The chief idle wife is too enchanting

Chapter 238 The Daughter Is Losing Money

Chapter 238 The Daughter Is Losing Money
"Sir, the service charge for bringing your own drinks..." The waiter wanted to remind that the service charge is 20% of the price of the drink. The market price of this 30-year-old Moutai must be tens of thousands of dollars, right?They moved here, but a whole box!
"Miss, what do you mean?" Mo Yao looked at her with a half-smile, his cold eyes were as sharp as a blade.The waiter was startled, dripping with cold sweat, and hurriedly apologized, "I'm sorry, sir, I'll drink right away!"

The bottle cap was opened, and the room was filled with the aroma of wine.

Holding the milky white porcelain bottle, the waiter asked again: "Sir, who is pouring the liquor?"

"I..." Before I could drive, I heard Mo Yao say, "If it's a man, fall on it."

Su Jie's words stuck in her throat, and she swallowed them abruptly.His iron-blooded dignity does not allow him to laugh at dinner and say that he is not a man like others.What's more, Mo Yao and Du Wenqi, which one is not the master of the market, if he lowers his head, he will never even think about raising his head in front of them in this life.

"Sir, are you full?" the waiter asked considerately after pouring half of the wine.

Su Jie glanced at the full wine glasses in front of Mo Yao and Du Wenqi, and replied without thinking, "Fill it up!"

Once a man starts to take his dignity into consideration, the rest will be easy to handle!

Both Mo Yao and Du Wenqi showed complacency on their faces.

Under the distorted eyes of the three women, the three men started a duel at the dinner.

"Officer Su, I respect you for this cup. Thank you for letting us go." Mo Yao picked up the cup and held it up to Su Jie.

Back then in the Lingele Canyon, if he insisted on stopping them from leaving, it is estimated that even if they could get out of the Sixth Office of National Security in the end, the loss would be very heavy.Although Su Jie was worried at the time, it still reduced their casualty rate to some extent.

"Mr. Mo is polite." Su Jie raised his glass.

The two gazes collided in the air, and a sharp flame burst out. Mo Yao raised his glass and drank it down.

Not to be outdone, Su Jie raised her head and the wine glass was emptied.

The wine glass was put down, and two provocative gazes intertwined in the air.

Only Cheng Xiaoye knew what Mo Yao said, but the current situation was that the three women were completely attracted by the empty wine glass, and were dumbfounded!
This is white wine, 53% white wine, not white water, nor white vinegar, so it dries up in one gulp?Seeing this, the waiter quickly picked up the wine bottle and walked over to help them fill it up.

The three women were dumbfounded!This is white wine, 53% white wine, not white water, nor white vinegar, so it dries up in one gulp?Seeing this, the waiter quickly picked up the wine bottle and walked over to help them fill it up.

Mo Yao raised his wine again, "Thank you for the second cup. Thank you, Commander Su, for being merciful under Muscat and not killing them all."

A passage with a gun and a stick, Su Jie didn't change his expression, he calmly picked up the wine glass, and the two of them did it again!

In Muscat, Mo Yao found Su Jie following behind him. He thought that Su Jie and Lei Xiaotian were all out to kill Yilan, but he didn't expect him to help them in the end.For that, he was grateful.

This time, only Dong Yilan knew about it, and of course she didn't care, because their eyes were all fixed on the wine glass.

The steak hadn't been served yet, and the bottle of white wine had already run out... It was said that a bottle of this wine was worth tens of thousands of yuan. It was an engagement gift from a wine merchant, and it was left in the car.

The waiter opened a bottle, but she consciously stopped asking.These people drink, it is simply not my race!

There was a knock on the door, and another waiter brought in the steak. Seeing the situation in the room, his hand shook, and the steak almost fell to the ground.Come to the western restaurant to compete for baijiu, this battle is so scary!
When the steak came, the three hungry women ignored them and started eating on their own.

Su Jie was also hungry, especially after drinking two glasses of high-grade liquor on an empty stomach, her stomach burned a little uncomfortable, and her eyes couldn't help but glance at Amy's dinner plate.No wonder the things here are expensive, and the smell makes you appetite.

"Are you hungry? How about I give you this first?" Amy stretched out her tongue to lick off the black pepper juice from the corner of her lips, and looked at Su Jie embarrassingly.

She was eating and suddenly felt a burst of fiery eyes, and when she raised her head, she met Su Jie's hungry eyes.

"No need." Su Jie also felt that she had lost her composure, smiled awkwardly, and hurriedly looked away.He didn't know if it was because he was too drunk, or what, but he actually felt that Amy's movement of sticking out the tip of her tongue to clean the corners of her lips was... seductive!
Throat tightened, and he took the initiative to pick up the wine glass, "Mr. Mo, this glass is toast to you, I admire your courage."

His words came from the bottom of his heart. He dared to lead people into the National Security Bureau No. [-] to save people. His courage is truly unparalleled in the world!

Mo Yao clinked glasses with him, the corners of his lips raised, "Some people call me Mo Yao, others call me Mo Qi, if Chief Su doesn't mind, you can also call me by my name. It sounds closer, so that people don't think we are a group of strangers sitting together."

It was also a stranger!Su Jie slandered, but he really accepted it with a smile.

"Then you don't want to call me Su Jie just like I have many high-ranking officials."

It is easier for these men to communicate with each other when they are drinking, and it is estimated that they will be called brothers after a while.Dong Yilan looked at her empty glass and called to the waiter, "Give me a glass of freshly squeezed lemon juice."

"I'll have a drink too."

"I also want……"

Cheng Xiaoye and Amy expressed that they wanted it too. Watching the men drink, their own glasses were empty before they knew it.

Mo Yao and Su Jie drank four cups in a row before Du Wenqi slowly put down the knife and fork and picked up the white wine in front of him, "Su Jie, I heard that Amy was rescued in Qinghai some time ago, on behalf of my family, I would like to thank you, first of all, as a respect. "

Su Jie and Mo Yao put down their glasses to fill up the wine, while Du Wenqi had already done it.

He hadn't eaten anything yet, and his stomach was burning and uncomfortable.

The corners of Amy's eyebrows twitched, such an expensive wine should be tasted slowly, slowly, the way you drink it is simply reckless!

Su Jie raised her eyebrows slightly, and reluctantly picked up the wine glass, "Du Sanshao is really a good drinker."

After drinking it in one gulp, the rich aroma of wine mixed with heat swept across his chest. Su Jie put down the wine glass, quickly took a few sips of cold boiled water, and suppressed the scorching heat in his stomach.

A cloud of turbid air rushes straight into my mind, and I feel a little light. If I drink it like this, even if my mind is clear, my stomach will not be able to hold it.But why, all the meals ordered by others are served, but his and Mo Yao's have never been served?
"Miss, the steak we ordered, was the beef freshly killed?" After drinking, Su Jie's tone became more aggressive.

The waiter was stunned for a moment, then understood what he meant, and quickly replied: "I'm sorry, sir, I kept you waiting for a long time, and I will rush now."

The waitress left the room non-stop, saying she was going to urge the food, but she was actually going out to catch her breath.The men and women at this table are really scary, not to mention the eccentric talking, just the way of drinking liquor, it scares her to death!

It's just that the appearance of the people at this table is really nothing to say, handsome men and beautiful women, especially the girl sitting at the back looks very familiar, I don't know where I have seen it before.

"5201 meal reminder." After calling, she walked back.The manager explained that the guests of this table and chair are very important and must be entertained well, so she has to dutifully guard inside.

When I entered the door, I saw two men grabbing wine bottles and pouring wine for each other. The waiter was surprised and hurried over, "Sir, let me pour it."

Both of them, who were in full swing, let go and handed the bottle to the waiter.

At this time, Mo Yao's stomach also began to feel uncomfortable, and the burning feeling made him feel a little irritable.In his eyes, he caught a glimpse of Dong Yilan eating, and then looked at the empty table in front of him, feeling unhappy.

"Little Yilan, I want to eat for my husband."

The beef on Dong Yilan's fork stopped at his mouth, and a very bitter voice echoed in his ears: I want to eat for my husband, I want to eat for my husband, I want to eat for my husband... So the piece of beef that was supposed to go into my mouth The beef was delivered to Mo Yao's mouth.

"It tastes good." Mo Yao actually wanted to say that he felt much more comfortable.

Dong Yilan knew that drinking on an empty stomach was uncomfortable, so he cut beef for him, and the two showed their affection without any shyness.Comparing with Mo Yao, Su Jie immediately felt very desolate, now he is the only one who is hungry when the table is full.

"Brother Su, there is an old saying in China that good things come in pairs. This fourth cup is regarded as acquaintance wine. My brother respects you." Du Wenqi said: "In the future, if you need help in City D, you can come to me."

"Brother..." Amy couldn't bear to see her brother and Mo Yao keep drinking Su Jie, and wanted to stop her, but was blocked by Du Wenqi's eyes, "The steak is quite cooked, you have to try it to know if it suits your appetite, Brother Su, what do you think?" ?”

"Brother Du San is right." Su Jie forced a smile on his face.

They wanted to help Amy find out about him, and they didn't ask him if he was willing.The most important thing is that Mo Yao's sentence "give it to the man" makes him feel like he can't get off the horse now, and it's hard for him not to drink it.

What is it that you want to save face and suffer? Please look at his bronzed and crimson face!

Su Jie was terribly regretful in her heart, but she couldn't show it, so she could only go along with Du Wenqi and raised the wine glass.

Du Wenqi did it first again, he was sweating profusely, his hand holding the cup trembled a little, and felt that the temperature in the room was too high, so he roared angrily: "Waiter, turn on your air conditioner."

The waiter hurried to find the remote control.

He drank eight glasses of high-quality wine on an empty stomach, and it was still sauce-flavored. No matter how good he was, he couldn't hold it anymore. The feeling of top-heavy became more and more obvious, and his stomach churns.

"Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom." Before they could reply, he quickly got up and walked towards the door.

"Do you want me to go with you?" Mo Yao called from behind.

"No need!" Su Jie refused decisively.Although he was a little dizzy, he was not confused. Let him follow now, wouldn't that mean he would be ashamed.Go by yourself, no problem at all.

Mo Yao knew that he would not agree, so he just asked, his butt stuck to the chair, and he didn't move.

(End of this chapter)

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