The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 158 - The 1th Lord Who Loves Deeply - Died for Love

Chapter 158 - Died for love

Twenty minutes later...

Dong Yilan took the lead to arrive at the outskirts of Muscat, a remote coast with cliffs standing on the shore, and the sea water beat against the cliff, making a chilling sound.

A few seconds later, the motorcycle stopped, took off the helmet, and Mo Yao met her eyes.

Dong Yi's blue and red eyes were slightly condensed, and she looked at Mo Yao coldly. The man's eyes carried emotions that she couldn't understand, nervous, anxious, and even a little apprehensive.

"Yilan, are you injured?"

Seeing her frowning tightly, Mo Yao panicked, thinking that she was injured in the battle just now, and panicked thinking about her sudden injury.A row of shooting points appeared under Shu's feet, and Mo Yao retreated sharply, looking at Dong Yilan in disbelief.

She had just shot to save herself, and now she fired at herself again.

Dong Yilan withdrew her hand, a trace of cruelty flashed in her cold eyes, "What are you following me for?"

When she woke up and saw Mo Zhanting, she regarded him as a friend, and she did not hesitate to help him clean up all his enemies with blood on her hands.When the counter-strikes came and he didn't leave alone, she was still grateful, until the group of counter-strikes pointed a strong light gun at her, but he didn't do it when he was clearly capable of helping her, she felt a little pain in her heart .

The strange sour taste poured into her heart along with the blood, turning into endless anger. At the moment the building collapsed, she was capable of bringing Mo Zhanting out, but she didn't. She hated the feeling of being used by others.

But the man in front of him was a little different.

"Okay, I won't go." Dong Yilan was so emotional that Mo Yao had no choice but to stretch out his hands to express his kindness, "Mo Zhanting is just using your super power to help him achieve certain goals, don't listen to him, Your name is not Rose, you have your own name, your name is Dong Yilan."

Mo Yao spoke anxiously, and Dong Yilan interrupted coldly, "Why should I trust you?" You and Mo Zhanting seem to be similar people, and even have some similarities in appearance.

"Because I'm your family."

family?This word sounded a little strange, Dong Yilan didn't know what it was, and the detector told her that family members were related by blood.

Is it related by blood?Dong Yilan chuckled.

It seems that he and Mo Zhanting are also related by blood!Dong Yilan looked at him coldly. There was indeed no danger in this man, but she didn't feel any danger with Mo Zhanting back then. She was deceived once, and she became more vigilant.

Seeing that Dong Yilan's face softened a little, Mo Yao immediately seized the opportunity and took a few steps forward, "Yilan, believe me, you are not alone, you have parents, siblings, and they are waiting for you to go back in City D." .You know what, they're going crazy these days when you're missing."

Dong Chuchen almost dug three feet into the ground to find Mo Zhanting's whereabouts. When he learned that he had brought Dong Yilan to Muscat, he would come if he wanted to. He came too.

Mo Yao's words contained too much information, and Dong Yilan couldn't digest them all for a while, thinking about the meaning in his heart.

Suddenly, the sound of tires rubbing against the ground penetrated into the ears, the sports car galloped forward, made a 90-degree drift turn and stopped steadily in front of the cliff, the glass lowered to reveal the black muzzle of the gun.

Lei Xiaotian fired without thinking.

Dong Yilan's figure swayed, and he moved five or six meters away from the spot in an instant, avoiding Lei Xiaotian's shooting. "You brought him here!" His eyes turned cold, and he threw a sentence to Mo Yao fiercely, and jumped off the cliff.

"Yilan..." Mo Yao was shocked, the great sadness of losing Yilan again prompted him to follow without hesitation.

The moment Su Jie stopped the car, he saw only two figures jumping off the cliff one after another.

"Damn!" He jumped out of the car and slammed the car door hard. Feeling that it was not enough to relieve his anger, he kicked the tire hard again, "He! Damn!!" After receiving the order from the organization to protect Dong Yilan's safety with all his might, Hurry up or be late.

Damn Counter Strike!
Standing on the edge of the cliff looking at the magnificent sea, Su Jie was extremely heartbroken.

The cliff is so steep that you can't see the bottom at a glance. The shore is dotted with uneven reefs. If you fall, it is like an egg hitting a rock. Even if you are lucky and fall into the sea, who knows that there are sharp reefs hidden under the water surface Still a ferocious undercurrent.

In short, if you fall, there will be no way out!
Under the cliff, the gossamer in Dong Yilan's hand was wrapped around a pine tree on the cliff, the height was just enough for her to hide under a recessed cliff, and the other hanging hand was holding Mo Yao.

She also couldn't figure out why, when she saw him jumping down, it seemed that something had poked the soft flesh in her heart.

Even so, she was still angry, "Why did you bring them here?"

They, refers to the Counter-Strike Elite.

Mo Yao could naturally hear the suspicion in Dong Yilan's tone, and even the sentence "you brought me here" before she jumped off the cliff vertically, was like a sharp sword, piercing his heart fiercely, causing pain. He is not afraid, he is afraid of Dong Yilan's suspicion and distrust.

Of course, he also knows that Yilan is different from before.

"That's someone from the anti-terrorist organization..."

"Of course I know!" Dong Yilan interrupted coldly, with murderous aura in his eyes rising like a fire, he tightened the arm holding Mo Yao, and threw him to the cliff.

I don't know how much strength Dong Yilan used, Mo Yao slammed his back hard on the cliff, the cliff was covered with green vines all the year round, under the cover of large green leaves, the branches were covered with sharp thorns, this impact, The thorn pierced straight into Mo Yao's body, the pain made him grit his teeth and inhale.

However, Dong Yilan is still reluctant.

"Do you dare to say that you have nothing to do with them?" Dong Yilan held Gossamer with one hand, and pinched Mo Yao's neck with the other hand, probably worried that he would slip, and bent his leg against an important part of his body.


Mo Yao rolled his eyes and almost twitched in pain, and instinctively grabbed Dong Yilan's wrist.

Now, he really feels that those thorns behind his back are nothing to worry about. Now there are only two support points for the weight of more than 160 kilograms. One is the hand on the neck that makes him suffocate, and the other is the one that makes his life worse than death. , against a leg somewhere.

Mo Yao's eyes were red with pain, if he didn't feel ashamed to cry in front of Dong Yilan and tried his best to control it, tears would have fallen down long ago.

"I said, can you change the way of punishment?" Even if you don't think about future generations, you have to think about your... sexual happiness for the rest of your life!
Mo Yao didn't say the following words, his throat was pinched, he took a lot of effort to say half a sentence, although the voice was very hoarse, very deep, with a more or less sluggish sound, but it was extremely... ...Sexy, provocative, and criminal.

A trace of complicated emotions flashed in Dong Yi's blue eyes, and the strength in his hand loosened a lot unconsciously.

As soon as his hands were loosened, all the weight of Mo Yao's body fell to somewhere on his lower body. He didn't care whether there were thorns on the vines, so he grabbed the vines and transferred the weight of his body to his arms.

Abandoning one hand is better than crippling one's own brother!
On the cliff, Lei Xiaotian and Su Jie haven't left yet. It's a taboo in their professions not to see people alive or dead. Lei Xiaotian keeps scratching his hair baptized by sand and dust, trying to find a way to go to the bottom of the cliff.

Su Jie was also unwilling to go back like this, and wanted to go with him.

Superficially echoing Lei Xiaotian's statement that in order to find the corpse and solve future troubles, Su Jie's real thought is that if Dong Yilan is really not dead, or maybe she is injured, he can still protect her.

Every time I think of the chance encounter on the day of applying for the job, Su Jie always has a strange feeling in his heart.

Lei Xiaotian was sticking his head out to look down the cliff, when he suddenly saw regular tremors coming from the vines.

The sea breeze will only shake the branches and leaves, and the vines will never move!

"She's still alive!" Lei Xiaotian yelled in shock, and raised his gun to shoot at the bottom of the cliff, regardless of 21 or [-].He couldn't go down, but the bullets could go down. From above, the cliff was almost vertical from top to bottom. Except for a pine tree emerging from the mountainside, there was no place to hide.

Lei Xiaotian's bullets did not hit other places, but hit the pine tree. He guessed that Dong Yilan might be hiding under the pine tree, or hanging on the pine tree so that he did not fall into the sea.

The dense bullets fell on the branches of the pine tree, and the pine tree couldn't hold on any longer, and the branches made a slight cracking sound.

not good!Dong Yilan and Mo Yao exclaimed in their hearts at the same time.

Regardless of the pain from the hard thorns piercing into his palm, Mo Yao gripped the vine tightly. At this moment, the only perennial woody plant on the cliff finally couldn't bear the weight of Dong Yilan and the shooting from the machine gun. Under pressure, the waist buckled with a bang.

The branches fell to the bottom of the sea with their heavy crowns.

"Ah..." Dong Yilan exclaimed, and sank sharply.

Mo Yao reached out and grabbed Dong Yilan's wrist.

Even though Mo Yao had done sufficient psychological construction before that, the weight of two people plus a tree was beyond his imagination, and his body began to be dragged down.The thorns stuck in the palm of the hand snapped into the flesh, and along with the palm's downward movement, the vines were bloody red after passing by.

It wasn't Mo Yao who didn't make it to the end, but the vines. Hearing another bang, the vines couldn't bear the weight of the two of them and the tree, and broke down from the mountainside.

Life is hanging by a thread!
Pa, it was the sound of something heavy falling into the bottom of the sea.

At the top of the cliff, the gunfire stopped.

Taking advantage of Lei Xiaotian's inattention, Su Jie flew onto Lei Xiaotian's body, and the two wrestled together. Lei Xiaotian was injured before, and he was exhausted, so he quickly lost to Su Jie. The gun in his hand was thrown down the cliff.

"You're crazy!" Lei Xiaotian roared angrily.

"You are the lunatic!" Su Jie looked at the bottom of the cliff with sad eyes. The waves beat against the cliff day after day without getting tired, and he didn't know if the loud noise just now was the sound of the blue falling into the sea.

The sudden sound of the siren came to my ears, and the police comrade's car finally came after me...
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(End of this chapter)

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