Chapter 184
It was already past 3 o'clock in the afternoon when I finished dinner with Dong Yilan and sent her back to the host's mansion.

Mo Yao originally wanted to stay with her at home, but the ghostly Cheng Xiaoye took Dong Chengcheng with him and tried his best to be a light bulb, not giving them any space to be alone.As for Dong Chengcheng, that kid looks elegant like a little gentleman, with a soft and cute face covered in milk, but he is actually pretending to be a pig and a tiger, with a black belly and a ruthless belly.

Every time Cheng Xiaoye finished teasing him, an imperceptible smile would flash across the corner of Dong Chengcheng's eyes.

As Cheng Xiaoye said, he has not "passed the door", even if he is being bullied now, he can only bear it.

Even so, he is still willing to accompany Dong Yilan.The most important thing is that when Amy came, the self-esteemed star pushed him aside, saying that sisters are siblings and men are clothes, so he took his seat as a matter of course.

In this way, Dong Yilan had no place for him at all, and the two women and one child made a fuss together, so they squeezed him out, and returned to the company depressed.Seeing him come back, the company was full of joy, and the huge desk was also full of documents that needed to be signed.

At this time, he suddenly realized one thing.

Beiying has lost contact for a month!
Ever since he left Muscat, he has only paid attention to Dong Yilan, and he hasn't worried about Beiyingxian's situation for such a long time.I didn't feel it when I forgot it. When I thought about it, my heart was suddenly occupied by an emotion called worry, and I couldn't help taking out my phone.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is out of service area..."

After the Chinese, there was a prompt in English, all of which stated the fact that he could not contact Beiying at all.

Mo Yao's heart sank, and a stronger worry squeezed into his heart, and then he made another call, "Send someone to the Middle East, Beiying is missing!"

Hanging up the phone, a heavy look appeared on her delicate face.

In the Middle East, an almost barren military zone is surrounded by occupied military bases. To distinguish the territory, they pulled up a barbed wire fence full of spikes.A patrol car passed in front of the barbed wire fence, its wheels kicked up billows of dust, blocking the view.

Beiying sat in the back of the car, dozing off with the rifle in her arms.

He is indeed very tired.

For nearly a month, he patrolled with the soldiers during the day, and from time to time, he followed them to attack the government's territory, creating some terror, and kept an eye on Mo Zhanting at night.

There is no telecommunication network here, and it is necessary to communicate with the outside world through radio communication, and the identity of Beiying dare not appear in the communication room no matter what.

As night falls, the white moonlight shines on the earth, and there is silence on the Gobi Desert.Occasionally, there are sounds that come into the ears, and they are all unknown insects, and there are footsteps of patrol soldiers.

Beiying, who was supposed to be sleeping, suddenly opened her eyes.

A gloomy light flashed in his thick black eyes, and he glanced at the sleeping people on the left and right. Seeing that they were fast asleep, he turned over lightly and jumped off the bed.It's been a whole month, and he has already explored the firepower of Mo Zhanting's military area, so it's time to leave.

He touched the rifle by the bedside and checked the pistol on his waist. After confirming that there was no problem, he groped towards the door.

Just as he opened the door and was about to go out, there was a sound of dense footsteps reaching his ears, and Beiying leaned half of his body back, and stood at the door waiting for the patrolling people to pass by.

"There is a raid mission tonight, send people to increase defense!"

The leader of the mercenaries gave orders in Arabic, and the footsteps became denser and hurried because of his orders.

Have a raid mission at night?
Beiying frowned, they had not received any notice.It's true that it's not peaceful here recently. Although explosions are not uncommon in war-torn areas, the feeling of being thrown shells every now and then is still very scary.

If you are accidentally targeted by the unlucky ghost, your life will be gone.

After coming out of the barracks, walk 1000 meters west to the parking lot. He has already got the car keys and pass, and he can leave smoothly as long as he pretends to perform a mission.

But damn it, there was a surprise attack tonight!
Thinking of this, Beiying couldn't help but quicken her pace.

"Stop!" With a shout, seven or eight mercenaries immediately came up and surrounded Beiying.

A man with the appearance of a squadron leader stared at Beiying up and down, seeing that he was wearing the same military uniform as himself, the inquiry in his eyes became more obvious.

"Which part are you from?" asked in authentic American English.

"The third team of Group B!" Bei Ying answered in fluent English without looking sideways, but his hand held the Double Eagle pistol at his waist.

The squadron leader didn't trust him, his eyes swept up and down several times on him, and asked loudly: "You don't rest in the middle of the night, what are you doing sneakily?"

"No sneaking around!" Beiying also replied loudly, "There is a mission ahead, and I am ordered to support it!" After telling the raid mission that he heard just now, he didn't know if he could get away with it, and the hands on his waist grabbed even tighter. tight.

The squadron leader glanced back, there was indeed a surprise mission tonight, and the assembled team had only passed a few minutes, "Why is there only one person?"

This is difficult to explain. Generally speaking, if you go to the front to support, you will go in a team of one person. It is absolutely impossible to call one person alone.As for Beiying, she was alone and had no companions.

"The patrol car broke down, and the maintenance of the vehicle was delayed by 1 minute!"

The squadron leader rolled his brown eyes a few times. It was indeed the third unit of Group B who was in charge of patrolling today. Seeing Beiying's appearance, he didn't seem to be lying, so he relaxed his vigilance.

Beiying saw that there were signs of looseness on his face, and immediately added: "Report to the squadron leader, I have to go to assemble!"

"Let's go!"

Bei Ying ran towards the parking lot as if she had received an amnesty.

The squadron leader looked at Beiying's figure with some doubts. The people who gathered just now were clearly heading southeast. How could he go west?Just about to stop him and ask again, someone happened to come to report something, so he ignored Beiying, and when he was done, he was already seen driving southeast.

It turned out to be driving, and the squadron leader let go of his doubts.What he didn't expect was that this carelessness would bring them a catastrophe in the near future.

On the soft and comfortable big bed, Mo Yao tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

Dong Yilan has been living in the host's mansion since she came back. She didn't wake up a few days ago, and he could still stay in her room in the name of taking care of her. Now that she is awake, no one needs to take care of her at night, so he was invited come out.

Mo Yao has a lot of resentment about this, when she has no memory, he can still hug her to sleep, but now, her memory is back, but her own benefits are gone!

Both eyes stared blankly at the ceiling, wondering what she was thinking, and the faint fragrance on the nostrils was the scent left by her.

This is her room, her bed. The last time Mo Yao came back to City D, Dong Chuzhi arranged for him to live in Dong Yilan's home. This time he moved in consciously. As for his own home, it has been idle for a long time up.

If you can't fall asleep, it's easy to think about it, and the more you think about it, the more you can't fall asleep.

What is she doing now?

Mo Yao reached out and took the mobile phone beside the bed.

Find out her number, want to dial, put your finger on the main side of the number, but stop.

Should she be asleep?She was so weak when she just woke up, and it is already 11 o'clock in the evening. If I disturb her rest, I will definitely feel distressed tomorrow.

Put down the phone, and not reconciled!

The sudden sound made him tremble with fright, and the phone almost hit his face. When he looked at the screen, he received a text message, and the sender's name displayed the word Yilan.

Mo Yao frantically turned on his phone to look.He suddenly discovered that the mood at this moment was extremely excited, just like the mood when the young boy confessed to his sweetheart for the first time, with a little bit of uneasiness, more anticipation and throbbing in his heart!

So much so that the slender fingers swiped several times before unlocking the screen lock.

"have you slept?"

The simple three words made the corners of Mo Yao's stern lips curl up slightly.

"I haven't slept yet." After typing, I wanted to press the send button, but felt that the content was too sloppy, so I frowned and thought for a long time, and then started typing on the screen again: "What did you have for dinner?"

But he, who had never sent a text message, suddenly found that his fingers were too thick and he was not flexible. He either pressed the wrong letter or chose the wrong word.In just one sentence, he was exhausted into a sweat.

On the phone side, Dong Yilan waited for a long time with his phone in his arms, seeing that he still didn't answer, he thought he was asleep.A sense of disappointment sprouted in my heart, I got used to his embrace these days, and I couldn't sleep without him!
Force yourself to close your eyes, turn off the lights, and go to sleep!
At this time, the phone buzzed twice.

She was worried about the sound in the room, disturbing her parents and younger siblings to rest, so she set her phone to vibrate mode.

He's not asleep yet!A smile appeared on the originally somewhat disappointed face, and Gu Lu turned over and lay down on the bed. With a swipe of his slender fingertips, a line of words appeared in his eyes.

What did you have for dinner?
Dong Yilan bit the corner of her lips and recalled that the dishes in the evening were too rich, which one is better?
Obviously, Dong Yilan's typing speed on the mobile phone was much faster than that of Mo Yao, and within a short while, the names of a dozen dishes were typed in.Before sending it, she hesitated again, and deleted the content in a flash, and simply wrote: "I ate at home." Then asked: "Why don't you go to bed so late."

The other party was silent for a long time, and when Dong Yilan thought he was asleep again, a message came: "Can't sleep."

Dong Yilan was taken aback for a moment, and just about to say something, then came another one: "Miss you!"

Oh, you miss me when you can't fall asleep.The blood-like eyes dimmed, with a hint of disappointment, at this time the third message came again, "It's reversed."

Inverted?What's wrong?
Dong Yilan was wondering, and looked back and forth at the two messages above: Can't sleep, miss you!
Could it be: miss you, can't sleep!

After getting this answer, Dong Yilan's gloomy mood just now was swept away, and he was in a mess when he was in a good mood. He couldn't help but read it over and over again, thinking about the expression on his face when he was edited by that cold man.

Thinking about it, a blush floated on his face, as if he had just begun to fall in love.

Thinking about it carefully, she has never really been in love!

(End of this chapter)

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