The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 234 Heroes Save America

Chapter 234 Heroes Save America
Now it's different from filming, there is no camera, and I don't have the confidence to face the camera.She huddled in the corner of the wall, moving her body backwards in horror, until she hit the wall before stopping.

Heart, flustered.

Facing the man who was getting closer, she kicked the man's legs vigorously with both feet to prevent him from approaching, and kept shouting: "Don't come over, don't come over!"

The man squatted down to keep eye-balance with her.Chi Guoguo's eyes moved over her body, burning her skin inch by inch.She had no doubts, maybe in the next second, he would pounce on him.

"My brother has never touched a celebrity before. This little face is so pure!" A dirty hand stretched out towards her.

"Bah, get out!" She spat at him, avoiding his dirty hands.

"Damn it, you dare to spray me with saliva!" The man raised his hand and wanted to slap him, but was swept away by another slap, "What do you want to do, go and spend money to find it!"

He glared unconvinced, but didn't answer, and hid aside unwillingly to smoke.

Amy pulled up the hem of the wedding dress, hugging her knees and retreating into the corner of the wall.There are 4 men in the workshop, except for the one who smokes, the other three are playing cards.The door is ten meters away, if you run away now, you will be caught...

Suddenly a voice came from outside, vigorous and vigorous: "Is anyone there?"

Many years later, when Su Jie recalled this scene again, while lamenting the ill-fated fate, she couldn't help but thank God for the ingenious arrangement.Fate seems to have been doomed in the dark!

Recently, the country is prosperous and the people are peaceful, and the prosperous world is peaceful, so he can finally make up for the annual leave that he didn't take last time.

Driving a small car on the suburban road, Su Jie was not in a happy mood, but as she walked, she suddenly felt that something was wrong.After listening carefully, the wheels made a rattling sound, and I got out of the car to check that the tire had pressed a nail.

There is no shop in the front of the village, no shop in the back, and no repair shop, but his spare tire is still being repaired!

After walking for four or five kilometers on foot, I finally found a factory. To be precise, it was an old abandoned factory building. Overwhelming weeds, so fresh!

A Jeep parked in front of an old factory building.

"Is anyone there?" Su Jie called out tentatively.

The people playing cards and smoking in the room immediately became alert, almost reflexively, and rushed towards Amy.

Amy immediately felt that the opportunity had come!

"Help... um..." As soon as he yelled two words, his mouth was covered.

The man who covered Amy gave a look, beckoning them to check the situation, and a man walked towards the door very vigilantly.


The kidnapper's hand covered her mouth and nose completely, and Amy's voice was blocked back to her mouth. She pushed his hand outward with both hands, but she couldn't push it away, so she glared at him with a pair of black eyes.

He was also staring at her with warning eyes, and the strength of his subordinates increased.

Gradually, the air in front of me became thinner.

"Uh...uh..." She was still struggling, beating the kidnapper's arm with both hands, kicking forward non-stop, kicking marks one after another on the dusty ground.

The world in front of her eyes had begun to blur, and the fear of death enveloped her heart.

"I don't want to die, I don't want to..."

The kidnapper who went out to check the situation was confused.There wasn't even a single person outside, it was in broad daylight, it seemed that the shout just now came from thousands of miles away, so there was no trace of it here.

Turn around and prepare to go back to the house.

A gust of cold wind blew behind Shu, and before he could turn around, he felt a pain in his neck and passed out.

Su Jie rolled her eagle eyes slightly, pushed the door open and walked in.

Sensing someone coming in, Amy felt a glimmer of hope in her heart, and tried her best to stare at the door.

Su Jie, it turned out to be him!
Surprise welled up in his eyes, and he raised his hand to ask him for help.Then, the suffocation felt like an invisible big hand pinching her neck, she couldn't make any sound, her eyes went dark, and her arm fell heavily.

The moment the arm fell, Su Jie's pupils opened suddenly.He also recognized her, and at the same time as he was shocked, he felt a little heartache and inexplicable sadness!

"Who's here?" The person inside thought the accomplice had come back and asked casually.

He looked up and found that the person was wrong, and it was too late to panic.

Su Jie's anger fell from the sky, and a storm was brewing in his violent eyes.

They killed her!

When the kidnapper saw the stranger coming in, he immediately rushed over to kill him.Su Jie kicked up, ruthlessly and accurately, and kicked the person in front of him flying, hitting the other person. The two of them fell to the ground, clutching their chests and wailing nonstop.

Seeing this, the other person let go of Amy, picked up a wooden stick next to her and rushed towards Su Jie.

Su Jie turned back, and the wooden stick brushed his clothes and passed over his chest with a strong wind.It was too late, but soon, when his hand brushed Su Jie's chest, Su Jie made a sudden move, holding his wrist with five fingers, and with one force, the wooden stick fell to the ground.

With a backhand cut, his wrist was broken. Su Jie carried him and threw him on the other two people like a rag.

The sharp eyes swept towards the three people who were piled together, and the three of them immediately kowtowed like garlic, "Forgive me, forgive me, we just take money to do things, if you want revenge, don't come to us!"

"Get out!" Su Jie yelled loudly, and the three of them ran towards each other like they were being pardoned.

Su Jie walked towards Amy, suddenly remembered something, and turned around and shouted: "Leave the car."

A key was thrown on the ground, and several people ran away without stopping.

He walked quickly to Amy's side and squatted down.

Amy's face was purple, and her body was filled with the breath of death.Su Jie stretched out his finger to detect her breath, her breathing had stopped!With a sinking heart, she hurriedly opened her eyelids to look at her pupils.

The pupils haven't dilated yet, maybe it can be saved.

Su Jie hugged her and laid her flat on the ground. They participated in special forces training and had first aid knowledge and knew how to deal with sudden cardiac arrest.

The tube top wedding dress is very tight on the upper body, which is not conducive to the recovery of the heartbeat. Su Jie loosened the tied ribbon at the back, and folded her hands on Amy's chest.

1, 2, 3...Press, 1, 2, 3...Press, do it a dozen times, and see that Amy's complexion has eased, and the purple color has begun to disperse. After pressing a few more times, he stops and leans Hold your nose next to her and breathe into her mouth to mouth.

After ten minutes, Amy finally recovered.

The first time she opened her eyes, she saw a man with his eyes closed, kissing her mouth.

"Go away!" Amy was shocked, and pushed Su Jie with both arms, and retreated instinctively.

Su Jie was pushed suddenly, and in a half-squat position, her feet swayed and fell to the ground.Looking at Amy again, the ribbon on the back of her wedding dress was untied, and the skirt of the wedding dress was stepped on by Su Jie. When she stepped back, the whole top was exposed to the air, leaving only a key part of the light pink bra cover.

"Ah...shameless, hooligan!" Amy pulled the wide skirt of her wedding dress to cover her body in a panic, glaring at Su Jie angrily.

Su Jie looked at Amy innocently with eagle eyes, and after a while, her face returned to normal.Standing up from the ground, he slowly wiped off the dust on his body, "You're fine, then I'm leaving."

Turn around and pick up the key left by the kidnapper, and walk out the door.

Amy suddenly recalled what happened just now, it should be that he saved her!
"Well, you, don't go." Amy wanted to catch up, but just as she stood up, the wedding dress fell to the ground. She hurriedly knelt down and hugged the wedding dress to cover her body.I feel extremely resentful.

If only I didn't help Yilan try on the wedding dress, this situation is really unprecedented... embarrassing!
"What? Are you afraid that I'm playing a hooligan?" Su Jie asked coolly, the resentment in her tone made Su Jie want to laugh.

"That... yes, I'm sorry! I misunderstood." Amy squatted on the ground with her wedding dress in her arms. There were red marks left by the kidnappers on her innocent face. She looked so pitiful that it made people feel distressed at a glance.

Su Jie's cold face was a little moved.

"Come here, I'll see you off." The voice softened a lot, and Amy suddenly felt that his temperament was very much like that of the big brother next door, with the warm sunshine on his body, which made people want his protection involuntarily.

"My clothes..." fell off, and this kind of wedding dress couldn't be worn by one person.She didn't have the nerve to say the latter words.

Su Jie was taken aback for a moment, then her bronzed and healthy face flushed slightly, "You put on the wedding dress, and I'll tie it for you."


Amy obediently put the wedding dress on her body, held the top of the tube top with her hands, and stood up with a blushing face.Over the years, she has worn no less than a thousand sets of various clothes, and it was the first time in the world that she had a man serve her to change clothes.

Blushing into a purple eggplant.

Su Jie was not much better either, her face flushed red under the bronze skin.

Putting on a belt, the two dawdled for more than ten minutes.

This was the longest ten minutes of Amy's life, her face was so hot that it almost dripped water.

"All right."

Hearing the man's relieved voice, Amy also secretly heaved a sigh of relief, picked up the wide skirt, and followed Su Jie out of the old factory building.

The kidnapper who was knocked out outside the factory had already been taken away by three other people. There was only one Jeep parked at the door. Su Jie got on the car and started it, and Amy also sat in the co-pilot's seat.

"Why did you come here?" Amy looked at him in outdoor casual clothes, and remembered meeting him in Qinghai. He said that he liked adventure.

Adventure, what dangers can be explored in this dilapidated factory building?

"Going to another place, the car broke down halfway." Su Jie looked ahead, and before walking far, he was sensitively aware of an ambush in the nearby grass.There were machine gunners in ambushes at ten o'clock and eight o'clock.

Just as he was about to stop and reverse the car, a gun suddenly appeared in the rearview mirror. The black muzzle was pointing at him.

With a sudden brake, the car stopped.

"Someone is going to kill us..." Amy screamed.With her ability, she couldn't spot the ambush ahead, but could only see the gun in the rearview mirror.

"It's not us, it's me." Su Jie replied calmly: "You stay in the car, I'll go down and have a look."

(End of this chapter)

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