The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 224 President, Your Health Is Really Good!

Chapter 224 President, Your Health Is Really Good!

The phone rang again, seeing her name jumping on the screen, the corners of Mo Yao's lips curled up slightly.No matter when and where, this name always makes him happy.

"My police station." He deliberately pretended to be very low.

Sure enough, there was silence on the other side of the phone, and after a long time, he asked worriedly: "Did you sell the guns and ammunition to the police? It's okay, I'll let my father bail you out."

Mo Yao frowned, is he so useless in her heart, and if something happens, she has to be protected by her father?

The voice sank, "I can't guarantee it."

The other party fell into a deeper silence, and after another tens of seconds, he heard the voice of gnashing his teeth, "You wait, I went to bombard the police station."

Pfft... I didn't hold it, I smiled.

"You lied to me?" Dong Yilan asked warily.

"No," he relaxed his voice, "Gu Yan had a car accident, I came to the police station to deal with it."

"Gu Yansheng? Is that the developer of the Fly flight system?"

"Yes, I went to the Fly Group in the morning, and there was an accident on the way."

After another period of silence, Dong Yilan tentatively asked, "Do you regret giving Ellen too many opportunities?"

Mo Yao paused, suddenly he was glad that Dong Yilan was his wife and not his opponent.

When it comes to regret, he is regret.

He doesn't regret giving Ellen too many opportunities, but regrets not letting Beiying or Ghost accompany Gu Yansheng.Noisy sound came from outside the door, Mo Yao saw Gu Yansheng's wife appeared outside the door, anxiously asked the staff where Gu Yansheng was.

"Gu Yansheng's wife is here, I'll tell you when I get back."

"I'll wait for you to come back, bye."

Mo Yao's heart warmed, and he immediately responded, "Don't worry, I'm fine, bye."

Putting away the phone, Mo Yao walked out from the reception room.

"Mrs. Gu." A call drew Mrs. Gu's gaze over.

The man who called him was cold and elegant, with a sense of intimacy as if an iceberg stood in front of him, Mrs. Gu was stunned, and did not dare to respond.

"I'm Gu Yansheng's colleague." Mo Yao explained.

In order to get closer, he neither said he was Gu Yansheng's boss nor showed W. President T's airs, he only used the word "colleague" to introduce himself as a colleague.

"Oh, hello, hello." Mrs. Gu immediately relaxed a little.I usually heard from my husband that colleagues live in harmony, united and friendly, and so on, so I felt an inexplicable intimacy with Mo Yao, so I greeted him enthusiastically, "Where is Yan Sheng? Why isn't he with you?"

"He..." For the first time in his life, Mo Yao felt his lack of language ability.He didn't know how to tell Mrs. Gu the fact that her husband had passed away.

"Mr. Mo," a female police officer walked over with a report in her hand, she didn't seem to notice the woman beside Mo Yao, and said, "Gu Yansheng's autopsy report came out, five ribs were broken, and the cause of death was fracture. His ribs pierced his heart, causing heart failure."

Mo Yao didn't stop her, because he really didn't know how to tell Mrs. Gu, it would be better if the policewoman told her.

"What? What did you say?" Mrs. Gu stared at the policewoman with wide eyes in disbelief, "You said Yan was dead? How could it be possible, he went to work well this morning, how could he be dead now."

Frantically grabbed the autopsy report in the policewoman's hand.

When she saw the words "Gu Yansheng" in the name column of the report, Mrs. Gu's legs went limp and she fell to the ground.

Mo Yao and the policewoman went to pull Mrs. Gu at the same time.

After tens of seconds of sluggishness, the simple woman suddenly burst into tears, and her heart-piercing crying alarmed everyone in the police station.Everyone put down their work at the same time, and looked at Mrs. Gu with sympathy or regret.

"Sister, get up first." Mrs. Gu didn't look fat, but the policewoman exhausted all her strength but couldn't pull her up.

Mo Yao stood behind him, and it was not easy to get started. He glanced coldly and looked at another policewoman standing beside him, "Why don't you come over and help?"

The policewoman was suddenly startled by the coldness in Mo Yao's eyes, and immediately trotted over, the two of them pulled Mrs. Gu onto the chair together, and Mrs. Gu was already out of breath from crying.

"Go get a glass of water!" Mo Yao ordered, his attitude was like ordering his own servant.

Due to the strong pressure brought by Mo Yao, the policewoman immediately poured water over without saying a word.

Mrs. Gu took a sip of water before calming down, and looked at Mo Yao anxiously, "What happened, how can people say it's gone?"

Mo Yao signaled the policewoman to tell her what happened, so the policewoman told Mrs. Gu what she learned about the case from beginning to end.The police didn't know who the perpetrator was, so Mrs. Gu only knew that the perpetrator escaped.

According to the police, she was like a dream.

She took care of her husband and children for dinner in the morning, and then went out together. She sent the children to school and he went to work.After delivering the child, she went to the hospital to take care of her father-in-law who was about to undergo surgery. She received a call and came to the police station, only to hear that he had died in a car accident.

Mrs. Gu stared blankly at the floor, without a trace of focus in her eyes, without the madness just now, her whole body was as lifeless as death.She couldn't accept the fact that Gu Yansheng left suddenly.

She was just an ordinary full-time wife who couldn't be more ordinary. Without him, the world she lived in collapsed.

The old man, the child, the house, the car... a series of things, what should she do?
All the way down, Mrs. Gu's emotions were completely in a state of collapse. The elderly in the hospital were about to undergo surgery, and Mo Yao could no longer disturb them. Gu Yansheng's funeral was handled by him alone.

Gu Yansheng suffered a work-related injury. In addition to the insurance coverage and compensation, Mo Yao asked the financial supplement to Gu Yansheng's 200 million yuan as a family allowance, which was transferred to Gu Yansheng's account.Gu Yansheng's father's medical expenses were originally paid by him. In addition to the medical expenses this time, he also arranged for someone to accompany him until the old man was discharged from the hospital.

The perpetrator escaped, Mo Yao didn't want the police to get involved in the fight in the shopping mall, so he gave up the prosecution, and the traffic case was settled.

A week later, Gu Yansheng's memorial service was held.

The executives of the Fly Group were quite reasonable. Knowing that Gu Yansheng had an accident on the way to his company, he didn't care about the missed appointment, and offered to postpone the trial system for 15 days without affecting the product launch.

The memorial service also sent representatives to offer condolences.

The scene of the memorial service was solemn, and Gu Yansheng's body was surrounded by yellow and white flowers.Many people came to the scene, including Gu Yansheng's colleagues, as well as former friends and classmates, everyone's face was extremely heavy.

In the traditional concept of Chinese people, it is a particularly regrettable thing to die young.

Mrs. Gu was supported by two people, crying so hard that she couldn't stand up, and her daughter who was in the fifth grade of elementary school was standing beside her, crying like hell.

Many people at the scene shed tears of sympathy.

The memorial service began, and Mo Yao delivered a speech.

A white flower was inserted in the pocket of the black suit jacket, and the arms were slightly bent, revealing the delicate cuff buttons on the white shirt, luxurious yet elegant.The slender legs are taking steady steps, each step is relaxed, elegant and noble.

As soon as he arrived, the entire memorial service scene immediately became silent.

People consciously gave way to a passage, and he calmly walked to the host platform,

"Dear guests, relatives and friends, on this day of emerald trees and cypresses, and the sorrow of heaven and man, we bid farewell to one of our close friends, a colleague who we get along with every day, and a young man with great sadness. The passing elite of the IT industry, his name is Gu Yansheng, he is the pride of W.T..."

"On behalf of W.T Group, I would like to thank him. Similarly, I also solemnly promise him here that W.T will complete all the unfinished things for him, including raising his daughter and supporting his parents."

After a lengthy speech, it was W. T is also Mo Yao's promise to Gu Yansheng.

This solemn promise earned Mo Yao endless applause.For a long time later, it was passed down as a good talk, W. T Group's social reputation has risen by thousands of percentage points, hundreds of times.

Various media scrambled to report on this matter, allowing people to know W overnight. T this low-key and kind boss.

True fame spreads!
"Fame and fortune." Closing D City Morning Post, Dong Yilan nestled on the sofa and gave a pertinent evaluation.

Mo Yao smiled and did not refute.

Dong Yilan guessed that he actually wanted to lure Ellen out in this way.Because after Ellen killed Gu Yansheng, she drove the car to a wasteland in the western suburbs, lit the car with a torch, and then disappeared without a trace.

The Fly Group postponed the time by 15 days. 15 days is too little to re-develop an operating system, and it is impossible for God to do it.

"It's time, I'll take you to work." At 8:[-], Mo Yao got up on time.

He seemed unaffected by any information, with a confident look on his face.

"But the Lun family is going to rest today..." Dong Yilan smiled coquettishly.

Mo Yao stopped and turned to look at her.

She pretended to be blinking her eyes, her long eyelashes were as agile as two butterflies flying.Those blood amber eyes were enchanting and affectionate, like a seductive whirlpool.

Mo Yao's eyes tightened, and his Adam's apple slipped.

He seemed to be so busy these days that he forgot one thing!
"My Lord will rest with you!" The magnetic voice became hoarse due to depression, she pulled off the tie gracefully, and walked towards Dong Yilan.

"Don't make trouble, you still have to go to work."

"Father is serious."

The breeze blows the curtains, and the sun shines in, stirring up the beautiful spring scenery in the room.

Qi Ye was in high spirits, when suddenly the disappointing phone rang.

"Hurry up, answer the phone..." Dong Yilan brushed away his troublesome hands.

"No answer!"

The phone rang endlessly, and a small light-white hand stretched out from under the coffee table, scratched left and right on the coffee table, and finally touched the phone.

"It's the little beauty you miss day and night!" Dong Yilan said in a strange tone.

"You are the only one who wants to 'day'!" Mo Yao's hoarse voice hit her ears, and suddenly a flash of light flashed in her mind, and she stopped.


"I've already picked it up for you." The little face had a sly look, and the flowers trembled with a smile.

When the phone was held up in front of him, the call time was displayed for 15 seconds.

"..." Yilan, you are really black, and you will plot against your husband!

Mo Yao threw himself onto the sofa, took the phone, "Hello."

"President, you are in good health!" Ellen gritted her teeth.

(End of this chapter)

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