Chapter 193
A group of people walked towards the helicopter. Along the way, there was constant artillery fire and dangers abounded. Dong Chengcheng leaned in Dong Yilan's arms with peace of mind, enjoying the special preferential treatment for children.

Suddenly, there was a slight sound of a machine gun being loaded from behind the protective wall. Due to his sensitivity to weapons, the sound naturally did not escape Mo Yao's ears. He subconsciously stood in front of Dong Yilan and shot at the protective wall.

A muffled grunt was heard as the bullet pierced the wall.

"Hearing is not bad!" Dong Yilan praised softly, but she also heard it.

There was a rush of footsteps ahead, there were three people in total, and they hid behind the protective wall.

"The gunshot just now was here, and I'm still talking to Yilan." It was Zilong who spoke, and while speaking, his sharp eyes swept towards the protective wall.The killer's sensitivity to the environment is very high, and he heard at least three people breathing there.

And one more, the dead.

"Yilan, come out." Dong Chuchen looked at the protective wall angrily, his son and daughter were so bold, it really broke his heart as a father.

Dong Yilan walked out with small steps, keeping her head down all the way, not daring to look at Daddy.

Mo Yao and Zhang Xian followed behind her, greeting him with shame on their faces.

On the contrary, Dong Chengcheng was very excited, and opened his arms towards his dear daddy: "Daddy!" He had already guessed that his daddy would follow, so he was already mentally prepared.

Dong Chuchen reached out to take him, and as soon as he left the embrace of the eldest sister, he put his arms around Daddy's neck and complained, "It was the eldest sister who forced me to bring her here!" Let you always bully me!

Dong Yilan's face darkened, and the wind suddenly became chaotic.

"Have you ever been so obedient?" Kissing Daddy didn't want to reveal face, Xiao Tiancheng, who pretended to be a white rabbit, flattened her mouth.

Ignoring Xiao Tiancheng's pretending to be innocent and pitiful, Dong Chuchen glanced at the gunfire flying not far away, and said in a deep voice, "Let's leave here first. I asked Du Wenfeng when we came in, and he will let us out."

Everyone nodded and left in a hurry.

In order to prevent Mo Zhanting's crazy counterattack, Dong Chuchen took a pair of children and flew directly to City D. Mo Yao and Zhang Xian took Fang Luhong back to the city to meet Beiying and Ghost.

The helicopter took off, and the military base destroyed by the war was in a mess. The mercenaries on the periphery were still desperately resisting the siege, sparks continued.His eyes caught a glimpse of a black figure downstairs in the headquarters, that person should be Murphy.

Now it's like a corpse.

Mo Yao sighed in his heart, if Mo Zhanting didn't have such big ambitions, Mo Fei wouldn't have died so tragically.Children are the continuation of life and the beginning of a better life, but Mo Fei sadly becomes a stepping stone for Mo Zhanting to satisfy his ambition.

Mo Yao suddenly had a bold idea in his heart, he also wanted to continue his life.

"Yilan, shall we have a baby?"

When he arrived at the hotel, Beiying was still lying on the bed. He was supposed to go to the hospital, but he really didn't like the smell of disinfectant.

Zhang Xian hugged Fang Luhong and put her on the bed.

She woke up when she got off the plane, but her legs were weak and she couldn't walk, so Zhang Xian had to carry her in.

"Remember to pay me back, I saved your life!" Fang Luhong said in a trembling voice, and then fell asleep with her head tilted.

Zhang Xian's face was black.

Mo Yao raised his eyebrows and looked playful: "Young Master Zhang, I heard that your old man left a lot of property when he died. Why do you still owe money to a woman?"

Zhang Xian's face turned darker when he heard the words, but Fang Luhong, who was already asleep, suddenly jumped up from the bed, "Do you have a lot of property?"

The expression on Zhang Xian's face could no longer be described as black. He wiped the sweat from his forehead, "I'll go out to catch my breath, you guys are chatting."

Why is this woman's reaction always so unexpected?

She saved his life at a critical moment, and shot Murphy recklessly, and then fainted from her own behavior. At first, he was a little moved.But now it seems that she didn't, it was just for the 300 million that she promised, but didn't give her.

But... Zhang Xian paused when he walked to the door, "Aren't you in Mexico, why did you suddenly come to the Middle East?"

"I..." Fang Luhong hesitated for a long time, and finally broke out suddenly: "It's not because of you! My old lady went to the Black Eagle Gang for you, regardless of your own life. He threw it on the side of the road and ran away!"

The more Fang Luhong talked, the more angry she became, especially when she thought of the $300 million she hadn't got yet, tears fell down her eyes.

Mo Yao gloated, "Your girl is very kind, young master Zhang, are you not going to let it down?"


Zhang Xian's colorful face is very exciting, Fang Luhong's so-called feelings are actually money.This woman's thinking is really beyond the comprehension of ordinary people. Even if she wanted to ask him for money, how did she know that she came to the Middle East?
"I asked how did you come to the Middle East?" Zhang Xian emphasized.

This question stopped Fang Luhong.In fact, she got out of the taxi that day, thinking that her $300 million was in vain, so she couldn't suppress the great pain in her heart, so she squatted on the ground and cried. Later, a person came and said that if she could help him Bring some "goods" to the Middle East, and you can pay her a small fee, and she really came.

But can this be said?This is too embarrassing, it's just that there is no principle for making money!
"I, I'm here to ask you to pay back the money!" Fang Luhong deliberately confused people, stared at Zhang Xian's face, and said seriously: "I took your innocence, I will take responsibility!"

Accounted for innocence? !Zhang Xian was overwhelmed by Fang Luhong's words.

Mo Yao nodded with a look of enlightenment, so that's the case.Let others occupy the innocence, but this is not the ancient times. Taking the innocence and claiming responsibility, is it a bit difficult for others?It was obvious that Zhang Xian didn't want to take responsibility.

Even Bei Ying, who was lying under the quilt, couldn't help pricking up her ears at this moment.

But he was very happy to see Zhang Xian eating and holding back, who made him chase him all over the street as an enemy, "Master Zhang, it's not a man's behavior to turn his face and deny people after eating it!"

"..." Zhang Xian slapped him viciously, sitting and talking without pain in his back!She glared at Fang Luhong again. She really didn't know what was going on in this woman's mind. Wasn't she just angry that she didn't give him the money?
300 million dollars, shit, I will burn it to you when you die!
With a bang, he slammed the door and left.

Fang Luhong cried pitifully for a while, then sniffled and lay down to sleep.She didn't rest much for several days in a row, and now she was lying on the bed, just touching the pillow.If it wasn't for teasing the guy who owed money and didn't pay back, she would have fallen asleep long ago.

Stretched secretly, really comfortable!
The protagonists are all gone, and Mo Yao is not in the mood to watch the show. He is thinking about the little woman who suddenly ran over, and Dong Cheng Cheng's cute face suddenly pops up in his mind. He really wants to get a child to raise Raised.With the good looks of him and Dong Yilan, the children born in the future will definitely be more punctual than Dong Chengcheng.

Get married and give birth to a cute baby, but he hasn't proposed yet!

Mo Yao rubbed the center of his brows, do you want to propose marriage?If Mo Zhanting didn't get rid of it, the family's vengeance would not be reported for a day. Under such circumstances, Yi Lan would not agree to his marriage proposal, right?
Mo Zhanting... Biting the name, the great Mo Qiye suddenly had a whim, how about following the example of those ancient heroes and holding the head of the enemy as a wedding gift?

"Heh~" Mo Qiye was startled by his own thoughts and laughed out loud, then looked up to see Beiying's monster-like eyes.

"Cough...I'm going out to get some air too."

When he opened the door, he caught a glimpse of the newspaper on the cabinet, and a gloomy light flashed in Mo Yao's dark and deep eyes like a dry well.

The forces that had been in trouble for many years were all uprooted overnight, and his son died tragically. Mo Zhanting will definitely not let it go.A man who has nothing to do is absolutely terrible if he goes crazy.

in case……

In the early morning of the next day, the headlines of newspapers and Internet around the world were dominated by a heavy news at the same time, that the number one terrorist in Asia had absconded!The entire page is occupied by a large photo. In addition to the eye-catching black headline, there is a line of gold-stamped characters underneath, and a reward of 10 billion US dollars is offered!
For a moment, Mo Zhanting really became a lost dog, being chased by people from all walks of life and having nowhere to hide, he was extremely embarrassed.

After breakfast, Dong Chuchen sat on the sofa and read the newspaper and the large poster-like photos, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his lips.

His future son-in-law is really decisive.

In this way, even if Mo Zhanting went to the ends of the earth, he would face various pursuits and assassinations. The police would not let him go, and those who wanted a bounty would chase him even more.

When Mo Zhanting was desperate, he would put all his eggs in one basket and try his best to seek revenge from Mo Yao.

What a trick to force the snake out of its hole!

Looking upstairs with amber eyes, Mo Yao should come to propose soon, right?It's just that the family feud has not been reported, and I don't know if my daughter will agree.

Xin Chang stood up, ready to go to the company.

"Daddy!" Dong Yilan came out of the room, dressed in a light blue dress, dignified and steady, but a little solemn.

"Why don't you sleep a little longer?" When he flew back from the Middle East, he was full of anger, but when he saw the children falling asleep on the plane, his anger disappeared without a trace.

Dong Yilan trotted over from the upstairs, a little embarrassed, and hesitated for a long time without saying anything.

"Want to visit your father's grave?" Dong Chuchen asked proactively.

Dong Yilan's face turned hot, and he lowered his head.Last time, she wanted to avenge the murder of her father, and now she came to ask her father to take her to visit the grave. Dong Yilan couldn't tell how she felt, but she felt guilty when she thought that she had never paid homage to her father in the past 17 years.

Dong Chuchen reached out and rubbed the top of her hair, and said softly, "Daddy will take you there."

After getting in the car, Dong Chuzhi ordered, "Mingchi Mountain Cemetery."

The driver turned the steering wheel in response, and the streamlined Maybach drove out of the villa.

"Chairman, you have a board meeting at 10 o'clock." The assistant sitting in the co-pilot seat reminded him.

"Put off the meeting until 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, don't arrange other things, I want to accompany my daughter today." Dong Chuchen said lightly.

Dong Yilan was silent when he heard the words, and looked at the rapidly receding scenery outside the window, feeling a little sad in his heart.
The sad part is all over, and a beautiful journey is about to begin. September is a beautiful month. I heard that autumn is very romantic. What do you guys think?
(End of this chapter)

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