Chapter 221 Dilemma
Ellen reached for the photo frame, her slender fingertips brushed across the little girl's face, "Is this your daughter?"


For some reason, when he saw Ellen Gu Yansheng, he felt that something bad had happened. He only hoped that this woman would speak quickly!
"You are so beautiful." Ellen smiled, but her eyes were cold. She put the photo back to its original place and looked at Gu Yansheng carefully.After a long while, she said, "Director Gu, you've been here since the establishment of W.T. Have you ever considered changing your environment?"

Gu Yansheng was in a daze, not knowing why she asked such a question suddenly.

He even suspected in his mind that it was Mo Yao who asked her to ask, because he saw her holding the key to the president's office in the morning and freely entering and leaving Mo Yao's office.

Ignoring his surprised eyes, Ellen admired her manicure seriously, and asked half seriously and half tentatively: "If Oufeng offers 50 annual salary and hires you to be the technical director, would you like to go?"

50 annual salary?Gu Yansheng must admit that when he heard the annual salary of 50, his heart beat twice as fast as usual.

This is 2 times his current annual salary.

It may also mean that he can pay off the mortgage and car loan earlier and faster, so that his wife and children can live a better life.

In just a few tens of seconds, Gu Yansheng's mind was spinning faster than those programs in the computer, and he quickly flashed through the difference between his annual salary of 50 and his current life.That number, he's at W. T has been busy all his life, and he may not be able to get it.

It is indeed very charming, and he needs such a sum of money very much!

If his wife were to help him decide, his wife would definitely let him resign and go to Oufeng Group without hesitation.

But W. T is kind to him. It was Mo Yao who trained him step by step from a little-known programmer to the position of technical director.

"I don't want to." The voice was firm and precise, without any trace of regret.

Ellen saw the looseness on his face, and thought he was moved, but she didn't expect to refuse so directly, her beautiful face was suffocated, and her expression froze.

"Think about it, that's 2 times your current annual salary, and you won't be able to get this amount even if you've been in W.T for the rest of your life."

"Miss Ellen, if nothing else, I'm still busy."

Ellen pretended not to hear such an obvious order to chase away guests. Her beautiful eyes flashed with a trace of cruelty, and fell on the photo she had just put down. "My daughter is so beautiful, are you willing to let her suffer?"

"What do you mean?"

"What do you think?" Ellen looked directly at him, the beautiful and generous woman in his eyes suddenly became complicated, and her expression became unreadable.Suddenly thinking of something, he took out his phone and dialed his wife's number.

"Hey, is Miao Miao home?"

There was a crying voice on the phone, it seemed that she had been crying for a long time, and her voice was hoarse and she couldn't speak clearly, "Miao Miao is gone, I went to all her classmates' homes, but she didn't go, the teacher said she left after class, what should I do? The daughter is gone, gone..."

Pop, let go of your hand, and the phone fell to the ground.

Ellen was looking at him steadfastly, with a faint smile in her eyes.That gaze fell on him like a cold snake, making it difficult for him to breathe, and he suddenly thought of the adjective femme fatale.

"I hope you will think about it carefully." Looking at Gu Yansheng's expression, Ellen knew that she had achieved her goal.

Get up and clap your hands, and leave calmly from before him.

Gu Yansheng was so shocked that he forgot to ask her where she took her daughter.

Ellen walked away for a long time before he realized it, grabbed his phone and hurried back.Arriving at the community, downstairs in his house, he saw his wife who was holding her daughter and crying.

The daughter is fine, the daughter is back.

His body softened and he sat down on the flower bed by the roadside.

"Dad, Dad is back!" Miao Miao saw him sharp-eyed, and shook her mother who was still in shock.

Two women, one big and one small, came over.

"My daughter is fine. Someone picked up the child for a friend. I picked up the wrong one. After asking the address, I sent her back." The wife explained, with tears still on her face.

Gu Yansheng nodded, "It's fine." He got up and walked home with the mother and daughter.

No matter how hard his brain was, he understood that it was a warning.He didn't agree with the conditions he put forward with them, and they will have another time.Next time, it might not be as simple as picking up the wrong child.

How to do?
The stars are twinkling, and the dark blue sky can't be seen at a glance. Under the dim light, three heavy shadows are reflected, walking forward slowly.Under the same sky, two heads are crowded in front of a computer.

"Chengcheng, what are you studying all day?" Cheng Xiaoye looked at the messy program codes on the screen, expressing that there was not a single symbol she could understand.

"I'm conquering a field that I haven't been involved in before." Dong Chengcheng looked smug, and quickly tapped the keyboard with two short hands, and finally hit enter with a slap, and the screen went black.

"Failed?" Cheng Xiaoye retracted his head, slightly sympathizing with his brother's failure.

If it wasn't for Du Wenqi's sudden business trip, she wouldn't be interested in watching Xiao Tiancheng fiddle with the computer here.

Dong Chengcheng stared at the screen without speaking.A few seconds later, the super-configured computer he assembled by himself entered the boot screen.This picture is different from the normal boot screen, the color tone is more realistic and the picture is more gorgeous.

Most importantly, the entire boot time only took 10 seconds.

"Hahaha, I succeeded!" Dong Chengcheng announced proudly.

Cheng Xiaoye, who had already walked to the door, stepped back, looking at the big orange on the screen who was holding his chin and squinting in thought, feeling speechless.

"Do you dare to change the desktop?" Cheng Xiaoye asked.

"Sister, let me change the operating system for your computer. It has a high safety factor and good stability. It is guaranteed to be [-] times stronger than the operating system you are using now, and it will be maintained for free for life." With him here, can it be maintained for free for life?

"Hmph, don't want me to be your guinea pig!" After Cheng Xiaoye finished speaking, he immediately walked away.

"No conscience, it's not time to beg me to reinstall the system for you." Dong Chengcheng looked at the door in embarrassment, not letting him pretend, right? He has plenty of ways.Connected to the Internet, hacked into Cheng Xiaoye's computer, and put a virus into her.

Within 5 minutes, Cheng Xiaoye came back with his notebook in his arms.

The notebook was thrown on Xiao Tiancheng's bed, and white codes jumped out one by one on the black screen.

"Did you do it?" Cheng Xiaoye had a serious face. She just wanted to draw a design drawing when the computer screen went black.

Dong Chengcheng hurriedly shook his head, innocently like a little white rabbit with drooping ears, "No, I don't dare when I don't have time."

Cheng Xiaoye was suspicious.

As soon as he flattened his mouth, his big watery eyes filled with moisture, "Sister, you don't believe me, just look at my big innocent eyes!"

At a glance, Cheng Xiaoye saw a little fox wagging its tail pretending to be pitiful, and he understood it in his heart.Looking at his pitiful expression, he couldn't bear to beat him up, so he rubbed Baozi's face a few times in retaliation, "Get the system right for my sister."

"Follow my elder sister!" Xiao Tiancheng immediately jumped up from the bed, hugged the computer and began to operate.

Cheng Xiaoye was bored waiting and went out to make a phone call.

In the study of Dong Yilan's house, Mo Yao was reading the financial statements.

Ou Beilun probably was stimulated by him, and today he really paid the service fee for the second half of the year to W. T account.Mo Yao's cold and handsome face brought a smile, if only the debts could be settled so easily.

The phone rang, it was Beiying, the first thing he did when he came back was to be sent to watch over Gu Yansheng.

"Qi Ye, a group of people kidnapped Gu Yansheng's daughter Gu Miaomiao this afternoon, and brought her back half an hour ago. Now the family is back home."


In order to force Gu Yansheng to submit, Ellen is still very hard-working, it seems that he has to talk to Gu Yansheng in person. It doesn't matter if Ellen leaves him, but Gu Yansheng, the Fly project still needs him.

At nine o'clock the next day, Gu Yansheng was invited by the ghost to a teahouse not far from the company as soon as he went to work.

When Gu Yansheng nervously walked into the room where Ghost said, Mo Yao was leisurely making Kung Fu tea.

Unlike usual work, he is wearing casual clothes today. The V-neck blue T-shirt is elegant and leisurely, and it takes away the sharpness of the suit, making him more friendly.Holding the kettle with slender fingers, the water in it boiled, and the hot air surrounded him, making him feel a little more hazy.

Gu Weisheng actually felt that today's president is very close to the people!

"Come and sit." He greeted him like an old friend.

Gu Yansheng looked at Mo Yao uneasily, if he still had his usual cold appearance, he would still be more or less calm in his heart.Now, on the contrary, he was even more uncertain, like he was hanging up and down the fifteen flavor bottles, and he didn't dare to move for a long time.

"President, you, are you looking for me?" After finally asking, the sweat was already drenching the back.

Mo Yao's powerful aura has penetrated into the hearts of everyone in the company. Even though he behaved gently and gracefully, this huge sense of oppression still makes people dare not look up.

"I'm not a scourge, I can still eat you? Come and sit down." Mo Yao teased, this was the first time he spoke to the staff in this tone.

Gu Yansheng's scalp became tense, he carefully moved to the sofa opposite Mo Yao, and sat down.

Mo Yao put a teacup in front of him and filled him with tea.

"President, I'll do it myself!" Gu Yansheng felt more and more creepy when the president poured water for him himself.He doesn't have many tricks in his mind, but he also knows that some people hide their knives behind their smiles.

Now Mo Yao gave him the feeling that he was hiding a knife behind his smile.

Sweat trickled down his neck, and Gu Yansheng wiped it off with difficulty.Is the president still brooding over the dinner the night before yesterday?He is no longer ready to explain, for the safety of his family, he decided to bow his head to the evil forces.

Ellen and Ou Beilun are now the evil forces in his heart.

"I heard that someone admitted the wrong person yesterday and took Miao Miao away?" Mo Yao lowered his head, fiddling with the tea pet with his slender hands, and asked casually.

Gu Yansheng was startled suddenly, his face turned pale, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind.

The president knows what happened yesterday, does that also mean that he knows that Ellen has looked for him?Knowing that Ellen is looking for him, do you also know that Ellen asked him to change jobs?He knows all these things, so today...

"President, I..."

"I heard that your father in your hometown is ill." Mo Yao interrupted him, his eagle-like eyes suddenly fell on his face, "Is it serious?"

(End of this chapter)

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