The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 155 Meeting God and Killing God, Buddha Blocking and Killing Buddha

Chapter 155 Meeting God and Killing God, Buddha Blocking and Killing Buddha

There is an old saying in China that uncles can endure and aunts cannot bear. Even though he knew that the bullets in the revolver would not hurt him, Saboka exploded uncontrollably.

"Put the money down!"

Saboka slapped the table and stood up, angrily about to go up to grab the suitcase.

Incredible things happened.

Dong Yi's blue-red eyes flashed a gloomy light, and a magnetic light wave burst out from his fingertips, shooting straight at Saboka.As soon as Saboka's tall and mighty body stood up, he saw a white light in front of him penetrate from his chest and hit the wall behind him.Encountering barriers, the light waves spread to the surroundings.People only felt their eyes light up, and the whole building trembled, and the shattered powdery wall skin fell off along the wall, and the billowing dust blocked people's sight.

Saboka looked at the blood gurgling from his chest in shock, and couldn't believe what he saw.

The thought that he was going to die flashed through his mind, his tall body swayed, fell on the coffee table and twitched for a few times and stopped moving.

Surprised by the explosion, the security guards of the Sesves casino rushed up, holding their guns and retreating behind them. No one was willing to take a step forward.

The death of a person in a casino is not a shocking event, but they have never seen such a kung fu of smashing the wall with bare hands. Seeing Dong Yilan's expression as if he was looking at an alien visitor, he didn't know how to deal with it for a while, so they all stayed in place. depending on the situation.

Asuobi was so frightened that his legs became weak and his jaw was dislocated.

This woman is not human!
No, it's a machine!
Asuobi's brain was in chaos, and after a while, his rationality, which was shaken to pieces by the reality, slowly came back, and there was only one word left in his mind: run away!It's two words...

Thinking of the word running, Asuobi moved faster than his brain for the first time, and his legs ran almost uncontrollably. He has been exercising for more than [-] years, and he has never been able to run so fast.

Seeing him running away, the two assistants quickly followed him and fled.

Dong Yilan threw the suitcase on the table, and walked to the door in a few steps, crossing her arms and staring at the world.

Let's run, the girl wants to see if it's your legs that are faster, or the girl's hands!

Let Asobi run for tens of meters, suddenly Gossamer makes a move, and the gossamer throws out tens of meters and wraps around Asobi's neck accurately, Dong Yi blue hand pulls back Asobi's fat body, even He scrambled and fell to Dong Yilan's feet.

Rubbing his neck with several blood marks strangled by Gossamer, Asuobi had a sad face, wanting to cry without tears.

"What are you doing running so fast?" Long eyebrows raised slightly, Dong Yilan bent over and smiled at Asuobi, her face was so enchanting and charming, "We still need to talk about how to cooperate."

Regardless of Asuobi's panic, Dong Yilan picked him up as easily as a chicken, and threw him back into the room with a flick of his hand.

With a bang, Asobi hit the corner of the table, hugging his head and howling.

The people in the casino didn't care about the money and bets anymore, and they ran over to watch the excitement. The crowded scene was full of people, and the security guards were pushed more and more forward. As for being pushed into the room.

"You, what do you guys want to do?" Asuobi looked at Mo Zhanting tremblingly. He felt that this man was unpredictable, with black eyes like dry wells, which made it hard to see at a glance.

He instinctively wanted to stay away from him.

Mo Zhanting didn't answer his question, he raised his hand to brush the dust off his shoulders, and then said unhurriedly, "This place is dirty and messy, and a friend came from afar, Mr. Asobi wouldn't consider changing to another place to welcome his friend." Way?"

friend?Who are the friends?Which friend opened the door with a "boom" when they met?
Asuobi dared not speak out, all the facial features on Kugua's face were crowded together, and he looked constipated from a distance, "Mr. Mo, if you have any requests, please speak up."

"Can you agree to any request?" Mo Zhanting casually picked up the revolver that Saboka left on the coffee table. This is a M8226 revolver hunting pistol produced by Mies & Wesson. The movement of the bullets fired by the mobile phone even exceeds that of the famous "Desert Eagle".

Mo Zhanting played with the pistol casually, and this action put a strong mental and psychological pressure on Asuobi.

Asuobi is dripping with cold sweat, so what if he doesn't agree, now the situation is clear that it is easier for the other party to crush him to death than to crush an ant, if he wants to die slowly, or wants to die quickly, he must agree their request.

"Tell me, as long as I can do it..." Even if he couldn't do it, he would probably force him to do it, so this sentence is basically a nonsense used to express his attitude.

"Very good." Mo Zhanting tossed the revolver onto Saboka's body, "I will provide Oman's arms in the future, and the price will be 1 times that of ordinary arms dealers."

So it's just such a small matter, you should have said it earlier!The thought that next year's day would not be the day of his death rushed into his mind, Asobi felt his body sank, and he sat down on the ground, panting heavily.

Isn't it just an extra fee of 0 times the market price? Compared with his old life, of course life is more important!

Mo Zhanting squatted down, keeping the height on a parallel line with Asuobi, took off the black leather gloves on his hands, revealing his slender fingers, and helped Asuobi tidy up the sweat-baptized headscarf, " For the extra part, I can consider giving you [-]%."

Asuobi waved his hands again and again, "You don't need to divide it. If you don't separate my head from my body, I will be satisfied."

Mo Zhanting looked at Asobi's distressed appearance, smiled secretly in his heart, rolled his black eyes, and teased: "My respected Lord Asobi, how can we say that we are old friends, and we don't even invite coffee when we meet?" ?”

Asuobi has a black line on his face, your Chinese saying that you are good-looking after asking for a bargain, is it a person like you?But he didn't really say it out. In order to prevent Mo Zhanting from changing his mind halfway and killing him, he stood up wisely and patted the dust off his body, "There is a restaurant near my office. Mr. Rumo doesn't mind it. I even have lunch with you." Please."

Mo Zhanting threw his hands behind his back and stepped out. None of the dozen or so security guards with guns dared to stop them, and watched them go downstairs.As soon as he went down the stairs, a voice came suddenly.

"Wait a minute!" The man's voice was neither salty nor dull, loud and loud, like a magic voice, the noisy casino was instantly quieted down. Hundreds of pairs of eyes were fixed on the doorway, paying attention to everyone who came.

Dong Yilan, who was carrying the suitcase, stopped and stared fixedly at the man who walked in slowly from the door. The man was packed with thousands of magnificences, and his every move was calm and calm with the overwhelming pressure of Mount Tai.

He stood at the door, even Liugong Fendai lost color.

A strange look suddenly appeared in Dong Yi's blue and red eyes.

The dialog box that appeared in the pupil is already reporting the information found: Mo Yao, male, 26 years old, unmarried and no girlfriend, height 187cm, BMI index (body mass index) 23... Dong Yilan twitched the corner of his eye, shit, Could this search engine be a nympho? Seeing other people's good looks, they start to check their accounts. What's the risk factor?Are you carrying a weapon?

The program didn't respond, she closed her eyes weakly and then opened them again, the dialogue system disappeared.

The red eyes looked at Mo Yao up and down. He was wearing a neat black suit, and he was already peerless when he just stood there. Dong Yilan, who wanted to see if he was in danger, was a little bit excited...

She, excited?

Dong Yilan was extremely agitated by the complicated emotions intertwined in her heart, and she clenched the suitcase with all five fingers. It doesn't matter who he is, as long as he dares to block her way, she will come and slay the Buddha, and the devil will slay the devil. With laser waves, no matter how good-looking a face is, it can be photographed like a bastard.

Mo Yao's deep eyes fell on Dong Yilan through Mo Zhanting's shoulder.

She was standing behind Mo Zhanting, holding a suitcase in her hand. Mo Zhanting didn't know how to be sympathetic to others. She was so small that she was allowed to carry such a heavy thing.Although it seemed that she was not struggling to carry it, Mo Yao still felt that her heart was dull and painful.But fortunately, seeing her rosy face, she shouldn't have suffered too much.

The four eyes met, and the strangeness in Dong Yilan's eyes made his heart ache.

Mo Zhanting stood in front, his black eyes narrowed and curved into a dangerous arc.

His thoughts are not as fast as Dong Yilan's, nor is he as lingering as Mo Yao's, but he simply feels that Mo Yao is chasing him so fast, the speed is really beyond his imagination.

This is also good, solve the problem early to save more nights and dreams.

"Uncle, it's been a long time. Is your old man still in good health?" Mo Yao's thin lips parted slightly, and a very ordinary sentence that a junior cares about an elder came out of his mouth, but everyone trembled when they heard it.

The corners of Mo Zhanting's lips curled up slightly, his face was smiling, but his eyes were cold, "My nephew is well informed, just as I arrived, you followed me, but uncle still has business to do, so he won't be here." This is with you, the chips played here today belong to uncle."

Stretching out his hand, Dong Yilan handed over the suitcase, and he threw it at Mo Yao vigorously.

Mo Yao is also a non-vegetarian master, so he flew up and kicked the suitcase that was thrown at him.

He can kick out two to three hundred catties of force with a random kick, no matter how strong the suitcase is, the lock is broken by a kick, the box spins and flies into the sky, bronze banknotes are flying all over the sky, covering the sky. Stopped Dong Yilan's sight.

For a while, only the sound of grabbing money could be heard.

A few people who disdain to steal money watched everything with cold eyes, secretly guessing the relationship between the uncle and nephew.What kind of enmity and resentment are there, two people who can be connected by blood don't even want money, and go to war in front of so many people.

Only Asobi's heart is bleeding, that's my money, my money...

"Nephew, it seems that you are not in a good mood." Mo Zhanting jokingly said, if he used to be somewhat scruples about Mo Yao's influence, now he has Dong Yilan, a murderer who meets gods and kills gods, and Buddhas and Buddhas Machine, he was completely unscrupulous.

"Uncle, I have wronged you to follow behind me all these years, living like a shadow, and now you have finally seen the light of day again, don't you have something to say to your nephew?" Mo Yao deliberately bit the last sentence, cold eyes shone coldly in his sharp eyes .
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(End of this chapter)

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