Farmhouse Little Fortune

Chapter 151 Marriage Breaking

Chapter 151 (150) Broken Relationship ([-]) (Recommendation ticket plus more)

Yu Gensheng said angrily: "These two are not my sisters! They are clearly enemies! They cursed me to death, but also cursed my child to die! I will break off this relationship today, and tell them not to join my Yu family anymore. Door!"

After hearing Yu Gensheng's words, the third prince and the others thought that Yu Gensheng was just angry, so they didn't intend to really turn their brothers and sisters against each other, so they planned to persuade them again.

At this time Yu Yu came, and after paying respects to all the clan elders, he said slowly: "Grandfathers and grandpas, the matter is like this. Everyone knows that my family is doing business with the Bai family, but it is actually nothing else. The business is that the Bai family entrusted my family to grow medicinal materials for them in Xinglin Pavilion. Presumably many uncles and uncles who have been to my house know that there is a flower bed surrounded by my house. There are many herbs and a few trees planted in the flower bed. ... Forget about other things. The main herbal medicine is really precious. Each plant starts at a hundred taels. Even if I sell my family, I can't afford it. If the Bai family asks for a crime, what compensation can we get? The third grandpa , Grandpa patriarch, when you signed the contract with the Bai family, you were also the guarantors!"

Yu Yu transferred the matter to the fact that Yu Chrysanthemum destroyed the herbs in the yard, Yu Yu was not allowed to enter the ancestral hall, and listened outside, giving Yu Yu a thumbs up in his heart.

Speaking of it this way, it's not that Yu Gensheng is getting angry because of trivial matters, this is a major matter related to his wealth and life!

As far as the entire Yujia Village is concerned, who would not want to break up their relationship if their family was destroyed by their relatives for hundreds of taels of silver?What's more, it's not just about money, it's tantamount to offending a behemoth like the Bai family. You don't know if you can keep your property or life. Breaking up a relationship is even light. Some people look outside the door and think that if It happened to them, they could kill on the spot!
So many people outside the ancestral hall were discussing, thinking that Yu Juhua and Yu Meihua were simply copies of the old He family, they were troublemakers, and they should break off their relationship.

Yu Juhua and Yu Meihua were also dumbfounded. They only thought the herb was valuable after hearing what Yu Yu said, but they didn't expect it to be so valuable.

If they knew it was so valuable, how would they dare to touch it casually?Kowtow a few heads for fear of not being able to see it!

Feng Youcai and Tang Liangli listened to these words outside the ancestral hall, and their faces turned pale with fright. Feng Youcai even thought that if Yu Gensheng really broke up with Yu Meihua, he would immediately go home and divorce Yu Meihua!He didn't have so much money to pay!

They really wanted to rush into the Yu family's ancestral hall and beg Yu Gensheng to help them, not to tell the Bai family about this.

However, due to the majesty of the ancestral hall, they did not dare to rush in.

Yu Juhua and Yu Meihua, who were twisted into the ancestral hall by Yu Gensheng, were already kneeling on the ground begging Yu Gensheng.

But Yu Gensheng was unmoved, it wasn't because of the money, he just thought it was Yu Yu's luck, if the old gods around Yu Yu knew that the fairy grass Yu Yu carefully brought back had been destroyed, Yu Yu wouldn't be the one to blame ?
If the old god no longer protects Yu Yu, what will happen to Yu Yu no matter how many disasters happen?
Seeing that Yu Gensheng did not intend to soften his heart at all, Yu Juhua turned to beg Yu Yu, but Yu Yu would not accept her begging, so he turned around and avoided it.

The elders of the clan naturally turned to Yu Gensheng. This year, Yu Gensheng made a fortune doing business with the Bai family, and contributed a lot of money to the village. The new well was dug out because of Yu Gen's great efforts, and many people in the village were introduced to work in the town because of Yu Gen's righteousness. Although they were part-time workers, they were brought by the housekeeper of the Bai family. The wages of part-time workers have never been deducted this year.In addition to these, there are still many people who don't have cattle, and they ask Yu Gensheng to borrow cattle during the busy farming season, but Yu Gensheng never takes money for borrowing cattle!
These are the benefits that Yu Gensheng has after he has a good relationship with the Bai family. What if he offends the Bai family?

Although Yu Gensheng used to be a nice person, he was not so generous. After all, he couldn't get enough to eat, so why would he help others?

Now everyone is enjoying the glory with Yu Gensheng, especially at the end of last year, Yu Gensheng proposed to set up an ethnology school in the village. In the future, as long as they are children of Lao Yu's family, they can study in the ethnology school. build.

Yu Gensheng was willing to bear half of the money for running the ethnology school, and other families with money and strength contributed money, and Yu Gensheng also took over the matter of hiring a husband.

Many families in the village hope that their children can go to school, not to mention anything else, just learn some simple words, be able to count, and work part-time in the town or county, which is more promising than at home!However, there are still more poor people in Yujia Village.

Yu Juhua and Yu Meihua are just as unlikable as the old He family, so basically no one sympathizes with them.

In the end, the patriarch and the elders agreed that Yu Gensheng would break off their relationship with the two of them, and asked Yu Juhua and Yu Meihua to sign an IOU. After all, Yu Gensheng's heart softened, so he didn't want to be too cruel, and only charged 30 taels per person.

But just like this, Yu Meihua and Yu Juhua wailed for a long time.

During the whole process of breaking up the marriage, the old Yutou did not come out to speak. It seemed that he had become the old Yutou who ignored everything and ignored everything. Yu Juhua and Yu Meihua brought their children and their husbands to kneel at the door and begged the old Yutou to come out and speak. , but Old Yu ordered Jin Guoer to close the doors and windows inside, as if he had no intention of coming out at all.

Seeing that they were almost crying, Yu Yu took Yu Jinhua, Yu Yinhua and Lonicera and beat them with a big broom, and Yu Yinhua cursed while beating: "Where did this shameless thing come from! New Year's Eve The funeral is here! If you want to call your own house! What are you calling in my house? It’s very bad luck! Get out of here!"

Seeing that Yu Yinhua's mouth is so fierce, Feng Jiangming wanted to stand up and fight back, but when Yu Yu found out, his spiritual power was so fierce that he threw two sticks at his legs.

After kicking out Yu Meihua and Yu Juhua's two families, Yu Yu felt that it was not appropriate enough, so he immediately said to Yu Gensheng: "Father, I'm afraid we can't do it like this! I think if this is the case, the eldest aunt and the second aunt will definitely not let it go, and there will be no end to it." Those who are gone come to cry, we have to scare them once!"

Yu Gensheng also felt that Yu Juhua and Yu Meihua would come to the house to cry every day, so he asked, "Then how can we scare them?"

Yu Yu didn't even think about it, and said, "How else can I scare you? Why don't you just go to the Bai family to borrow someone, tie up the two uncles and send them to the yamen, or ask the uncles to come to the house!"

Yu Yu glanced at Yu Yu appreciatively.

Yu Gensheng felt that this was going too far, so he hesitated, but Yu Yu and Yu Yu didn't hesitate, and Yu Jinhua and Yu Yinhua were also on Yu Yu's side, so Yu Yu immediately wrote a letter to Bai Ruoqian.

 The sixth watch, although it is late, but I have a lot of people!Hahaha
(End of this chapter)

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