The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 206 Lord Seven, Hug

Chapter 206 Seventh Master, Hug

Amy blushed, her heart skipped a few beats, and she hurriedly shouted: "I'm coming!"

Turning around to look at Su Jie, with a little shyness, "Thank you!"

"You're welcome." He replied lightly.

In order to maintain their strength, few people talked on the road later. When it was almost dawn, they arrived at the parking place.Three people were lost overnight, and the film crew felt very solemn.

"Thank you." After getting into the car, Amy held out her hand to Su Jie.

"You're welcome." It was the same faint voice, nothing special could be heard.When the broad palm grasped Amy's soft little hand, a strange feeling suddenly rushed from the fingertips to the heart.

Feeling like an electric shock, Su Jie quickly withdrew his hand.

"Bon trip." He waved goodbye to the convoy.

Back in Qinghai, the group lost interest and went straight to the airport to return to City D.

When I walked out of the airport, it was already 15 o'clock in the afternoon, and the damn mobile phone just happened to run out of battery and turned off.Dong Yilan missed Mo Yao, and dragged his suitcase straight to the Mo family's mansion.Mo Yao didn't tell her that he actually lived in her home, and she didn't know that Mo Yao had his own villa.

She took it for granted that Mo Yao was still living in the Mo family mansion.

Dong Yilan took it for granted that Mo Yao was still living in the old house of the Mo family.

Walking into the yard, the surrounding area was lifeless, and the damp and cold air rushed towards his face, and Dong Yilan suddenly got goosebumps.Her memory still stays at 17 years ago, when the Mo family mansion was very lively and people came and went.

In 17 years, things changed and people changed.

"Mo Yao?" She called out tentatively, but the only reply was a cold and silent air.

Dong Yilan's heart skipped a beat, only to feel the coolness rise from the soles of his feet and quickly spread all over his body.

Put the suitcase at the entrance and go up the stairs to the second floor. The room was cleaned spotlessly, giving Dong Yilan the illusion of walking into a haunted house.

"Mo Yao, are you there?"

The window at the end of the corridor was open, and the wind was blowing in, blowing Dong Yi's blue hair wildly. She smoothed it into a strand with her hands and held it in her palm.There was a light coughing sound from the next room, and she pushed open the door and walked in.

Dong Yilan was instantly stunned by what she saw.

A skinny man lay on the bed, with his withered fingers covering his face. If it wasn't for a slight cough, anyone who saw it would think it was a mummified corpse.

Dong Yilan covered her mouth with her hands, but still cried out.

Alarmed by the call, the "mummy" turned his head slightly.After seeing Dong Yilan's appearance clearly, a gleam of light flashed in those dry and slack eyes.

"Qing, Qing'er..." The withered hand raised up and pointed at Dong Yilan, only to fall down again after a while.

The voice was very low, and Dong Yilan couldn't hear what he said, but it seemed to be "Qing'er..."

"Who is Qing'er?" Is it similar to yourself?
The man didn't answer, and he was panting heavily with his dark purple mouth open, as if he would die if he closed his mouth.Dong Yilan walked over and looked at the man on the bed. He was so thin that only skin and bones remained, and the part of his skin exposed outside the quilt was covered with horrible black spots.

This kind of spots should only appear on corpses!

"Who are you?" Dong Yilan started the computer search, but couldn't find any identity information about him.

"Yilan!" Mo Yao's voice came from behind, with never-before nervousness.

He was in the office, when he suddenly received a call from Aunt Li, saying that a girl with a suitcase had come to the old house, and Dong Yilan's call could not be reached. He guessed that Dong Yilan might think he was still living in the old house, so Hastily rushed over.

As soon as Mo Yao came, Dong Yilan's oppressed mood immediately cleared up.

"I've been looking for you for a long time just now." She curled her lips, with a trace of resentment in her dark eyes, she stretched out her arms to him, "Hug."


The little woman's voice was three points weak and seven points coquettish. His worries and accumulated anger for the past two days were easily swept away.Those thoughts of punishing her and taking revenge on her didn't know where they went.

He stared at Dong Yilan with dark eyes, his woman was showing cat-like eyes, she stretched out her hands and waited for him to come forward and hug her.

Mo Yao's vanity as a man was instantly satisfied, he strode close to Dong Yilan, and hugged her tightly in his arms.

"I almost lost sight of you." Feeling the man's warm embrace, she couldn't help but sigh.

Thinking of the moment when the black bear pounced on her, she still had lingering fears in her heart.

"Let's go out first." The atmosphere here made him feel very uncomfortable, as if there were two eyes staring at him from behind.Holding her and turning around, he glanced at the person on the bed with his narrow eyes.

The man was also looking at him, his eyes met, and he keenly saw a trace of schadenfreude in the man's eyes.

Mo Yao was startled, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

As soon as he got out of the room, Mo Yao pushed Dong Yilan to the wall, put his slender arm on her face, and looked down at her, "Say it, run away quietly, how do you want me to punish you?" you?"

The domineering voice filled Dong Yilan's ears fiercely.

It was not what she wanted to run away without saying a word, it was Amy who urged her too urgently.She planned to call him on the way, but there was no signal on the phone, and when there was a signal, the phone ran out of battery. She came to him after getting off the plane, but he was still angry!
She raised her small face to explain, but her lips were seized before she even opened her mouth.

His kiss was arrogant and domineering, falling down like a storm, venting his anger and missing wantonly.Dong Yilan raised her small hand, instinctively wanting to push him away, but when her hand touched his firm chest, she changed her mind.

Looking at the magnified handsome face, she no longer ignored her own thoughts, wrapped her hands around his neck, and responded enthusiastically.

The corner of the mouth of the ghost standing by the car twitched, master, are you too impatient?Can you consider the mood of these single dogs under your command?Hastily opened the car door, Mo Yao lowered his body and hugged her and sat in.

Just as the ghost was about to get into the car, he saw Aunt Li chasing after her dragging the suitcase, "This is the lady's luggage."

Although she could no longer see what was going on in the car, Aunt Li couldn't help but take a look.The performance of the Seventh Young Master is really amazing!
"Give it to me." Ghost took it, put it in the trunk, and got into the car pretending to be relaxed.

After getting in the car, cold sweat came down.

Glancing at the two people behind him from the rearview mirror, he would never dare to ask where Qi Ye was going now.

Go home, yes, go home!The situation of these two people is only suitable for going home!Of course it was going back to Dong Yilan's house, since the last time he moved in, his family's seventh master has been holding back and not moving out.

With one kick of the accelerator, the Rolls-Royce rushed into the night.

A voice that is not suitable for children entered the ears, and the strength under the ghost's feet continued to increase... He kept complaining in his heart, the master was too inconsiderate of his subordinates!Damn Bei Ying, the injury is still not good, you have to know that you have to face this situation when you come back, he would rather lie under the stone and let Bei Ying step on it!

The violent sound of the engine rang out on the street full of traffic, and people saw a luxurious Rolls Royce passing through the street and flying forward.

Back home, Ghost stopped the car towards the door, didn't even bother to extinguish the fire, opened the door, got out of the car, and fled in a hurry.

"We're home." He glanced up at the destination, reached out to help her tidy up her messy clothes, and then opened the door to get out of the car.

Before leaving, he glanced at the direction in which the ghost was escaping.This guy didn't even know to open the door for him when he got out of the car. He's getting more and more courageous. Let's see how to deal with him when he gets some free time.

Holding her hand, he rushed all the way to the bedroom, so fast that she didn't realize it was her own home.

A night of passion, a warm day of love.

When the morning sun shines on the bed through the window curtain, the beautiful woman in the quilt wriggled her body and wiped away the big hands that were making trouble on her chest.

Throughout the night, he didn't know how many times he tossed her.She couldn't take it anymore, and begged him to let her go. He promised to say it one last time, but every time he broke his promise.In the end, she didn't know whether she fell asleep or passed out.

As soon as the hand was taken away, the hot breath splashed on the face.

"Don't make trouble, I want to sleep!" Dong Yilan roared unbearably, and slapped him unceremoniously.

"Crack!" The world fell silent.

Feeling a resentful stare, Dong Yilan opened his eyes, making him uncomfortable.

When she fell asleep last night, Mo Yao was afraid that wearing colored contact lenses would hurt her eyes when she slept, so she took them off for her, and considering that she had been away all day, he carried her to take a bath.

It turned out that she was fine and slapped herself when she woke up.

"I'm sleepy, I want to sleep." Facing Mo Yao's resentful eyes, Dong Yilan chose to play dumb, deliberately ignoring his face with five fingerprints on his face, turning over and throwing him on the back.

As soon as he felt cold, the quilt was taken away.

She turned around abruptly, and saw that he was rolling up the quilt unhurriedly, and on her body...

His face flushed instantly, he covered his chest with his hands, and glared at him with bloody eyes, "Give me back the quilt!"

"Get up and eat before going to sleep." He rolled the quilt into his arms, with a light and joking expression on his face: "It's useless to block it, my grandfather read it yesterday. Moreover, he washed it again."

Wash it again?She suddenly felt that her thoughts were short-circuited, and her brain was in a daze. Who will explain what it means to wash it again?
Is she a fruit?
"Just to give you a bath." It's as plain as saying that the weather is fine today.

Dong Yilan's face was flushed, and she stared at him with wide eyes, "You, why are you giving me a bath!"

"I'm obsessed with cleanliness." Qi Ye took it for granted.In fact, I want her to take a bath to relax her body.

It's none of my business that you have a cleanliness!Dong Yilan burst into tears.Fortunately, she fell asleep last night. If she woke up halfway through washing, she would be embarrassed to death.Ahem... Letting a man bathe me makes me want to dig a hole and bury myself.

"You, that, you go out, I want to get up." If the quilt will come back, Dong Yilan grabs a pillow and hugs her.

Mo Qiye looked at her expressionlessly, without moving his feet.

(End of this chapter)

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