Farmhouse Little Fortune

Chapter 149 Compensation

Chapter 149 (140 Nine) Compensation
At this moment, Yu Meihua also came back cursing, crying while cursing, saying that it was a big New Year's day, just being wronged like this, and so on, Yu Gensheng was furious in his stomach.

Yu Gensheng didn't even think about it, so he rushed out to hit someone, but Yu Yu grabbed Yu Gensheng and said, "Father, it's Chinese New Year, we called the aunt who came to visit us for New Year's greetings, it's always unpleasant to say it, I don't know Yes, I thought our family was domineering!"

Yu Yinhua couldn't be more angry, seeing that Yu Yu didn't let Yu Gensheng go to settle accounts with the two of them, she stared at Yu Yu and asked, "Then what should I do? These things are very valuable! They are Xiao Yu'er's lifeblood, look at her How precious are these things! Who in our family does not treasure the flowers and plants in this yard, and would like to give it up! Just ruin it like this, can you swallow this breath?"

Yu Yu didn't answer Yu Yinhua's words, but went to Yu Meihua and Feng Youcai, who were supporting Feng Jiangming and Feng Jianghui, and after saluting respectfully, said to the two: "Auntie and Uncle, today's matter, we still have to deal with it." Sit in one place and talk! Please come to the main room to talk!"

Seeing Yu Yu's good attitude, Yu Meihua thought that Yu Yu and the others had beaten someone and made a mistake, so she stopped crying and helped Feng Jianghui go to the main room.

Afterwards, Yu Yu said the same thing to Yu Juhua again, and Yu Juhua thought the same way, so she sat down on the head seat of the hall with her toes proudly.

Although Yu Gensheng didn't understand the meaning of Yu Yu's actions, he understood the temperament of his son and young daughter very well. If you say that Yu Yu and Yu Yu are really brothers and sisters, although their temperaments are completely different, In fact, the inside is exactly the same, especially one thing, that is: protect the shortcoming!

The tradition of Lao Yu's family is to protect the shortcomings!
Yu Yu felt sorry for Yu Yu's younger sister the most. He always insisted on Yu Yu's choice of delicious and fun things. Seeing Yu Yu being wronged so much this time, he definitely wouldn't bear it.

Yu Gensheng wouldn't bear it either, but he still trusted his son's intelligence in his heart. Anyway, if they couldn't reach an agreement, he would just beat Yu Juhua and Yu Meihua out at that time!
As soon as he saw these two sisters, the old He's face would appear in his heart. When he thought that the old He bought the murderer to kill Yu Yu, but he couldn't ask the old He's guilt, Yu Gensheng felt in his heart. So annoyed.

Therefore, he doesn't care about the relationship between sisters, it's best to break up, and it's best not to communicate with each other in the future, and the two of them will never go to his house again!

With Yu Yu's gentle exchange, everyone sat quietly in the main room.

Yu Yu wished she could take out the flying sword right now and kill all these brainless people, but after hearing Yu Yu said that she would definitely get justice for her, the anger in her heart slowly subsided, and she returned to her senses, all at once. I understood what Yu Yu meant.

Yes indeed!Why would they dare to be so presumptuous in the Yu family?
Why can you be so fearless?

Wouldn't it be too cheap to kill them with just one sword?At that time, I will have to endure some unnecessary disasters because of indiscriminate killing. There is no need to dirty my feet for a few bedbugs. It is more appropriate to use insecticides to kill bedbugs!
So Yu Yu just stood aside and cooperated with Yu Yu's performance.

Yu Yu was apologizing for Yu Yu for beating Feng Jiangming and Feng Jianghui. His tone was very gentle, which was his habit.

Yu Meihua and Feng Youcai heard Yu Yu's words, and they were very proud of themselves, thinking that they had suppressed Yu Gensheng's family.

But what Yu Yu said next made the faces of both of them look bad.

"Presumably all the aunts know that our family is doing business with the Xinglin Pavilion of the Bai family. In fact, we are taking care of the medicinal materials for the Bai family." Yu Yu's tone was calm and serious. "Unfortunately, those in the yard are the most precious medicinal materials that the Bai family entrusted my family to take care of. Because they were planted outside for fear of being stolen, they were planted in the yard. I don't want to be stolen by my family today. "

Yu Yu's words were not very nice, so his eldest uncle, Feng Youcai, immediately said unhappy, "Brother Yu, what are you talking about? What do you mean being stolen by your family? Those things don't look worth much, it's a big deal. We just need to compensate you, but Brother Ming Hui's injury you have to bear to the end!"

Hearing this, Yu Yu sneered in her heart, and Yu Gensheng frowned even more. Feng Youcai and Tang Liangli are not generous people, otherwise they wouldn't be the same coffin who encouraged Yu Meihua to go home to coax old Yutou Ben, the one who instructs Yu Juhua to return to her mother's house every time to become a robber.

Yu Yu didn't express any displeasure, but just smiled cheerfully and said, "I'm relieved when my uncle said that. I don't know what my second aunt said? Our family's honeysuckle said that you dug up that tree, and the branches You broke it too. Do you know how much the tree and the jar of wine buried under the tree are worth?"

Yu Juhua became unhappy when she heard Yu Yu's words, and shouted loudly: "What's wrong? I thought the tree in your house was not pleasing to the eye, and it was about to be broken. What's the matter? You kid still want to blackmail me? I didn't Money! Besides, my Chun'er's hand was broken, and your family hasn't lost money yet!"

Both Yu Gensheng and Yu Yinhua couldn't help but wanted to reply, but Yu Yu stopped them, "Really? If the second aunt wants to say that, then forget it. But I just want to tell you, those are Bai family's things, others' Things are gone in my house, my house was well taken care of, so whoever broke it, who is responsible, or I will tell the Bai family directly, let the Bai family send someone to deal with it, whether it is an official or private, we It doesn't matter, or we will pay the money today, and we will go to the Bai family to make an apology for you and admit your mistake. I think with the friendship of more than a year, as long as the money is in place, the Bai family will not pursue it too much."

When they heard that those things belonged to the Bai family, and seeing Yu Yu's serious appearance, Yu Juhua and Yu Meihua felt their hearts beat.

The Bai family has money and power. This is something that everyone in the ten miles and eight villages knows. Who doesn't know Xinglin Pavilion these days?
Yu Juhua and Yu Meihua came to pay New Year's greetings today, and originally wanted to rely on Yu Gensheng to do business with the Bai family, and get some benefits from it.

The Bai family is so rich, even a little leakage through the nails will be enough for them for a long time.

But Yu Chrysanthemum waited and waited, and Yu Gensheng didn't come back in the county, which made her very angry. Walking around in the yard, the more she looked at the purple tree, the more annoyed she became, so from the old Yutou took a hoe from the house and dug up the tree.

Unexpectedly, there was a jar of wine buried under the tree. Tang Liangli and Feng Youcai were not drinkers, so they didn't do much research on good wine. They just opened the jar and smelled it. So I concluded that this was not some valuable wine, and I didn't want to drink it, so I let the children play with it.

 The fourth update (make up for the update on 2.24)
  Around 12:30 there is another chapter to make up

(End of this chapter)

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