The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 232 A Little Fresh Morning

Chapter 232 A Little Fresh Morning
"Damn it!" Mo Yao put down his phone, secretly annoyed that he shouldn't be back so late.He lowered himself down and placed an affectionate kiss on her forehead, "Honey, my husband assures you that I will never come back so late again."

Looking at her shiny red lips, he couldn't help pecking her, and carried her upstairs.

In the morning, Dong Yilan woke up in a warm embrace, the curtains were wide open, her eyes were piercing, she was so excited that she sat up suddenly.This movement also startled the people around him.

"It's still early, let's go to sleep." The magnetic voice carried the laziness of just waking up, like a fatal lure, attracting people's sinking.

Dong Yilan tilted her head and looked at him.

The morning sun shone through the window, dappled on the head of the bed.Sprinkled on his brows and eyelashes, reflecting those obsidian-like eyes, the brilliance flowed and shone... She had sighed more than once, God's eccentricity in creating man.

"Honey, are you hungry?"

The man turned sideways with his head propped on his hands, the quilt slipped off his body, revealing his wheat-colored skin, his firm chest looming, strong but not too cold, his lips curled into a smile, like a seductive evil spirit.

She was seduced by him, and nodded honestly when he heard his question, "Hungry."

He left early last night, and she didn't eat at all by herself, how can she not be hungry even now!

"I'll get up and cook for you." Deep and bright flashed a burst of warmth, and rubbed her soft and smooth hair, "Go to sleep a little longer."

Seeing the figure of the man getting up and getting off the bed, Dong Yilan was consummated.

After he left, she quickly dressed and got up.

While washing up, the staff of the M&D brand store called. First, they confirmed the appointment schedule and asked if they could arrive on time at the scheduled time.The second is to remind her to try on clothes and makeup at the same time, and remind her to go to the store without makeup.

After hanging up the phone, Dong Yilan looked at herself in the mirror. She had a small face with delicate features. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a natural lotus. In fact, she doesn't usually wear much makeup, which is much more convenient.

After washing my face, I patted on some lotion and went downstairs.

Mo Yao has already prepared breakfast, a ham sandwich with fried eggs and ham inside.

Simple but nutritious, it is also one of the few breakfasts Mo Qiye can afford.

Dong Yilan is very contented.

After breakfast, they changed their clothes again. When the two of them drove out, the hour hand had already pointed to ten o'clock.On the way, Dong Yilan called Amy and told her the time and place, and Amy readily agreed to meet in half an hour.

In a good mood, everything is pleasing to the eye, even the smog that covers the blue sky and white clouds is not so obtrusive.

Passing by the Civil Affairs Bureau, Mo Yao took a look at Dong Yilan, which means, when we are free, we will go get the marriage certificate.

Dong Yilan tilted his head and ignored it!

"Pretentious!" Mo Yao commented coolly.

Forget it today, I didn't bring my household registration book with me when I went out.I have to come over and take care of this matter next Monday.Not obtaining a certificate always feels like a layer of protection is missing, as if anyone can join in.

The phone rang, Mo Yao picked up the phone, it turned out to be Locke.

Locke generally does not contact him unless there is a problem in the laboratory.Mo Yao's heart tightened, and he picked up the phone.

"Master Qi, a child is missing." Locke's voice on the phone was extremely nervous, even trembling.

Children are the human beings they cloned with human cells through the culture medium, and they are the experimental products for making human weapons.After the ghost returned, they resumed their research, and now the children who can move have extraordinary lethality.

One child is enough to destroy a city!
Heck... The sound of brakes suddenly sounded, and the black Rolls Royce stopped in the middle of the road.

The car behind him was more knowledgeable, recognized that it was a luxury car, and was afraid that he would not be able to pay for it in a collision, so he followed him from a distance, and when he saw him brake suddenly, he stopped himself.But he was not so lucky in the back, a brake was not in time and hit him.Because it is the peak period of traffic flow, there is a lot of traffic on the road, and there are successive collisions, brakes, horns, and curses.

"When did it happen?" Mo Yao asked Locke anxiously without hearing the voice behind him.

"It was about six or seven minutes. I checked him 7 minutes ago."

"I'll be there right away!" Mo Yao hung up the phone, because the matter was urgent, he looked at Dong Yilan apologetically.She smiled slightly, "It's okay, I'll take a taxi by myself. You have to deal with it first, and Amy will come to accompany me later."

"Baby, I'm sorry." A big warm hand stroked her soft hair, "I'll come to you when the matter is settled."

"Well, you pay attention to safety." Dong Yilan had a vague premonition, knowing that he was in a hurry, so he only gave a few instructions and got out of the car.

Before Mo Yao could say anything more, he kicked the accelerator, and the Rolls-Royce sped away, and behind him, there was already a parking lot.

In this case, it is estimated that there is no way to get a taxi. Fortunately, there are still about two kilometers away from the M&D brand store. If you can get a taxi, you can take a taxi.

Looking at the high-heeled shoes under her feet, she regretted it for a while, so she should wear sneakers.

Halfway through the walk, I received a call from Amy, saying that she was stuck in traffic and would be late for the meeting.Dong Yilan expressed her understanding, but did not dare to tell her that Mo Yao was the instigator.

When she arrived at the M&D brand store, her feet were so painful that she almost lost consciousness.

Her two wedding dresses and dresses are all designed by famous teachers, privately ordered, the VIP among the VIPs, received by the beautiful store manager Dikara in person.

"Miss Dong, Mr. Mo didn't come with you? He also has a dress to try on."

"He has something to do, he will be here later." Dong Yilan smiled wearily.As Dikara went up to the second floor, without waiting for her invitation, he took the initiative to enter the VIP fitting room and threw himself on the sofa.

The fitting room is very spacious. On the round table in front of the sofa, there is ready-made fruit tea.

Dikra walked in and sat down opposite her.

"Do you mind if I take off my shoes and rest for a while?" Dong Yilan asked apologetically, she knew it was impolite to do so, but her feet were too tired!

"Please feel free!" Dikara smiled gracefully.

She beckoned for a staff member, whispered something in her ear, and a minute later, the staff member put a pair of soft and comfortable slippers at Dong Yilan's feet.

Tsk tsk, great service!Dong Yilan sincerely admired it.

"Miss Dong, we have already prepared the wedding dress and the dress. Would you like to try it on together when Mr. Mo comes, or should you try it on first?"

"My friend is stuck in traffic on the road. I'll wait for her. If you have something to do, you can do it first."

"It's okay, I'll wait with you." Dikara took a hairstyle magazine, handed it to Dong Yilan, and asked her what kind of hairstyle she likes, and they will do styling together when trying on wedding dresses.

Dikara pointed out several hairstyles that match the wedding dress for Dong Yilan's reference.

Dong Yilan prefers the one with her long hair rolled to one side, with a few roses in the middle.

After waiting for nearly an hour, Amy arrived panting. Dong Yilan had already changed her clothes and was doing her hair styling.

"I said Miss, do you know? I ran for more than two kilometers, and my feet were blistered!" As soon as I entered the VIP room, Amy sat on the sofa and complained, "I didn't read the almanac when I went out today. It says It must be suitable to live in and not suitable to leave."

"I also walked here." Dong Yilan shook his foot, finally the pain stopped.

"Where's Mo Yao?" Looking around, Amy couldn't help being a little surprised that he didn't see Mo Yao.There is no reason for him to be absent at such an important moment!

"Something happened in his company, go back and deal with it." Yilan pointed to the dress on the hanger, "Amy, put on that white wedding dress and show me how it looks on the upper body."

"Try your wedding dress yourself, I won't wear it!"

"Don't be so stingy, hurry up!"

"The two beauties have such good figures, why don't you try it for Miss Dong, the effect in front of the mirror is not as intuitive as the actual effect." Dikara took out the wedding dress and said to Amy.

"Okay then." Amy reluctantly agreed, and followed Dikara into the locker room.

A dozen meters away from the M&D gate, several men looked in furtively.

A woman walked over from a distance, wearing a black shawl collar small suit, wide-leg pants, simple and capable.What made people feel abrupt was the wide-brimmed hat on her head, which tightly covered her entire face, creating a sense of mystery.

She walked up to the men, and said in a heavy voice: "She is trying on a wedding dress now, and I will cause chaos in a while, so you take the opportunity to go in, and leave as soon as you catch someone, do you hear me clearly?"


"Okay, get ready!"

A woman passed by the door of M&D, the electronic door was opened by induction, she threw something in, and then hurried away.

A few seconds later, the M&D brand store seemed to be on fire. Thick smoke billowed from the door and windows. Several shop assistants rushed out of the door screaming, shouting for help.

Hearing the cry for help, Dika came out of the dressing room, and said to one of the fashionable beauties who were doing Dong Yilan's hair: "You help her put on the wedding dress first, and I'll go out to see what's going on."

"Yes, manager."

As soon as Dikara went out, Dong Yilan felt his stomach churning, "Where is your bathroom?"

"The restroom is on the third floor." The fashionable beauty who did her hair put down her comb and said enthusiastically, "I'll take you there."

"Okay." Dong Yilan stood up, and shouted to Amy in the dressing room: "I'm going to the bathroom, you can just wait for me here after changing."


Dong Yilan followed the fashionable beauty to the bathroom.

As soon as she left, the man who was watching at the door of the store rushed up, and when she broke into the VIP room, Amy just came out after changing her wedding dress, and the clerk who helped her arrange the wedding dress was still in the dressing room.
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(End of this chapter)

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