The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 195 The Taste of Eight Diagrams

Chapter 195 The Taste of Gossip

"Who is she?" Asked pretending to be casual, but in fact she was extremely nervous.

Mo Yao seemed to suddenly understand the sound of the door, it's really boring for women to be jealous!

"Ellen (Allen), W.T's assistant to the president." Mo Yao gently opened his thin lips, and introduced him calmly, with an irrelevant attitude as if he was talking about a stranger.

The footsteps outside the door suddenly stopped, and then left angrily.

Hearing the sound of high heels hitting the ground, Dong Yilan's mood inexplicably improved again. She ate the steak with great relish, and didn't even notice that the sauce was on her face.

The corners of Mo Yao's delicate lips curled up, and he picked up a tissue to help her wipe the corners of her lips.

This scene happened to be encountered by the ghost who came in to deliver the colored contact lenses.

The ghost only feels that the world is mysterious.Their always cold and domineering Master Qi was actually wiping a woman's mouth!And with a shameless smile on his face!Ghost's three views collapsed in an instant, not even a single scum left.

"Qi Ye, the color contact lenses you want!" The bag was placed on the table with a bang, and Dong Yilan glanced at Dong Yilan like a vixen, then turned and left.

"..." Is everyone sick with snake spirits today?
"Color contact lenses, for me?" Dong Yilan thought of his phone call just now, and a warm current slowly flowed through his heart.

When I was a child, I only felt that Daddy doted on Mummy like life, but now I finally feel that beauty.It turns out that the more ruthless and domineering a person is, the more meticulous he is in pampering. A heart is like falling into a honey pot, so sweet that it is impossible to extricate itself.

"Come on, I will put it on for you." Seeing that she had stopped eating, Mo Yao beckoned.

Dong Yilan walked over obediently, and just about to sit down on the edge, her body was pulled into her arms by a pair of powerful arms.

After wiping my hands with a disinfectant towel, I opened the box of the colored contact lenses.

"Don't close your eyes, you can't put them in with your eyes closed."

"Okay, it doesn't hurt."

The warm voice with its magnetic voice reminds Dong Yilan of the scene many years ago.She was mischievous, broke the vase and scratched her fingers. There were only the two of them in the house. He took on the duty of taking care of her, disinfecting and bandaging her.

The moment the disinfectant water was poured on her hands, she cried out in pain, her snot and tears all over his body.

He has always been obsessed with cleanliness, and he never dislikes her wiping the dirty things on his body.

"Hey, it doesn't hurt." He said the same at that time.

"Baby, blink to see if it's comfortable or not." Black eyes look much more pleasing than red eyes, but they need to be comfortable.

Mo Yao's words brought Dong Yilan Piaoyuan's thoughts back to reality.She blinked obediently, the colored contact lenses fit perfectly with her eyes, and she could hardly feel that there was something inside her eyes, "No problem, the technique is very good!"

"I've become a cow and a horse for you myself, won't you give me some reward?" Bright and deep eyes stared at her lips, with pepper particles still on the corners of her lips.

Dong Yilan blushed, and immediately wanted to break free from his arms, "I have to reward this little thing, do I have to consider how many people will be back up in the future? In case no one will help you when I can't pay you."

Mo Yao suppressed her from getting up, and lightly pecked her red lips, "The salary is very low, you can definitely afford it." He rubbed the top of her hair with his big hand, hugged her and got up, "Let's go, take you Go visit the company of the Lord and see if the strength is worthy of JH International's daughter."

Take her out with big strides.

After leaving the room, Mo Yao led her straight out, passing the cashier without stopping.

"..." Dong Yilan, "Mo Qiye, are you really here to eat at my house?"

She went out with her daddy this time, and she didn't bring a penny or a mobile phone with her, or she could pay the bill.

Hearing this, Mo Yao turned around, his sharp eyebrows curved into a smile: "Do you still have to pay for dinner at your father-in-law's house?"

Of course, it doesn’t cost money to eat at home, the key point is that this is not home!The most important thing is that the waiters here didn't know her. They went out in front, and the waiters followed behind and shouted, "Hey, sir, you haven't paid the bill, there is not much money!"

She can't afford to lose this man!
Seeing that Mo Yao really didn't intend to pay the bill, Dong Yilan thought about borrowing the landline at the front desk to call Daddy, thinking about it, she moved two steps towards the front desk.

Mo Yao looked at her behind him with a half-smile.

At this time, the service lady at the front desk spoke, with a formulaic smile on her face, she said politely: "Hi, ma'am, a gentleman came to settle the bill just now, and he also paid for the meal in the room upstairs."

upstairs? Ellen?

Dong Yilan's face changed instantly, and when Mo Yao heard the second half of the sentence, he also cursed inwardly, you idiot, ghost, meddle in your own business.

The ghost who was waiting in the car at the door sneezed. He obviously settled the bill for Lord Qi, and he also settled the bill for Miss Ellen upstairs. Ellen is so delicious that a meal cost him A few thousand yuan, wait until W. T goes to the financial reimbursement first!

The lobby of JH International Western Restaurant.

People passing by looked at this pair of handsome men and beautiful women with big eyes and small eyes. It was really unfair when God created man. Some people laughed uglier than crying, and some people were so beautiful and beautiful. .

"Honey, the account is made by ghosts, it's none of my business." Mo Yao explained earnestly.

"The ghost pays with your money, if you don't nod, will he dare to make decisions privately?" I have heard W. T's affairs have always been decided by the assistant to the president. How could it be a purely superior-subordinate relationship to be able to safely hand over such a huge company to a woman? Fortunately, she believed it just now.

"This money is definitely taken by Ghost himself. It has nothing to do with me. Trust me!" In one sentence, Ghost's idea of ​​reimbursement for meals was killed in the cradle.This also caused Phantom to resent Dong Yilan very much when he saw Dong Yilan, because she made him lose thousands of dollars.

"Be good, baby, I'll take you to W.T for a walk."

Mo Yao saw that the corners of Dong Yilan's eyebrows were slightly loose, so he hit the snake with his stick, put his arms around her shoulders, and led her out of the lobby, feeling very heavy in his heart. Ellen is W. The backbone of T, it's not that he doesn't understand her thoughts over the years, it's just that Yilan didn't know it before, and Ellen didn't point it out, so he pretended not to know, and the two had a tacit understanding.

With Yilan's sudden return, the long-standing balance between him and Ellen is bound to be broken. Judging from Ellen's performance today, things may be a bit troublesome.

But no matter what, he had a choice in his mind.

I was speechless all the way, and soon arrived at W. T building.

W. T Building and JH International Building echo each other, and are the tallest and most spectacular high-rise buildings in this economic development zone.After getting out of the car, the main entrance of JH International is opposite, and they have never met each other in the past 17 years.

Mo Yao was filled with sorrow. A few months ago, he watched Dong Yilan come out of the gate of JH International from the upstairs, got into Su Jie's car, drove away and came back, and this was the scene.

Rubbing Dong Yilan's head with his big hands, he sighed, "If I had spent more time here these years, I might have met you long ago."

Dong Yilan pointed it out mercilessly: "You won't meet me even if you come, because I won't come!"

In the past 17 years, she has been to JH International very few times. Except for being forced by her parents to work for a month, she never showed up at other times, so that everyone in JH International, No one knew about her mysterious daughter.

It's my younger sister, Cheng Xiaoye, who is very popular in the jewelry department of JH International.

Ahem... Thinking about it this way, she is really a dandy who doesn't do her job properly.If you don't go to school, if you don't have anything to do, you will carry a camera and go out to play in the mountains and rivers. It has been spending Daddy's money all these years.It seems that even Xiao Tiancheng, the youngest in her family, is the network director and has started to support herself.

So ashamed!
"What are you thinking about?" Seeing her staring at the gate of JH International in a daze, Mo Yao couldn't help asking, "Do you want to go over to see Uncle Dong?"

Dong Yilan suddenly turned around, with a serious expression on his face that he had never seen before: "If I have been doing nothing, making no money, and being a prodigal, will you still support me?"

When Mo Yao heard this, his facial expression became serious.

Just when Dong Yilan thought he would not answer, a hint of cunning flashed in Mo Yao's long and narrow eyes, "I have done one thing in my whole life, and that is to make money. Now the family is rich enough, and only one prodigal woman is missing." .”

Ellen stopped walking at the door of the company, and looked out of the door in disbelief.

In March, City D had begun to warm up, but looking at the situation outside, she only felt a burst of coldness in her heart. She heard him say to the girl: "My family is rich enough, only one prodigal woman is missing."

Is he going to marry her?

In the past five years, she has been busy working for him and has never complained. She thinks he understands her thoughts.

Although there was never a promise between them, he never denied that she was in W. T's status, even in order to maintain her, even fired a female employee with great potential.In W. T, she is the wife of the president in everyone's hearts. She is confident that if Mo Yao wants to marry, she will be the one, because apart from her, there is no other person who can help him get W. T operates so beautifully.

But the woman outside, where did she come from.

As soon as he appeared, he occupied all of Mo Yao's sight, so that in the restaurant, Mo Yao didn't even give him a look.Now he is holding her, looking contented as if embracing the whole world.

Such a bright smile easily hurt her eyes.

"Miss Ellen, the car is ready, the driver is waiting for you outside the elevator." The secretary's words interrupted her thoughts.

After regaining her senses, Ellen somewhat regained some strength, and handed over the documents in her hand to the secretary, "I still have a meeting to be held, you should inform Manager Li."

I dragged my tired body into the elevator.

The secretary looked at her background with confusion in his eyes, what happened to their holy warrior-like goddess Ellen?Why does it seem like he has been hit hard.

Just as I was about to notify Manager Li, I heard the doorman shout loudly: "Hello, President!"

Their president hasn't shown up for more than two weeks, but the president's majesty has not diminished at all. Before seeing the president's person, she felt a powerful aura rushing towards her face, and she couldn't help but lower her body.

"Hello President!" When a tall figure passed by, she bowed her head and shouted respectfully.

(End of this chapter)

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