The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 182 Good Men Don't Fight Women

Chapter 182 Good Men Don't Fight Women

Cheng Xiaoye knew how to bully him, and when he grows up, he must... Xiao Tiancheng waved her clenched fist in her heart, but after thinking about it, she lost her confidence again, forget it, good men don't fight women, He endured it!

She stuck it to Dong Yilan beamingly, "Sister, Chengcheng sees you here, do you miss me?" As she said that, she moved her wet mouth to Dong Yilan's face and kissed her.

Dong Yilan instantly changed to a gentle and dignified face, hugged Xiao Tiancheng in her arms, and rubbed his steamed bun face vigorously.

At this time, the ghostly Cheng Xiaoye had already walked in carelessly. Only then did she realize that Mo Yao was not actually kneeling, but his posture was not too different from kneeling. Anyway, he was in the posture of a dwarf. .

"Brother-in-law, you haven't passed the door yet, so you don't need to perform such a grand ceremony, just make up your mind, get up!" He waved indifferently, signaling Mo Yao not to be polite.

The corner of Mo Yao's mouth twitched, what do you mean he hasn't passed the door yet?If you want to pass the door, it is also a woman's pass, okay?Also, there is something in her words, does that mean that she has to kowtow to salute every day after passing through the door?
What kind of rule is this?
But I have to admit that the words Cheng Xiaoye and Dong Chengcheng called brother-in-law made him feel uncontrollably happy, and even the corners of his lips curved into a beautiful arc involuntarily.

Mo Yao also began to admire his own prospects deeply!
Just when he was complacent, Dong Yilan's words almost caused him to fall down again when he stood up just now: "Dong Chengcheng, are you itchy? What kind of brother-in-law are you ignoring?"

"..." Dong Chengcheng.

Looking at Dong Yilan with a wrinkled face, the second sister obviously called her brother-in-law just now, why did she only mention me and not the second sister?
Dong Yilan slapped him on the head, causing his head to fall on the bed, "Because you said it first!"

Dong Chengcheng's mouth was flattened, and his big watery eyes were about to shed tears. His aggrieved appearance was very endearing, and Dong Yilan's heart softened. Just as he was about to coax him, he listened. With a slap, Cheng Xiaoye slapped Dongcheng Cheng's fart Yueshu mercilessly.

"Stop pretending, you're obviously a fox, you pretend to be a little white rabbit, and you don't care about your virtues." As he spoke, Cheng Xiaoye pinched Xiao Tiancheng's chubby and soft face a few times.

"..." Dong Chengcheng was even more aggrieved.

"..." Mo Yao was speechless.

"I'm going to tell Daddy, Mommy, you all bullied me!" Dong Chengcheng was furious, escaped from the claws of the two sisters, jumped off the bed three times, and ran all the way to the door.

As soon as Xiao Tiancheng left, the atmosphere in the room suddenly became weird. Dong Yilan looked at Mo Yao coldly, not giving him any good looks, and Mo Yao hesitated to speak, as if he wanted to explain something, but when It's hard to tell Cheng Xiaoye's face.

Cheng Xiaoye suddenly remembered the scene when he entered the door, his elf-like eyes rolled around twice, it seemed that his brother-in-law did something wrong to his sister, and his sister got caught, now he is here as a light bulb, no one can explain Unable to speak, she really decided to go out and listen to the corner!
"Sister, you and brother-in-law talk first, I still have a design drawing that I haven't finished, I need to go out to find inspiration."
For some reason, when talking about looking for inspiration, Cheng Xiaoye suddenly had a noble and noble man in his mind. When his brother-in-law came back with his sister, he followed Amy to pick him up at the airport.His name is Du Wenqi, Amy's brother, the chief CEO of the Du family chaebol.

Cheng Xiaoye raised his eyebrows, suppressed the strange thoughts in his heart, and when he passed by Mo Yao, he gave him a brother-in-law expression that you are asking for blessings, and walked away gloating.

With a bang, the door closed, and as the footsteps outside the door changed from big to small, getting farther and farther away, Dong Yilan's anger finally burned uncontrollably.

Sweat flowed from Mo Yao's forehead again, thinking back in the past when he, Mo Qiye, had explained to others what he did, but this time, he faintly felt that if he didn't explain clearly, Yilan might really not be able to forgive himself.

But I did it, and no matter how I explained it, it couldn't change the fact.

I'm afraid that she will regard this kind of behavior as betrayal in her heart. Once the relationship is labeled as betrayal, even if he is full of mouth, it will be irreversible.The more Mo Yao thought about it, the more anxious he became. Dong Yilan didn't speak, but stared at him so coldly, which made him feel restless.

Hundred claws scratch the heart.

Thinking about his various evil deeds during that time in Mexico, Mo Yao felt so regretful that he almost gritted his steel teeth. If the time could go back to half a year ago, he would confess her as a Buddha no matter what he said. move.

By the way, Cheng Xiaoye is also a pretty girl, she stomped her footsteps hard on purpose, the sound continued to the door of her room, she flicked her shoes inside, and stepped back with her bare feet.

He stuck his ears to the door, listening to the movement inside.

"Cheng Xiaoye, if you dare to eavesdrop on me, tell Daddy!" The sudden voice startled me, and I almost slammed my face against the door.

He raised his head and stared angrily at the half of his head protruding from the door.

Xiao Tiancheng stared back unconvinced, he did not forget the slap on the fart just now, that slap greatly hurt his self-esteem as a little man.

"Shh!" With his index finger between his lips, he made a quiet gesture, then beckoned to him, pointed hard at the door, and whispered, "Come here."

Dong Chengcheng clasped his arms around his chest, hummed a single sound from the side of his head, and remained unmoved by Cheng Xiaoye's temptation.

Cheng Xiaoye burst out laughing, the kid was getting angry, he didn't listen to him, and continued to put his ear on it.

"Yilan, listen to my explanation." Mo Yao decided to speak clearly: "I really didn't know that you would be the one who bought it back. I drank too much that day because I thought of you after seeing her. And your You should have heard that over the years, I have never had any woman by my side, which I believe is very difficult for anyone to do."

Dong Yi squinted his blue blood amber eyes, looking at his toes.

She did not deny that what Mo Yao said was true.A golden bachelor like Mo Yao, who wants money, looks, and figure, is definitely the prince charming in the hearts of women in D city, the ideal lover in their dreams.Based on the fact that he has nothing to do with the scandal over the years, she should believe him.

But to believe is to believe, and to be angry is to be angry.

Dong Yilan suddenly remembered that Amy had gossiped about Mo Yao with her, and it was the first time she heard about Mo Yao at that time.It was by chance that Amy ran into Mo Yao at the film festival. At that time, she was fascinated by Mo Yao's magnificent and coquettish appearance. He is also a star after all, and it is not too much to describe it as a beautiful face, but he took the initiative to strike up a conversation. Mo Yao didn't catch a look.

Miss Amy got angry and called her to complain.

Later I heard that he had a childhood sweetheart girlfriend, but she was very mysterious and well hidden, so good that no one had ever seen her before.

Thinking of this, Dong Yilan felt a little more balanced in his heart.

Seeing that Dong Yilan's face was a little loose, Mo Yao was overjoyed, but he didn't show it on his face, he just said in a tone full of desolation and resentment: "I am a normal man, when I face the woman I like , even if I can't gain insight into her true identity, that feeling will not change. I can't help it, it's entirely out of the physiological reaction of a normal man."

"Think about it, why am I not interested in other women, but only have feelings for you? That's because you are my Yilan, and I have to bear the responsibility in this life!"

She clearly remembered that day she had a nosebleed again, and she was lying on the ground unwilling to let him carry her on her back. She was afraid that she would think he was heavy, so she asked him: "Little brother, am I heavy?"

"It's not heavy," he said.

She asked again: "Then you will carry me for the rest of your life?"

He said: "Good!"

The firm tone made her feel deeply for a long time, and he did it. During the years when she was away, he didn't look at other women more, and he didn't give his heart to women other than her for safekeeping. Inadvertently made a mistake.

This mistake is not unforgivable, right?

Ask yourself, if the person who died at the beginning was Mo Yao, maybe she would have been married long ago in the past ten years, so how could she stay by him all the time.

Thinking of this, Dong Yilan was a little moved, and asked involuntarily: "Do you remember what you promised me before?"

"I will carry you forever." Mo Yao's cold voice was filled with tenderness, and he said word by word: "I have never forgotten the promise I made to you. I dare not forget it before, I will not forget it now, and I will never forget it in the future! "

"I have never been afraid of anything in my life, but last time I was in Muscat, facing the cliff, I was really scared. I was afraid that I would never see you again, and I was afraid that you would fall into the boundless abyss alone , so even though I knew that I might not survive, I still jumped down with you, because I said that I will protect you for the rest of my life, and I will not let you bear the pain alone."

Dong Yilan couldn't hide the emotion in his heart, and tears eroded his eyes involuntarily.

At this time, the door suddenly moved, a gap was opened, light came in, and then two flustered and apologetic little faces appeared, "Hey, brother-in-law, I'm sorry, you keep going, we're just passing by. "

With a bang, the door was closed again, and Cheng Xiaoye was faintly heard chasing Xiao Tiancheng to knock, "Who told you to touch the doorknob? Didn't I tell you to listen but not to move?"

Little Sweet Orange ran non-stop, crying and shouting, "Sister, you are unreasonable, you obviously didn't close the door properly, and opened it as soon as you touched it! Huh, daddy, mommy, come and take care of your baby!" Daughter, she hit your dear son!"

The affectionate conversation was disrupted just like that, Dong smiled at Lan Po's tears, and looked at Mo Yao with tearful eyes.

The light from the corridor entered the room, brightening the originally dim light. Mo Yao stood against the light, and the golden light cast a layer of shimmer on his body that was as light as a cicada's wing. Dong Yilan seemed to have returned to the time when he met him in the slave market. In one scene, his tall and straight figure reflected the sun, like a god.

Dong Yilan stretched out a hand to Mo Yao, "Pull me up."

"Aren't you going to lie down again?" Mo Yao knew the way in an instant, forgetting that she had been there for two whole days and two nights.

"I'm hungry, take me to dinner."

The little woman's three-pointed and seven-pointed angry voice came into her ears, and Mo Yao was stunned for a moment, and then she was ecstatic, "Okay, I'll take you there now!"

(End of this chapter)

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