The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 190 Uncle, go to hell with me!

Chapter 190 Uncle, go to hell with me!

Mo Zhanting's garrison headquarters, surrounded by dozens of miles of barren Gobi Desert, was under the baptism of artillery fire, and a mercenary captain was reporting the battle situation.

"About nine o'clock in the evening, a group of people appeared from nowhere and suddenly opened fire on the base..." Under Mo Zhanting's strong pressure, the mercenary captain who usually flaunts his might did not dare to raise his head. The voice of the report is getting lower and lower.


With a crash, the things on the table had been knocked down by Mo Zhanting. His eagle-like eyes swept across several mercenary captains sharply.The captain of the mercenary army was startled, lowered his head even lower, and looked at the cup rolling under his feet anxiously.

"The other party has entered the garrison headquarters, and you didn't notice it at all?" The cold voice paused every word, as if hitting everyone's heartstrings, and the tiny beads of sweat oozing from the foreheads of a few people could be vaguely seen, reflected in the light. of light.

After the sharp whistling sound, there was an overwhelming explosion, and the headquarters building shook violently. Mo Zhanting couldn't hold his feet for a while, and staggered and bumped into the window.


Someone wanted to reach out to help him, but saw a string of flames flying straight towards the headquarters.

boom!There was another loud explosion, and the glass of the command center shattered instantly, and the heat wave swept in with billowing smoke, and the room was suddenly in a mess.Mo Zhanting only had time to cover his face with his hands, and the splashed glass shards ran across his arms, leaving bloodstains. The blood dripped down, and the anger on his already gloomy face became more obvious.

"Go and investigate, find out who did it for me!" The violent voice resounded throughout the headquarters.

This is the first time, the first time his garrison was attacked, and the opponent hit the garrison headquarters without him noticing it. Fortunately, the opponent used only ordinary shells, which were not too lethal. Big, if it is replaced with a more powerful one, the consequences will be unimaginable!
As for the mercenaries under his command who lived by war all the year round, the raging flames of war undoubtedly ignited the militant factor in their bodies.In their eyes, Mo Zhanting saw bloodthirsty spirits that were stirring.

"Yes, Commander!" The mercenary captains ran out one by one without stopping.

As soon as they left, Murphy walked in.

"Dad, are you injured?" Seeing the bloodstains on Mo Zhanting's hands, Mo Fei's eyes flashed with shock.

The shock in his son's eyes did not escape his eyes, suppressing the boiling anger in his heart, he put his arms behind his back calmly, and said lightly, "It's okay, do you know who did it?"

"Not yet." Murphy replied truthfully, "I just saw a bomb flying towards this side, so come and take a look, as long as you are fine."

Mo Zhanting was slightly taken aback, apparently he didn't expect his son to come because his life was threatened, let alone that he would say these words.Before he could speak again, Murphy had already got up and walked forward, "I'll go down to check the situation now."

Mo Zhanting looked at his son's back, and for some reason, his heart was suddenly touched, and he couldn't help saying: "Be careful!"

Murphy paused, and then a smile appeared on his cold face, "I will."

Watching his son leave, Mo Zhanting deliberately ignored the strangeness that flashed in his heart, and his sharp eyes fell on the surveillance video.Who is it that can escape the hidden defenses of his base and break in without anyone noticing?

A black car suddenly broke into the surveillance, and Mo Zhanting's long and narrow eyes narrowed a dangerous line of sight.

It turned out to be from Long Xuan!
Zhang Xian, who appeared in the surveillance video, was dealing with mercenaries not far from the checkpoint.When he attacked the checkpoint guards, the battle at the headquarters had not yet started, and the nearby mercenaries rushed to support after hearing the gunshots. Facing the pursuit of five or six vehicles, Zhang Xian felt a headache.

Looking at the time, Mo Yao should have arrived at Mo Zhanting's headquarters.

The constant conversations on the walkie-talkie turned into loud noises because of the distance.

"Xiao Jin, grenade!" Zhang Xian shouted.

Xiao Jin was one of the people they rescued from the Sixth Division of National Security. Following Zhang Xian's order, Xiao Jin immediately took off the grenade hanging from his waist and shook the window glass.

Zhang Xian stepped on the brakes and turned to the right, and the armed off-road vehicle following on the right was forced to lean to the right, and when it was on a straight line with the off-road vehicle behind, Xiao Jin took the opportunity to throw a grenade.

With a bang, the grenade exploded under the armed off-roader, and the off-roader was lifted several meters high by the tumbling flames, smashing hard on the car behind, and the fire burst into the sky.Two mercenaries who were on fire jumped out of the car. Before they could extinguish the fire on their bodies, the car suddenly exploded.I saw two balls of fire flying out more than ten meters away, and fell to the ground motionless.

An off-road vehicle bypassed the two bombed vehicles and fired at Zhang Xian's car from a distance.

Bullets came in through the open window, and a row of black craters were punched out of the fabric above the roof, emitting thick smoke. Fang Luhong was so frightened that she hugged her head and yelled, then she was pressed down by a hand.

"Get down on the ground!" Zhang Xian yelled violently, and Fang Luhong hurriedly lowered her head.

Xiaojin's gun sticks out from the window, and hits back at the off-roader who just shot!
"Behind!" Zhang Xian reminded.

With an emergency brake, the left and right off-road vehicles were too late to brake and rushed in front of them.But the off-roader who was following them, because they couldn't dodge in time, rear-ended and crashed into their car.

The off-road vehicle driver slammed into the steering wheel, and before he could recover, Xiao Jin had already rewarded him with a grenade, "Go to hell!" The voice didn't hit the ground, and the flames were several meters high, and another car was destroyed.

Fang Luhong didn't have a seat belt, so she stopped and bumped, bumped her body back and forth several times, and wailed while covering her painful head.

At this time, the two cars rushing forward had already started to back up, outflanking them from both sides, Zhang Xian didn't have time to pay attention to Fang Luhong, kicked the accelerator and rushed into the rubble-strewn Gobi Desert nearby.

The wheels turned, and the yellow sand was raised. The three cars were chasing each other desperately.Dense bullets came one after another, and after a while, Zhang Xian's four car doors were smashed into a hornet's nest.

In order to prevent accidental bullets, Xiao Jin was forced to close the window.

"Boss, open the door!"

Zhang Xian understood, and opened the central lock. Xiao Jin opened the car door with one hand, and held the submachine gun in the other hand, and swept wildly at the back.The two cars that had just caught up were forced to open a distance.

But soon, they caught up again.

Xiao Jin threw another grenade out, but was cleverly dodged by the off-road vehicle.

Seeing that the off-road vehicle was approaching soon, Zhang Xian ordered in a deep voice: "Xiao Jin, Hei Zi and the two stay here!" He couldn't continue fighting here, he had to hurry up and meet Mo Yao!
"Yes!" Two crisp voices answered.

When the car door was opened, Xiaojin and Heizi jumped out of the car, one left and one right, rolled over, turned twice on the sand and gravel to stabilize their bodies, and then pointed their submachine guns at the off-road vehicle behind them.

"Master, let me go to hell!"

Xiao Jin let out a loud roar, and the deserted Gobi desert was filled with a sense of heroism. The two submachine guns shot out sparks at the same time, and dense bullets smashed towards the wheels.

One car scrambled to dodge, and the other car that didn't dodge was shot at the tires and rolled tens of meters away in a hurry. The people in the car were thrown into the air by the strong inertia and fell into the sand and gravel .

There was a lot of dust and another car was written off.

The last off-road vehicle saw its companions being killed, and stopped angrily, with a machine gun on the window, and swept wildly in the direction of Xiaojin and Heizi.

Xiaojin and Heizi completed their mission, nodded at each other tacitly, rolled on the spot, and fled in different directions.

Zhang Xian was finally able to escape, and accelerated towards the garrison headquarters.

Before the surveillance, Mo Zhanting was filled with murderous aura. His subordinates had the most sophisticated weapons and equipment, and they lost five to one.He picked up the walkie-talkie and ordered: "Stop the black car in the east, catch the live ones if you can catch them, and kill them if you can't catch them!"

A group of troops received the order to attack quickly and surrounded Zhang Xian.

The war was already in full swing. Wherever Zhang Xian drove past, the flames of war were raging, and corpses were scattered all over the field. Scattered limbs and arms and the scorched black of the gunfire could be seen casually.Just lamenting the cruelty of war, suddenly a group of people came roaring.

Zhang Xian successfully attracted part of the troops away, reducing the pressure on the agents of the garrison headquarters.Even so, the huge disparity in numbers was doomed for the agents to lose in the operation. After more than half an hour, Mo Zhanting's mercenaries had clearly gained the upper hand.

At this time, the people brought by Mo Yao had joined the people brought by Zhang Xian at the garrison headquarters.According to the fire control map provided by Beiying, he pushed forward while firing, and soon successfully approached Mo Zhanting's headquarters.

Mo Zhanting only stared at Zhang Xian on the screen, but did not find Mo Yao hiding in the dark, so Mo Yao easily entered the corridor in front of the headquarters.

Surprisingly, Zhang Xian, who was supposed to join him here, did not appear.Calculated by time, Zhang Xian should have arrived 5 minutes earlier than him.Things didn't go according to plan on the battlefield, and there was only one possibility... that was to encounter danger ahead of schedule.

Mo Yao remembered the gunshots half an hour ago.

If you heard me right, the gunshots should have come from where Zhang Xian passed by.He hasn't arrived now, which can only mean that there was an attack at the checkpoint.That being the case, it was meaningless for him to wait here, so he checked the guns and ammunition, and rushed into the artillery fire alone.

Cannonballs kept exploding around him, and Mo Yao, facing the cannon fodder that fell on his head and face, dodged to the side of the headquarters building with a few strides, and jumped in from a blown-out window.

Mo Yao's figure disappeared into the headquarters building. At this moment, the action team leader threw a signal flare into the sky.

Colorful fireworks bloomed in the sky, and the agents began to hide their positions nearby. In less than a minute, more than 1 agents disappeared.
This chapter Xiaoyan went back and forth for more than ten hours to revise, just want to say, war is really, too difficult to write! !
I am very grateful to Huang Mengxi for recommending her article "Ace's Female Guard"

Thanks for the recommendation from the official thief, I recommend the article "The Chief Builds Love and Marriage" by the thief

Thank you Double Faced Wazi and Luo Ye Shang.

(End of this chapter)

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