The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 197 What Does Not Proposing Marriage Mean?

Chapter 197 What Does Not Proposing Marriage Mean?
After taking the photo, Dong Yilan directly set the photo as the phone screensaver, and held it in front of Mo Yao, "From now on, you can only use this screensaver, and don't change it."

The woman in the photo is snuggling sweetly in the arms of the man, her happy smiling face seems to be filled with the beauty of the whole world.

Mo Yao nodded, "Okay, I won't change it for the rest of my life!"

Only then did Dong Yilan put down the phone in satisfaction, shrank back and nestled into Mo Yao's arms again.Mo Yao stroked her smooth long hair, as if stroking a large Persian cat.

After being quiet for a while, Dong Yilan thought of Ellen again. Now that she is here, she always feels like a dove occupying the magpie's nest. Ellen obviously helped Mo Yao to level the world, but she took the second place.

This feeling is like stealing the fruits of other people's hard work. Although I have tasted the sweetness, I am a little nervous.

"You treated Ellen that way just now, aren't you afraid that she will retaliate against you?"

"Heh~" Mo Yao laughed lightly, "Master afraid of a woman?"

You are right.Dong Yilan stopped talking again, how could Qiye Mo, who is dignified, be afraid of a woman.It is said that falling in love will affect IQ, and Dong Yilan feels that her current IQ has been affected.

"Let's go to a movie tonight. Ono really likes the new "Monster Hunt". It took me a lot of effort to get her a ticket for the premiere, so she and Du Wenqi can watch it." Said Up to this point, Dong Yilan was still a little cautious, and had schemed against Cheng Xiaoye, and he didn't know if that girl would settle accounts with her.

She has always been vengeful.

"Du Wenqi and Cheng Xiaoye?" Mo Yao felt incredible.

"That's right, I asked Amy to beg for a long time before Du Wenqi agreed." In fact, she also felt that a man like Du Wenqi, who is like a fairy, should stay away from the hustle and bustle of the world and go to the movies with Ono. It's too beautiful.

"If you want to see us, go." Mo Yao picked up a lock of Dong Yilan's hair, wrapped it between his fingers, and called the ghost, "Help me book two movie tickets for "Monster Hunt."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the sound of the other party spraying water, followed by a violent cough.

"Are you OK?"

"No, cough, cough... Seventh Master, cough... you, cough, cough... what did you just say?"

"Book me two tickets to the movie "Monster Hunt."

The ghost suddenly felt that the world was hopeless, and their domineering master actually wanted to go to the movies!

Still that cute little monster.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!Can anyone tell me what happened during the six months I was away?
With a loud bang, the ghost rolled to the bottom of the table.

Mo Yao listened to the crackling sound inside in puzzlement, and then, the beeping sound of hanging up the line.

"What would you like to eat tonight?"

After asking the little thing in his arms, he didn't answer. He looked down at her, only to find that she had fallen asleep with her head stuffed in her neck.Mo Yao curled his lips, it seems that he didn't sleep all night last night, and now he is sleepy.

With a stretch of his long arms, he picked her up and walked towards the lounge inside.He also came back in a hurry in the morning, and now he is very sleepy, so it's better to sleep together.

Dong Yilan fell asleep in a daze. In her dream, she only felt that her hands were playing tricks on her chest. She slapped her hard, and heard a muffled groan, and the movement on her chest stopped.

She turned over and continued to sleep soundly.

Mo Yao rubbed her red palm and gritted his teeth hard.

The little thing was dishonest in sleeping, and the corner of her eye glanced at her sideways, ups and downs chest.He helped her take off the jacket, and put a V-neck shirt on it, and from Mo Yao's angle, he could just see the beautiful scenery that is white and transparent, as tender as cream.

Throat tightened, swallowing saliva.

He originally wanted to sleep, but as soon as he hugged her and lay down, all his emotions were attracted by her, so he couldn't even care about sleeping, he was only thinking about that matter!
Carefully taking off her clothes, Dong Yilan turned over during the period, and was so frightened that she immediately lay down and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep.

After a while when Dong Yilan was silent, he squinted his eyes to see that she was indeed still asleep, so he got up again, clumsily moving like a young man.

In the north in March, the temperature was only around ten degrees, but Mo Yao was sweating from the heat. Touching Dong Yilan's cold little hand, he pulled the quilt over and covered the two of them.

Dong Yilan, who was still asleep just now, suddenly opened his eyes. Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced behind him. The man whose face was flushed by the heat, saw that he didn't realize that he was awake, and closed his eyes.

As long as it doesn't go too far, she is still willing to satisfy him.

Thinking about it, he fell asleep.

Mo Yao was distressed that she didn't sleep last night, and he didn't really torment her. After getting enough of his hand addiction, he hugged her to sleep contentedly.

After sleeping until dark, Dong Yilan woke up hungry, and just after waking up, she heard Mo Yao's phone kept ringing.

Mo Yao was still sleeping, she reached out and took the phone over, and what jumped on the screen was her daddy's number.

"Hello, Daddy." The voice had the laziness and hoarseness of just waking up, which made people daydream.

Dong Chuchen was immersed for a while, he was someone who came here, he could think of what they went through just now without asking, he greeted Mo Yao several times in his heart, and then asked: "Honey, where are you?"

Dong Yilan's brain was still in chaos, rubbing his eyes and thinking for a long time before he remembered that he was in Mo Yao's company, "I'm at W.T, Daddy, are you looking for me or Mo Yao?"

"Looking for you now, are you going home for dinner tonight?"

"No, I'm going to the movies tonight."

"Okay, then go home early after watching the movie."

"Well, goodbye, Daddy."

Hanging up the phone, I found that Mo Yao had already woken up. He propped his head on his hands and looked at her from the side. The corners of his lips were slightly hooked, and his smile neutralized the cold and hard lines of his face, making him look a little warmer.

I don't know if Xi Shi is in the eyes of lovers, or Mo Yao is really handsome, but Dong Yilan is obsessed with it.

"I know I'm good-looking, so you don't need to show an idiot expression. If you really want to express your admiration, then you should promise yourself with your body."

Dong Yilan rolled his eyelids, "Mo Qiye, my admiration for you is really like the waters of the Yellow River, but what I admire is your shameless narcissistic spirit, which is really unmatched and epic. !"

Dong Yilan shook his head and said, Mo Yao was not only not annoyed, but also nodded in response, "I will take this as a compliment from the bottom of my heart." Turning over to get off the bed, the ghosts are probably waiting for them below .

After Mo Yao turned on the light, Dong Yilan realized that Mo Yao was only wearing underwear!
The white incandescent light hit his strong back, and the wheat-colored skin glowed with a healthy color. Every move was a perfect combination of strength and beauty.Looking at it like this, Dong Yilan only felt a rush of heat rushing through her nostrils. As soon as Mo Yao's shirt was put on her clothes, she had already jumped off the bed pinching her nose.

"I have a nosebleed, where is the bathroom?"

The ghost leaned against the front of the car for nearly two hours before the two masters were expected to come out.

When he got into the car, he sharply saw two balls of paper stuffed in Dong Yilan's nostrils.

A meaningful smile flashed in his eyes, Qi Ye did things differently, really heroic!

Of course, as a competent driver, he would not show his anticipation of gossip.The Rolls-Royce, which represents dignity and status, merged into the traffic calmly. In the wide field of view of the rearview mirror, it reflected a brightly lit office upstairs. Ellen was still working overtime.

Mo Yao rubbed his eyebrows.

For Ellen, his patience and tolerance are indeed more than ordinary people, she is W. He is fully aware of T's hard work, as long as she doesn't overdo it, he is still willing to tolerate her as before, and no one can shake her in W. T's status.

At dusk, the lights come on.

The quiet Nanxi River reflects the reflection of the whole city, which is beautiful and flashy.On the benches by the river, there are couples of men and women sitting, some are right, some are sweet, this is a good place for young people to fall in love.

There was still an hour and a half before the opening of the movie. When passing by here, Dong Yilan got out of the car noisily.

At this time, walking hand in hand along the river, my heart is filled with happiness and sweetness.

"Are you hungry?" Mo Yao asked.

"Hungry, but we have no money." Thinking that he didn't have any money, and Mo Yao was a master who only brought bodyguards when he went out, Dong Yilan took it for granted that they had no money.

"Fool." Mo Yao rubbed her head angrily, messing up her long hair. He didn't stop until Dong Yilan glared at him, and asked unhurriedly, "What do you want to eat?"

"Did you bring the money?" Dong Yi's blue eyes showed the light that belonged to a foodie.

"Even if you don't bring any money, I can still treat you to dinner!" Mo Yao smiled mysteriously, so Dong Yilan pointed to a dessert shop across the road and said to Mo Yao, "I want donuts."

"Okay, sit here, and I will buy it for you."

Watching Mo Yao walk across the road, Dong Yilan suddenly remembered something, so she put her hands around her mouth and shouted like a trumpet: "I want milk tea, taro milk tea."

The heavy traffic blocked Mo Yao's voice, and she only heard a faint word: "Okay."

Dong Yilan's mood improved inexplicably. A diamond brand advertisement was played on the huge screen across the river, "Diamonds are forever, and one piece will last forever." When the deep voice sounded, Dong Yilan suddenly felt that if Mo Yao proposed to her, maybe she would agree on impulse.

The advertisement was broadcast over and over again, and she just stood by the river and watched it over and over again, and her desire to propose marriage became stronger.

But it's been so long, and Mo Yao has never mentioned the matter of marriage, and Dong Yilan feels that he has lost his mind.

Does he have other ideas?Or, don't want to let marriage bondage so early?
The more I thought about it, the more confused I became, and the more I thought about it, the more uncertain I was, so I wanted to grab Mo Yao and ask, what do you mean by not proposing to me for so long? -
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(End of this chapter)

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