The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 210 Life is like a play, all depends on acting skills

Chapter 210 Life is like a play, all depends on acting skills
Mo Yao paused and stood in front of the elevator door.At the same time, hearing the shout, Dong Yilan also looked over here.

Ellen quickly turned around and walked beside Mo Yao, "I'm here too."

"Oh?" Mo Yao frowned. When she went upstairs, she obviously pressed 6, and now she was on the third floor.I smiled in my heart, but didn't expose it.

She bent her arms around her waist, and looked up at his side face. His hands were naturally in his pockets, with a slight smile on his face.From Dong Yilan's perspective, it was Ellen who was holding Mo Yao's arm affectionately. The two walked forward talking and laughing, and finally entered a private room together.

Dong Yilan felt sour in his heart, and his rage rose from the sky.

He smiled and said to himself that he had an appointment at noon, and it turned out that she was the one who made the appointment!Make an appointment, and make an appointment in front of your own eyes.Come as soon as you come, it's normal for male and female colleagues to have a meal together, but they come in holding hands so swaggeringly, do they think she is blind?

Anger was burning, and a sharp hostility rose from his body.

Xiao Tiancheng, who just came out of the bathroom, looked at Dong Yilan in confusion.Why did he come out after washing his hands, his sister's expression suddenly became so ferocious, as if she wanted to eat people.

Following Dong Yilan's gaze, there was only one waiter!
Xiao Tiancheng's back felt cold, and she couldn't help shivering, "Sister, are you hungry? Let's go back to eat." He pulled Dong Yilan's clothes, and turned her eyes from the place where the two disappeared. Pulled back.

Dong Yilan looked at his younger brother, then stared at the room, and angrily followed Dong Chengcheng back.

As he walked, he swore inwardly that if Mo Yao didn't explain things clearly, in the next three months, don't even think about entering her room!
In the room here, Ellen heard from Mo Yao that she had made an appointment with Du Wenqi, so she said that she and Du Wenqi had business contacts and wanted to come in to say hello.Mo Yao couldn't refuse, so he let her in.

After a simple greeting, Ellen turned and left the room. When she came out, she happened to see Dong Chengcheng pulling Dong Yilan forward. The woman's beautiful back seemed lonely and desolate.

Ellen's eyes revealed a smug look, and when Dong Yilan entered the box, she entered the elevator.

A few minutes later, Cheng Xiaoye's phone rang.

Seeing the number, Cheng Xiaoye showed a sweet smile typical of girls in love, "Brother Wen Qi."

"Xiao Ye, where are you now?" A refined and gorgeous voice rang out on the phone, which was so mesmerizing that Cheng Xiaoye's heart skipped a few beats, "I'm in the western restaurant on the third floor."

"I'm in the western restaurant on the third floor." Du Wenqi's pleasant voice came with a smile.

"What a coincidence! Where are you?" Cheng Xiaoye got up and looked around, but he didn't see Du Wenqi.

"Don't look for it," the other party had already guessed her movements, and a more obvious smile came over, "I'm in room 1314, come here with Yilan and Chengcheng, Mo Yao is here too."

"Brother-in-law is here? Okay, let's go there."

When she heard the word brother-in-law, Dong Yilan felt as if she was being pricked by a needle. Seeing Cheng Xiaoye hung up the phone, she stood up, "I'm not feeling well, you guys go over there, I'll go home and rest for a while, see you later Call you guys."

"Sister, what's wrong with you? If you don't feel well, I'll accompany you to the hospital." Dong Yilan's face suddenly became ugly, and Cheng Xiaoye couldn't help feeling a little worried.

"I'm a little tired these days, just take a rest." Forced a smile, rubbed Xiao Tiancheng's soft and cute face, "Have a good meal with Sister Xiaoye." But she didn't move a bite of her own steak.

"Got it." Little Sweet Orange replied.

"Is there really no need to send you off?" Ono asked worriedly.

"No, I'll go back by myself." Leaving the seat, Dong Yilan was depressed, her heart ached, uneasy, sad, and had some inexplicable emotions, so that she knocked over the plate in the waiter's hand while walking in a daze.

"Miss, I'm sorry." The soup on the plate spilled all over Dong Yilan's body. Seeing the expensive clothes on her body, the little waiter was frightened and frantically cleaned her clothes.

"It's okay." Dong Yilan took the napkin from the waiter, wiped it and entered the elevator.

After Dong Yilan left, Cheng Xiaoye's ferocious eyes fell on Xiao Tiancheng, "Be honest, have you offended the boss? Why did you change your appearance after washing your hands?"

Xiao Tiancheng's innocent face was full of grievances: "Even if I have a heart, do you think I have the guts?"

That's right, it's too late for him to coax the boss, so how dare he provoke him.

At this time, the waiter came over, "Is this Miss Cheng? The guests in room 1314 invite you to have dinner with me."

"Understood, you can help us get the meal."

Cheng Xiaoye and Xiao Tiancheng went to room 1314, and when they were seated, the dishes were brought over, but Mo Yao hadn't met the person he wanted to see.

"Why didn't Yilan come?" Mo Yao's deep eyes fell on the door of the room through Cheng Xiaoye who was opposite him.

"It was pretty good at first, but I don't know why, she went to the bathroom and came back as if she had lost her soul, and left after reasoning that she was not feeling well." Cheng Xiaoye looked at Mo Yao, "Brother-in-law, why didn't you come up with my sister?" ?”

Mo Yao was startled, and suddenly understood.

"Shit!" Pulled the napkin and fell heavily on the sofa, "Eat first, I'll go out for a while."

Ellen must have seen Yilan before getting off the elevator with him. He told Yilan that he had an appointment at noon, but he didn’t say anything about it. If Yilan saw that scene, he would definitely misunderstand that he made an appointment with Ellen Bringing it in front of her to provoke her on purpose.

Cheng Xiaoye looked puzzled at Mo Yao hurried out of the room, Mo Yu's eyes fell on Du Wenqi, "Brother Wenqi, didn't you say that you have something to do at home today, why did you suddenly become eating with brother-in-law?"

"Brother came back from the Middle East. He originally planned to go home this week, but the army was delayed by something." The menu was shown to Cheng Xiaoye and Dong Chengcheng, "Order."

Just now when Mo Yao brought Ellen in, he felt that the atmosphere was a bit strange. Now it seems that Ellen deliberately wanted Dong Yilan to misunderstand her.Fortunately, I don't have such a woman by my side, otherwise, with Cheng Xiaoye's black belly, I don't know what will happen.

Underground Parking Lot.

Dong Yilan forgot that she was not driving, so she took the elevator and got off. When she wanted to go back, the elevator had already gone up.

Seeing the number on the elevator rising step by step, with no intention of going down at all, Dong Yilan felt depressed.This is the basement floor, and there are only twenty steps away from the exit, she thought and walked towards the stairs.

"Yo, this beauty looks familiar, have we met?"

Coming out of the elevator passage, I saw Ellen standing not far away.She was wearing a bright yellow suit jacket, and the bright-colored clothes made her face more beautiful, with the domineering aura of a victor.

Dong Yilan felt sad and didn't want to talk to her, planning to go around her.

"Why don't you say hello to acquaintances?" Dong Yilan went to W once. T, made Su Zi almost resign and leave. Although she didn't care much about whether Su Zi resigned or not, she kept thinking of this tone.

When I got on the elevator just now, I found something left on the car, and when I got down to pick it up, I met Dong Yilan. She couldn't miss this golden opportunity.

"Miss, if you have bad eyesight, you can get glasses. It won't cost you much." Dong Yilan mocked coolly.She didn't rush upstairs because she didn't want to embarrass Mo Yao in public. It doesn't mean she can tolerate others provoking her in front of her.

Bickering, she can also drown her with a mouthful of saliva!
"You..." Ellen blushed with anger, she didn't expect Dong Yilan to scold her for having bad eyesight.Then she laughed, that's fine, if you tear her up as soon as she comes up, you're afraid of getting a bad name as a bully, since Dong Yilan is not a fuel-efficient lamp, then she doesn't have to be polite.

"There are instruments to check whether the eyesight is good, unlike some people, who are evil-minded and shameless!"

Dong Yilan was burning with anger, but she didn't show it at all. She had an incomparably elegant smile on her face, but every word she said was bloody, and every sentence pierced her heart, "I said that this young lady has bad eyesight. It's not normal either. You scold people for being shameless when you meet them, are you abandoned by men, so when you see someone prettier than you, you want to go up and bite them?"

Biting, did she call her a dog?
Ellen suppressed the anger rolling in her chest, and glanced contemptuously at the wet sweat on Dong Yilan's body, "With your virtue, do you have the face to say that you are more beautiful than me?"

"It's your face that's beautiful, and your mouth is what speaks, so I said, you're not very smart." Dong Yilan didn't have any interest in bickering with her here and lowered her figure, and wanted to leave after walking around her.

Ellen leaned forward, blocking her way.

"Good dogs don't get in the way." Dong Yilan said each word in a word.

Ellen was completely irritated. This woman who didn't know what she meant called her a dog twice in a row. She gritted her teeth, and waved it at Dong Yilan's face involuntarily.

Dong Yilan originally avoided it.

Suddenly the elevator door opened, and a sharp male voice sounded in the parking lot: "Ellen, are you crazy?"

Dong Yilan swayed and fell to the ground, then she covered her cheeks with her hands, and pointed at Ellen angrily: "I told you that I don't know you, why are you still beating me?"

Ellen looked at the hand she hadn't taken back, and then at the woman lying on the ground, her face full of disbelief.

As soon as Mo Yao got out of the elevator, he saw Dong Yilan being slapped by Ellen and fell to the ground, his lungs exploded.

After a few steps, he rushed to the front to help Dong Yilan up, and helped her wipe off the dust on her body, only to find that her clothes were covered with soup.One can imagine how embarrassed she was when she left the restaurant alone.

It was as if thousands of needles were piercing the soft flesh of his heart at the same time, the pain made his voice tremble, "Yilan, I'm sorry."

I'm sorry, it's equivalent to admitting his behavior at noon today, and Dong Yilan is even more annoyed.

Thinking of what he just saw on the third floor, he reflexively wanted to push Mo Yao away, but seeing Ellen who was at a loss behind him, Dong Yilan's eyes became weak.Wronged, sad, angry, a series of emotions are brewing in the eyes covered by the colored contact lenses.

(End of this chapter)

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