The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 175 Master Seven's Satisfaction

Chapter 175 Seventh Master's Satisfaction
So Dong Yilan took it for granted that her eyes were like this.

But everyone's eyes were different, especially when she saw everyone's blue and black eyes, Dong Yilan was at a loss. Although she had forgotten something for a while, it didn't mean that her IQ had changed. There was her in it. Her parents, if her parents' pupils are black, her pupils cannot be red.

So why?
It happened that Aunt Zhang came over with a plate of fruit, and when she heard Amy's shout, she couldn't help but look at Dong Yilan.This time she couldn't look closely, but saw that those eyes showed a strange red, which seemed to be dark blood amber and also like a thousand-year-old jade soaked in blood. She was startled, and the plate in her hand fell to the ground.

With a bang, the litchi rolled to the ground, and everyone's eyes turned from Dong Yilan to Aunt Zhang.

"Yes, I'm sorry, my hands slipped." Aunt Zhang said nervously, squatting down to clean up the dishes.This is her eldest lady's favorite fruit. The master went to buy it specially, but he smashed it by himself.

Everyone's main focus is still on Dong Yilan's eyes, so it's okay to just take a glance here.

Amy, who didn't know it, was still holding Dong Yilan's hand, looking into her eyes worriedly, "Is Yilan sick?"

Get ill?Does the wound heal too quickly?Dong Yilan suddenly thought of a possibility, his eyes became sharper in an instant, he shook off Amy's hand, and moved to Mo Yao's side in an instant.

Everyone was dumbfounded by her speed, especially Amy, her hand was still in the air, while Dong Yilan was several meters away.

Fantasy, this must be fantasy, it must have been filmed too much, and then the brain became confused, Amy raised her hand to help her dropped chin back, staring at Dong Yilan with wide eyes, afraid that she would miss her in the blink of an eye Apparate.

"Mo Yao, have you lied to me?" These people are not my family at all!Although she didn't say the following words, the words full of anger were thrown out like this, and they still managed to attract everyone's attention.

In fact, it is easy to find out if it is a family member, just find a few hairs to test the DNA, Dong Yilan is angry that she trusts Mo Yao so much, he dares to lie to her!

Dong Chuyu and the others looked at Mo Yao puzzled, not knowing what happened.

Mo Yao was confused, but also somewhat guilty. I don't know if she suddenly remembered the phrase "You keep calling me husband" she said, so her eyes flickered a few times, and she forgot to refute.

Seeing Mo Yao's flickering words, Dong Yilan was furious, and the shame of being cheated instantly surged in her chest, turning into waves of monstrous anger that was about to explode.

Cheng Nuo was the first to realize that everyone said that Mo Ruomu, the daughter-in-law, was not her own flesh and blood, but she knew her very well after watching her grow up, so Dong Yilan clenched her fists, and everyone cheered for Mo Yao. While sweating, Cheng Nuo came over and grabbed Dong Yilan.

"Yilan, come here, Mommy has something to tell you."

The mother-like warmth miraculously reduced Dong Yilan's anger. She cast a cold glance at Mo Yao, turned around and followed Cheng Nuo.

As soon as she left, Mo Yao broke out in a cold sweat. He had seen Dong Yilan's power before, a single punch could break a hard rock, and if that punch had landed on his head just now, his head might explode.For the first time in his life, he lamented that finding a capable daughter-in-law really required courage.

"You guys chat first, I'll take Yilan upstairs."

Cheng Nuo's voice was elegant and calm, with the gentleness of a hostess. After speaking, he greeted everyone politely, and led Dong Yilan up the stairs.

As soon as they left, Du Wenqi also stood up, "Uncle Dong, we are also relieved to see that Miss Dong is safe and sound. I will go back and explain to my family first. My father has been worried."

In a word, he explained clearly the reason and purpose of his coming.

This sentence was mainly for Mo Yao. He knew where Mo Yao's hostility came from just now. As a smart man, he didn't want to set up a strong enemy for himself inexplicably.After finishing speaking, she gracefully got up and waved to Amy, "Amy, brother is leaving, you stay here with Yilan, or go back with brother."

Amy replied as a matter of course, "You go first."

Du Wenqi left, and Zilong and Xiaoqi didn't have much meaning to stay, so they left too. Fang Yuan and others saw that there was nothing they could do to help, so they got up and left. After a while, there were only three members of the host family and Amy in the living room There are also Mo Yao and five people.

Cheng Xiaoye, Dong Chengcheng, and Amy were chatting about the recent explosion accident, and the chat was in full swing. Mo Yao suddenly remembered the doctor, so he briefly told Dong Chuchen what happened. After speaking, he kowtowed Knocking his eyelids, his dark eyes were like the night that suddenly fell, and with a hint of unresolvable doubt, he asked, "Uncle Dong, have you ever heard of the name Mu Nianqing?"

Dong Chuchen's pupils were startled for a moment, something flashed in his eyes quickly, then he shook his head and said with certainty: "No."

Mo Yao didn't notice Dong Chu's fleeting strange look, and when he said no, he believed it directly.After all, from the standpoint of Dong Chuchen, there is no motive to hide from himself.

Looking up towards the direction of the stairs, he didn't know what Cheng Nuo was doing with Dong Yilan.

In a sky blue room with flying fish comics on the wall, Dong Yilan suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity, everywhere his eyes touched was blue, blue curtains, blue desk, blue sheets, just Even the decorations on the bookshelves are in different shades of blue.There was a copy of "A Brief History of Everything" on the shelf, and she reached out to read it.

If this is her room, it should be unoccupied for some days, but the bookshelves are spotlessly clean and should be cleaned every day.

"This is your room." Cheng Nuo said, his gentle voice was filled with inborn amiability, which made Dong Yilan feel very comfortable. Cheng Nuo took out a photo album from the bookshelf, Pass it to her, "There are many photos of you when you were a child."

Take it over and see that the photo album is also light blue.

"Did I like blue very much before?" But in my memory, I should like the flirtatious fiery red.

"You like blue because of the word 'blue' in your name. When you were young, there was a period of time when you only liked to wear blue clothes." Cheng Nuo patiently explained that Yilan had obsessive-compulsive disorder at that time. Very serious, skirts must be blue to wear.

Dong Yilan didn't refute, this strange yet vaguely familiar feeling caused a strange emotion to surge in her heart, fear, excitement, joy, not all, thinking, she opened the photo album.

The girl on the first page is about seven or eight years old, wearing two ponytails, smiling brightly at the camera, Dong Yilan's eyes fell on her black pupils, the girl has black eyes, and She is different.

"Yilan, you have been injured before. Although Mommy can't explain to you why your eyes turned red, it is definitely our daughter."

Dong Yilan didn't answer, but just looked at the photo album quietly. This photo album recorded her life from the age of seven or eight to 12, but why did the self in her memory attend special agent training during this period?

If the photo album is true, how should I explain my weird skills?

If the photo album is fake, then how to explain this unreasonable sense of familiarity?

The answer is within reach, but out of reach.

For a moment, all kinds of broken and messy images hit her mind like a movie film, the cold operating table, the doctor in a white coat, the glare of the lights, the hideous smiling face, and with a loud noise, something exploded. She saw a little girl who looked exactly like her running in the mountains and forests, looking back as she walked along the road, and a group of heavily armed soldiers behind her raised their guns mercilessly.

"Yilan, what's wrong with you?" Cheng Nuo looked at Dong Yilan who suddenly turned pale, and asked anxiously, but she couldn't listen to anything anymore, and her whole body trembled violently as if she had fallen into some kind of bewilderment. with.

With a bang, Dong Yilan seemed to be very afraid of the photo album in his hand, so he threw it a few meters away with force, and the photo album fell to the wall, scattering photos all over the floor.

"Yilan, don't scare Mommy!" Cheng Nuo panicked. She originally wanted her daughter to recall some past experiences. Even if she couldn't remember, she could at least let her understand that this is her home. The reaction will be so strong, so strong that the whole body trembles.


Finally, Dong Yilan couldn't bear the images constantly rolling in her mind, she had a splitting headache, she screamed, hugged her head and retreated into the corner formed by the bookshelf and the bedside table, Ren Chengnuo couldn't make her come out no matter how hard she coaxed her.

Only by hiding in a corner can she feel a little safe, and only by holding her head tightly and covering her ears can she not hear the voices that make her shudder.

Hearing the screams from upstairs, Dong Chuchen and Mo Yao were startled, and they went up a dozen flights of stairs in two or three steps.

"What happened?" Dong Chuzhi asked after entering the door, seeing the mother and daughter huddled in the corner, both Dong Chuzhi and Mo Yao were taken aback.

Dong Yilan, on the other hand, heard the voice and looked up. When Mo Yao's face appeared in her pupils, her eyes filled with great surprise, as if a person floating in the sea saw the life-saving driftwood. He got up and rushed into Mo Yao's arms.

She was too fast and bumped into Cheng Nuo in front of her. Fortunately, Dong Chuzhi reacted quickly enough to hold Cheng Nuo so that she didn't fall down.

Mo Yao is complete.

Dong Yilan's reaction greatly satisfied his self-esteem as a man. When his woman realized the danger, she would involuntarily throw herself into his arms, even if she had such a powerful and weird skill.

While satisfied, he was even more worried about Dong Yilan's body, and couldn't help but raise his eyes to look at Cheng Nuo: "Auntie, what did you show her?"

(End of this chapter)

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