The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 214 You Can't Live!

Chapter 214 You Can't Live!

Ellen's heart tightened, fearing that there would be another problem with the bidding document, she hurriedly asked, "Did the president inform you of the meeting agenda?"

"Maybe it's about the performance adjustment next month." The secretary smiled mysteriously, "Sister Ellen, according to the gossip, we're going to raise our salary."

Ellen let go of her hanging heart, and joked with her with a smile: "Take me to dinner with a salary increase."

"Sister Ellen, you are still exploiting us with such a high salary!" The secretary also joked with her: "I treat guests, and when Sister Ellen earns money, I have to notify the leaders of other departments, let's go first."


The secretary left, and the smile on Ellen's face disappeared, and being a thief sucked.

The meeting was ready to start at eight o'clock, and W was sitting in the huge meeting room. The management of T's various departments, everyone's expression is extremely dignified.

Mo Yao was leaning on the chair, with his slender arms resting on the conference table, tapping his fingers lightly, the rhythmic sound seemed to knock on everyone's heart, making everyone try to control their breathing to a very small decibel.

The meeting room was extremely quiet, and the occasional sound was someone wiping the sweat from their forehead.

This is W. T's president, he doesn't speak, his innate aura is enough to make everyone surrender.

"Is anyone dissatisfied with their salary?" After more than ten minutes of silence, Mo Yao finally spoke. His cold voice swept the entire meeting room like a tornado, and everyone felt the cold wind blowing the corners of their clothes.

Under such circumstances, does anyone dare to say that they are not satisfied with their salary?
Therefore, everyone is unanimous to the greatest extent, expressing their incomparable satisfaction and pride for the current income situation, and highly appreciating the president's wise leadership and decision-making. Under the leadership of the president, employees at all levels of the company unite, help and love each other .


"Since everyone has no objection to the salary," Mo Yao covered his lips and coughed lightly twice to control his emotions to avoid laughter, "then the meeting on the company's performance adjustment will be held here. Ellen and Gu Yansheng from the technical department will stay here, and the others will stay. The meeting can be dismissed."

Ellen's heart sank suddenly, and she instantly understood the real theme of the meeting.

There were footsteps and the sound of messy chairs moving. This sound quickly subsided. After a few minutes, only Mo Yao, Ellen, and Gu Yansheng from the technical department were left in the conference room.

Gu Yansheng is W. Responsible for T technology and one of the main developers of the Fly operating system.

Ellen became flustered. Ou Beilun got the plan, and he will definitely work overtime tonight to compile it into his own files, and then send it to the bidding unit tomorrow. If W. T suddenly changed the plan tonight, so she would have no time to reveal the plan to Ou Beilun.

Ellen twisted her fingers, don't panic, don't panic.There is also a mobile phone, for the mobile phone, I will find a chance to call Ou Beilun later.

"Ellen, are you feeling unwell?" Mo Yao asked suddenly.

Her face was pale and her mind was full of thoughts. Although he knew the reason in his heart, he still asked a question pretending to be concerned.

"No, it's okay." Ellen forced a smile, "President, what's the next topic?"

Mo Yao didn't answer, but took out his mobile phone and put it on the table.

Ellen suddenly felt ominous.

"Because the content of the meeting is related to W.T's future development, everyone should turn off their mobile phones."

Ellen felt completely hopeless in her heart.Maybe he guessed what he was thinking at the beginning, so he didn't even turn off the phone.He is so smart and cautious, how could he let himself take advantage of the loopholes.

His body softened, and he leaned against the back of the chair.

If the result is W. If T wins the bid, Ou Beilun will definitely think that she is a hindrance, and the agreement they reached will automatically be voided. Ellen suddenly understood what it means to be self-defeating.

Gu Yansheng didn't know what happened.

In the afternoon, the president suddenly found him alone and asked him to take out the operating system plan and pointed out several bugs in it for him to correct.Later, the arranger re-bound the revised plan and sent it to the bidding unit.

But these things should not need to be said at the meeting.

He felt that the atmosphere was not right in the performance discussion meeting just now, and now seeing that Ellen, who is usually vigorous and vigorous, suddenly lost her soul, he felt even more strange.Some time ago, I heard rumors in the company that Mo Yao had empathized with someone else and wanted to stop Ellen. Is it true?
Countless possibilities flashed through his mind, and at the same time, he took out his phone and turned it off, and put it on the table following Mo Yao's example.

"Ellen, seeing that you're not feeling well, why don't I take you to the hospital." Mo Yao wanted to get up as he said that.

She went to the hospital and she didn't have a chance to inform Ou Beilun!Thinking of this, Ellen pulled herself together, turned off her phone and put it on the table, "President, I'm fine, what else is there in the meeting, let's start now."

"Okay." Mo Yao looked at Gu Yansheng, "Xiao Gu, please tell us in detail about our revised plan this afternoon, and explain every detail clearly."

Explain every detail clearly?Now Gu Yansheng was stumped.No matter how detailed he explained the details of the entire program development, non-professional programmers would not be able to understand it.

If you don't understand, what are you talking about?
The president didn't explain, so he could only bite the bullet and speak.

An operating system can be described in detail, and it can't be finished all night. In the end, it is a very boring code. Gu Yansheng's mouth is dry and his throat is smoky.But the president showed great interest at this time, which forced him to continue talking.

Ellen was very anxious, listening to these obscure editing codes, her whole body was about to collapse.

In this way, the three people in the meeting room were thinking, but they could only continue to hold on. It was almost 12 o'clock, and Mo Yao had no intention of ending the meeting at all.

This night, Zhang Xian was also annoyed.

In order to avoid Fang Luhong's fierce pursuit, he ran around for a whole day. When he got home, it was almost 12 o'clock and found that the lights in the house were still on.My mother had the habit of waiting for him to go home very early on. Later, when he went to JH International, he often traveled on business. Slowly, this habit got rid of it.

It's so late, do you have any guests?

Zhang Xian walked to the door strangely, and just about to open the door, he heard a female voice coming from the room, "Auntie, I am ashamed that you are so polite, if Zhang Xian treats me half as well as you, I will be satisfied. "

"Xiao Fang, a man has to take care of it, you can't always be used to it, our Zhang Xian grew up with me, let me get spoiled, in the future you have to take care of him." It was Zhang Xian's mother who spoke, She was in her early 40s.The old lady Xu has a bit of youthful looks.

Sitting opposite her was Fang Luhong, a shy and beautiful girl.

"Auntie, I understand." Fang Luhong lowered her head very low, trying her best to pretend to be Xiaojiabiyu.

She was originally pretty, but before coming to Zhang Xian's house, she went to the mall and bought a light yellow coat and scarf for a few hundred dollars. Now she looks like a well-educated person.

"..." Where did this go, Zhang Xian was stunned when he heard it outside the door. When did Fang Luhong come to his house and pretend to be his girlfriend? !

"Mom, don't listen to her nonsense, I'm not familiar with her." Zhang Xian couldn't control it, and rushed in.

"Auntie, look at him! It's just that my breakfast was a little salty, and he insisted on breaking up with me. No matter how much I apologize, it won't work." Fang Luhong held Zhang Xian's mother's hand, and she was about to cry .

"Fang Luhong, I warn you, if you talk nonsense again, I will throw you out!" No need to talk nonsense, now he wants to throw her out.

"Zhang Xian, shut up!" Zhang Xian's mother got angry and yelled at Zhang Xian. Spoiled, don't eat salty vegetables, don't eat spicy food. I don't blame you for today's incident, if he dares to want you, I won't want his son."

Zhang Xian had black lines on his face, this is his real mother!The mother who pulled him up with shit and pee!
"Mom, you made a mistake." Zhang Xian wanted to cry but had no tears.

"What's wrong, I'm your mother and I don't know you yet? I've been picky since I was a child, and I have a bad temper. Come here and apologize to your wife!" Zhang's mother spoke so eloquently that Zhang Xian couldn't argue with it.

"..." Zhang Xian looked at Fang Luhong, and she proudly raised her eyebrows at him.

If you don't pay me back, I'll live in your house, let's see who is more ruthless.

Zhang Xian was so angry that the top of his head was smoking, but the mother who gave birth to him and raised him would not believe him now.

"Still apologizing?" Mother Zhang saw her daughter-in-law crying so hard that she couldn't hold back her anger, so she insisted on apologizing to Zhang Xian.

Zhang Xian closed his eyes hard, took a deep breath, opened them again as if he had made some important decision, took Fang Luhong's hand, and said to his own mother: "Mom, we are fine, me and... ...Xiao Fang, go out and have a chat."

Only then did Zhang's mother smile, "Young people are right. If you have something to say, don't quarrel."

"Okay, got it, Mom, go to bed early." After finishing speaking, Zhang Xian dragged Fang Luhong out the door impatiently.

"Speak up if you have something to say!" Mama Zhang's voice came from behind.

Zhang Xian's boss is not young anymore, and she has never had a girlfriend because of her heart disease. Now seeing that the girlfriend she has made is not only beautiful, but also gentle and sensible, Zhang's mother is very happy.

Zhang Xian dragged Fang Luhong out for half a kilometer before stopping and shaking off her hand.

"What on earth do you want?" Zhang Xian asked angrily, his hair stood on end with anger, today's mood cannot be described in terms of anger!
"What do I want, of course there is only one thing, pay back the money!" Fang Luhong stretched out her hand to Zhang Xian, "If you pay the money back, I will disappear immediately.

"I said, what on earth is your woman's face made of?" Zhang Xian stared at her face in confusion, as if trying to see through her, "Others know how to show face, why are you so shameless. "

"Hey, don't speak so harshly! Back then you said that you would give me 300 million if I wanted to call out the Black Hawk! That's right, we were wrong to sell you without your consent, but the money Do you admit that it was you who offered to give it to me?"

"...!" Zhang Xian went crazy.

Who can tell him why someone is so shameless?
(End of this chapter)

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