Dan many times, her eyes full of envy.

Sure enough, as soon as Jincao's hand touched Xiaobai's soft fur, she slowly stopped crying.

Yu Yu ignored Xiao Bai's crazily complaining in his head, and walked straight to Old He's side.

At this time, old He Shi was saying to Yu Gensheng: "Who am I offending! Killing a thousand swords! Even an old man like me wants to steal a few coffins! Gensheng! Just ask your Yu Yu to come to me!" Let's stay at home for a day! Only your Yu Yu's fate can suppress these unlucky things in my family!"

Yu Yu was amused in her heart, why was old He so obsessed with the fact that he lived in her house?
"Okay, then I'll stay here with you tonight!" Yu Yu readily agreed, and she wanted to see what kind of tricks the old He family could pull off.

But Yu Gensheng frowned when he heard that.

"Little Yu'er! You go home and accompany your eldest sister to watch the house!" Yu Gensheng tensed up all of a sudden, and said to Yu Yu sternly.

Yu Yu stared at the old Mr. He, smiled and comforted Yu Gensheng, "Father, since grandma wants me to stay in the new house for one night, then I will just stay for one night. Will you be here with me soon? The new house can still hide tigers, can it eat me?"

 the third
  late, sorry sorry
  However, Ah Quan, I still have to be cheeky and ask for a recommendation ticket
  good night~~

(End of this chapter)

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