The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 217 3 Women 1 Play

Chapter 217 Three women in one play
Zhang Xian's life has been very depressed these days.

The thing is like this, he and Fang Luhong failed to reach a consensus a few days ago, so Fang Luhong simply stayed at his house.

It's not that he really doesn't have money to give Fang Luhong, but when he thinks that the other party has sold him, and now he has to pay the other party a huge sum of money, he feels deeply that it is extremely painful!
For Fang Luhong's stay, Zhang's mother showed a great welcome.In order to show her sincerity, Zhang's mother arranged Fang Luhong to Zhang Xian's room without even consulting Zhang Xian.

And Fang Luhong also showed an attitude of "a good daughter-in-law of China", helping Zhang's mother to buy vegetables and cook, showing a very filial piety and virtuousness.

It was late at night, and Zhang Xian was still leaning on the sofa watching TV. He really couldn't go back to the room. He was looking for a house these days.

Can't afford to offend him, why can't he hide!

"Xiao Xian, why don't you go back to your room to rest?" Mother Zhang suddenly walked out of the room.I don't know if I was woken up by the TV.

"Well, I'll watch TV before going to bed." Zhang Xian pointed at the TV pretendingly.

"Don't watch it, go back to the room and sleep!" Zhang's mother couldn't help saying that she took the remote control and turned off the TV.Since that day, the son's attitude towards his daughter-in-law has been very indifferent, and her mother is anxious about it.

"Mom, I'm really not with her..." The way you see it.

It's a pity that before I finished speaking, my mother interrupted, "If you are disobedient, mother will be angry!" She stared at Zhang Xian pretending to be angry.

Zhang Xian stood up helplessly, and walked slowly towards the bedroom.

For a 24-year-old son, he can't refute his mother's words.It's not because of stupid filial piety, but because he didn't have a father to take care of him since he was a child. He and his mother have endured too much sarcasm and supercilious glances from others. He has seen his mother shed too many tears, and he has grown used to not making her angry.

When he was a child, even a small smile from his mother could make him happy for a long time.

This is also the reason why he endured her living in his own home even though he had a way to force Fang Luhong away.Because he saw more smiles on his mother's face recently.

For the sake of his mother, he could choose to tolerate Fang Luhong, but that didn't mean he could share the same bed with her.

Tiptoed into the bedroom, he prayed in his heart that she was asleep, so that he could sneak in, and when his mother returned to the room, he was sneaking out.

But he underestimated Fang Luhong's vigilance when she went deep into the tiger's den as a woman.

"What are you going to do?!"

A sudden exclamation came from the darkness, making him shiver in fright.

He was really trembling, because he was shaking so badly that his fingers were pinched by the door, and he howled in pain.Then, clutching her fingers, she touched the sofa by the window in the dark and sat down.

In the darkness, I can vaguely see the silhouette of a person, maintaining a vigilant posture with the quilt covering his chest.

"Don't worry, I'm not interested in you." Zhang Xian replied leisurely, and lay down on the sofa.The total length of the sofa is less than 1.5 meters. He is about 1.8 meters tall, with two legs hanging on the ground, and his posture looks particularly awkward.

Fortunately, the room was dark and he couldn't see clearly, so he didn't feel embarrassed.

But when he said this, Fang Luhong became unhappy.After all, she is also a mainstream beauty. Although she is not considered a national beauty, she can be said to be beautiful and delicious.He is not interested in himself, and if he is not interested, he is not interested, and his mother may not be interested in you, but it is too hurtful for you to say it?

So Fang Luhong went berserk.

"Zhang Xian, what do you mean? Are you questioning my femininity?"

Zhang Xian was taken aback, his mind was short-circuited for a few seconds, and during the short-circuit time, he looked up and looked at her.Seeing the silhouette in the darkness, he slowly lifted the quilt on his body, and in the blur, he saw a picture that made his blood swell.

The woman was not wearing any clothes, nothing, and in the darkness, two silhouettes in the shape of flat peaches were reflected in his eyes.

This woman's figure is really nothing to say.Zhang Xian recalled the time when he rescued her from the mercenaries in the Middle East, and her chest was full.

Pfft... A mouthful of blood was about to spurt out, and Zhang Xian jumped up from the sofa.

"I'm going to the bathroom."

Opening the door and fleeing, Zhang Xian didn't dare to step into the room again that night.

In the morning, Cheng Xiaoye specially took the time to come to the studio to find Dong Yilan, and wanted her to remind Mo Yao to beware of Ellen.

In fact, Du Wenqi can also call him directly to remind him.Considering that a man cares about face, being reminded is not an honorable thing after all, so he asked Cheng Xiaoye to tell Dong Yilan, and then Dong Yilan relayed the story to Mo Yao.

This eased up a lot.

It can only be said that there are so many turns in the minds of rich people!

When Cheng Xiaoye came to the studio, Dong Yilan was taking a group of photos, and Amy was also there.

More than a week has passed since the incident in the Valley of Death, and this is the first time Amy has come to see Dong Yilan.One was that she was so frightened that she rested for two or three days after she came back to recover.Two or three days later, Su Jie's body was also returned, and she also helped the program crew deal with the future generations.The second is to catch up with the film schedule.

Finally finished the work at hand, she took a day to see Dong Yilan.

Everyone in the studio was busy, and they didn't stand or sit, so the two of them talked to the assistant and went to the coffee shop downstairs to wait for her.There are several open-air seats for the coffee. It is April, and the warm sunshine shines on the body, bringing a little warmth.

Cheng Xiaoye held a cup of milk tea and took a warm sip.

The silky fragrance ran through the gap between her teeth, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath, and acted out the intoxication of the heroine in a Korean drama with her arms open to embrace nature.

Amy was amused by her, and joked: "I don't know, I thought you were not smoking milk tea, but marijuana!"

Cheng Xiaoye also laughed, and the clear and clear voice seemed to have a kind of magic power, which made people feel happy listening to it.

"I heard that you have a new movie coming out?" she asked.

"Probably..." Amy blinked her eyes in a thoughtful state, her beautiful eyes shining brightly.After a while, she suddenly had an epiphany and said to Cheng Xiaoye: "There are four films, which will be released simultaneously this summer."

"...Didn't the big screen be dominated by you alone!" Cheng Xiaoye exclaimed, "Are you going to be in four movies at the same time, are you trying to become a model worker in the film and television industry?"

"There are people who have been filming eight films at the same time. I am nothing." Amy smiled and suddenly restrained her smile, looking up at the sky at 45 degrees sadly, with a voice like sad eyes: "In the next month, Even longer, you won’t be able to see me. Because I will go all over the country to promote the film and participate in various variety shows!”

After hearing this, Cheng Xiaoye smiled unkindly, "I thought that celebrities wear bright halos, dress up brightly every day, and live a very comfortable life. It seems that they are similar to our designers."

"Tsk tsk," she shook her head helplessly, and continued to sigh: "I will have to travel around the world in a while, JH International Jewelry has launched a new product, and I also want to attend promotional activities in various countries."

Speaking of work, it is really a lot of bitterness.

This is true for celebrities, as well as for designers. Even high-income people like them will feel this way, and they don’t know how those low-income people live.Cheng Xiaoye suddenly began to envy those people who were just waiting to die, such as the eldest sister Dong Yilan who came down from upstairs now.

Her previous life was a typical day of eating and waiting to die.

"You look so solemn, are you talking about the recent stock market?" Dong Yilan sat down in his seat, and said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

Amy and Cheng Xiaoye's expressions immediately changed when they saw her.

It was an expression full of shock, disbelief, and suspicion.It seems to be asking why Dong Yilan knows about the stock market, and why he knows that the stock market is currently in a downturn.She should only know the great rivers and rivers in the motherland, and the minimum color scale in PS is 2 and the maximum is 255.

How do you know about the stock market?how could be?

"Can't I care about the country's economy?" Dong Yilan looked at the two of them with contempt.

Cheng Xiaoye finally found his voice under the extremely contemptuous eyes, "Of course we are complaining about the hard life and hard work." Saying this, he pushed a cup of milk tea in front of Dong Yilan.

Amy nodded in agreement, "Filming is too hard, I'm learning to complain to relieve stress."

Dong Yilan only took a break in the middle, and there will be filming later, so he didn't ask too much, and said straight to the point: "The two of you came together, what do you want me to do?"

"Can't I come and see you?" Cheng Xiaoye asked.

"We didn't come together!" Amy said.

The two spoke at the same time. After finishing speaking, Cheng Xiaoye looked at Amy with a kind of resentful eyes, as if asking, is it embarrassing to come with me?
Ahem, Amy covered her mouth and cleared her throat, "Xiao Ye, I didn't mean to dislike you..." With this explanation, the meaning of dislike became more obvious, and Cheng Xiaoye's face became darker.

Dong Yilan urged them, "Stop teasing, tell me what you need from me, I'm still busy at the top."

"The photographer of Dongda University, I'm here to see if what happened last time left any shadows in your heart. But with your current state, I think my worries are unnecessary, so I'm fine now." Amy said After looking at Cheng Xiaoye, he indicated that she could explain the purpose of coming here.

Cheng Xiaoye cut directly to the topic: "After dinner yesterday, I met Ou Beilun and Ellen coming out of the room at the hotel. Ellen's condition is not right, you remind brother-in-law to be more careful, and I have finished my business."

Cheng Xiaoye looked at Amy, Amy also looked at Cheng Xiaoye, and then they both looked at Dong Yilan.

"He will handle Mo Yao's affairs by himself, so I don't think I need to intervene." She didn't have the slightest doubt about Mo Yao's insight.From Mo Yao's method of dealing with Ellen, she could also feel that this man's iron fist and black belly were not on the same level as hers.

"Big photographer, aren't you going to be busy?" Amy reminded her coolly, feeling very dissatisfied with her behavior of only looking at work and not having friends.

"I'm really busy recently." With a whitewashed smile on her face, Dong Yilan looked at Amy and Cheng Xiaoye apologetically, "Is this good? I can finish filming all the cases in my hand this week. Next week, please Eat to make amends."

"I'll be fine next week." Cheng Xiaoye said quickly.

"I'm waiting to make a decision. The itinerary for the film promotion has not been fully booked. If I go on a business trip, my ex will call you." Amy said.

"Then it's settled. I'll go first." Dong Yilan stood up, patted both shoulders, and returned to the studio.Cheng Xiaoye and Amy were left staring wide-eyed.

"Do you have any other plans today?" Cheng Xiaoye asked first.

Amy smiled knowingly, "No, go shopping?"

"That's what I meant too."

The two hit it off immediately, picked up their bags, settled the bill, and drove to the city.

(End of this chapter)

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