Chapter 242 Wedding
Su Jie sat up and turned to look at the white wall behind her.She is in the next room and should be asleep by now.Raising your hand, the white wall does not look cold, but there is a faint warmth passing through the reinforced concrete.

One month later, Taoyuan Airport in D City.

"Remember to call me when you arrive." Du Wenqi handed the boarding pass to Cheng Xiaoye, helped her tidy up the silk scarf, put on the top hat, and then handed the suitcase to her.

"Understood." Cheng Xiaoye took the suitcase, hurriedly kissed Du Wenqi on the face, turned and walked past the security checkpoint.

"Xiaoye." Du Wenqi called her suddenly.

In the past year of acquaintance, she has often traveled around the world on business, and he has gotten used to it.But for some reason, this time he felt a sense of melancholy, as if she was going to leave for a long, long time.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Xiaoye looked back and smiled, and Bai Hua turned pale immediately.

Du Wenqi walked a few steps quickly, rushed to her side, stretched out his long arms and hugged her tightly into his arms.

Cheng Xiaoye was startled, and suddenly became saddened by his actions.She doesn't like to be separated, so she doesn't let him send it off every time she is on a business trip. This time he asked for it, and she reluctantly agreed.

I didn't expect it to be so sad.When the eye circles are red, tears want to fall.

"I'll just go for a week, and I'll be back soon." Cheng Xiaoye tried his best, and Du Wenqi didn't know what was wrong, his strength was so great that it seemed as if he was going to rub her into his bones, and she was so tight that she couldn't breathe.

"Can we get married when we come back?" Du Wenqi asked.

She fell asleep when she asked this question last time, and he kept it hidden in his heart and didn't ask it out, but now he couldn't help asking again.Sudden sentimentality, sudden fear of losing her.

"Okay." Cheng Xiaoye replied firmly.When she came back, her sister just held a wedding. After her wedding, they got married.

"But I'm not under the legal marriage age." Cheng Xiaoye suddenly remembered that he was only 18 years old.

"It's okay, let's go to Ireland to register for marriage. The scenery there is beautiful, and it is the most suitable for marriage registration." Du Wenqi was excited, and his arms hugged even tighter.

"Miss, are you going through the exit procedures now? How about we go there first?" A lady asked politely, and the little girl beside her was staring at the two curiously.

It was only then that Cheng Xiaoye realized that there was already a long line behind her, and the staff checking documents at the front window were staring at her with wide eyes.

"Sorry." Cheng Xiaoye blushed, picked up his suitcase and rushed to the security checkpoint, "Wen Qi, goodbye."

The moment he entered the security check, Cheng Xiaoye turned around and waved to Du Wenqi.

When I come back, I will marry you!
Du Wenqi waved his hand until her figure disappeared in the security check passage, he stood in the hall and stared blankly.For some reason, he was very uneasy, and the inexplicable loss left him at a loss.

After a long time, when the plane outside the airport was up and down, and the whistling sound broke his thoughts again, he left with stiff steps.

A week later, the wedding of Mo Yao and Dong Yilan was held on the Gold Coast.

The Gold Coast is a beach, and outside the beach is a piece of green grass, which is completely new at this time.White veils surround both sides, leading from the grass to the beach. Under the arch woven of champagne roses and lilies, a white carpet sprinkled with rose petals leads straight to the front. pillar.

At the end of the carpet and style column is a gazebo also wrapped in flowers and white gauze.

The ingenious arrangement is fresh and romantic, the fragrance of flowers is elegant and beautiful.Many relatives and friends at the scene have already rushed to the scene in advance, and they can't wait to witness this sacred and warm moment.

In order to prevent accidents, the elites of Beiying, Yougui and the Mohist School all stationed near the wedding, and Xiaoqi and Zilong led people to protect them in the hotel.

There are still two hours before the wedding, and many reporters are squatting at the wedding site, wanting to obtain first-hand information about the wedding.

Everything seemed to be going smoothly, but what broke the calm was a strange phone call Dong Chuchen received an hour ago.

"Boss Dong, is the wedding going to start soon?"

The voice was very strange, but the tone was not very friendly. Dong Chuchen couldn't help raising his vigilance, "Who are you?"

The other party did not answer directly, but laughed, "Look at the text message you received."

At the same time, Dong Chuchen heard the handset of the mobile phone ding and received a multimedia message.Opening the message, the content was a photo of Cheng Xiaoye, the little girl was sitting in the first class cabin, listening to music with her ears on, flipping through the free magazines provided on the plane, and no one had secretly photographed her.

A sense of danger suddenly rose in my heart, and my voice became sharp: "Who the hell are you?!"

"Mr. Dong, how do you feel when you help someone else's daughter hold a wedding, but you have to hear the news of your own daughter's death in a plane crash?"

Dong Chuchen's pupils widened sharply, "Are you Mo Zhanting?"

"You guessed right, it was indeed me. You killed my son, just wait to collect your daughter's body. Hahahaha..." A series of wild laughter came from the receiver, and was soon interrupted by a beep. line tone instead.

"Hey, hello..." Dong Chuyu hurriedly found out the number just now and called back.

"Sorry, the user you dialed is out of service area..."

"Shit!" Dong Chuzhi tried his best to suppress the panic in his heart. There were many guests at the wedding, and he couldn't leave, so he hurriedly called Xiao Qi, "Go check the flight that Xiao Ye is on right away, contact the airline, Mo Zhan Ting is on the plane!"

"Yes." Xiaoqi didn't have time to say hello to Zilong, and ran out all the way.

It can't be a coincidence that Mo Zhanting and Cheng Xiaoye boarded the same plane. He has been waiting in secret for such a long time for such an opportunity.They miscalculated and thought that Mo Zhanting would come to the wedding to take revenge, so they concentrated all their efforts on the wedding, but they only forgot Cheng Xiaoye who was away alone.

Xiao Qi didn't dare to neglect, one step later, maybe the news of Xiao Ye's death would come.

"What's the matter?" Cheng Nuo noticed that his expression was wrong, so he came over to ask.

"It's nothing, maybe I'm a little tired since I was busy in the morning, and I'm getting old and exhausted." Dong Chuchen tried his best to conceal the panic in his heart, and stretched out his arms to wrap his arms around his wife.The wedding is coming soon, and telling him now that it is useless except to make her anxious, he can only choose to keep it secret for the time being.

Cheng Nuo gave him a gouged look, "You're still exhausted!" Even if you don't, you'll be tired at night!
"Mr. Dong, congratulations!" From a distance, Du Gang came, he tried his best to smile, and walked up to him with his wife.

Du Wenqi was with Mo Yao and others.Cheng Xiaoye wanted to be the bridesmaid for Dong Yilan, so he volunteered to be the best man in order not to let Xiaoye stand in a row with other men, but Cheng Xiaoye didn't come back when he came.

Cheng Xiaoye couldn't come back, he didn't even have the intention to chat with them, he sat alone and fiddled with his mobile phone.

Dial back and forth, in fact, is that person's phone number.

She was on the plane and couldn't get through the phone, and her eyes were full of disappointment.

A pair of strong hands landed on his shoulders, and Du Wenqi looked up. It was Mo Yao, who was dressed in a silver suit, chic and stylish.

He smiled and sat down beside him, "Don't worry, Ono's plane will arrive in two hours."

Du Wenqi nodded gratefully.

The preparations before the wedding have been completed, and Mo Yao is waiting to go through the process, so the two chatted.

"Isn't your dress black?" Du Wenqi was a little puzzled. Yesterday's rehearsal was still a black suit, but today it suddenly changed to a silver suit, causing all six of their groomsmen to change their dresses.

"Yi Lan." Mo Yao answered lightly.

To get married, Mo Yao originally ordered a black suit for himself, because black is calm and serious, suitable for formal occasions, and getting married is the most serious thing in his life.

But his wife said: "Black is too serious, coupled with your dark temperament, the whole aura is too powerful and eye-catching, completely overshadowing my limelight!"

So, in order not to steal the limelight from his wife, he insisted on changing his suit into a silver one.

Du Wenqi smiled and bent over. It seems that when he gets married, he really has to think about what color suit to wear. His family, Ono, must not want to be robbed of the limelight.

In another room, Dong Yilan was smiling happily at the camera.

The wedding dress on her body was made by a famous Italian designer. It was all made by hand. Every cut and every seam was perfect and unbelievable.Wearing it on the body, it fits exquisitely, making her elegant and gorgeous temperament even more noble.

After taking a group of photos, the photographer signaled to take a break, and Dong Yilan went back to bed to sit and rest a little tired.

Amy came over to accompany her.

"Are you worried about Ono?"

Yilan's exquisite makeup was a little sentimental, "Do you think she won't be able to come back in time?"

Amy put her hand on hers, conveying warmth to her, "No, Xiao Ye said she could arrive, so she will definitely arrive. She is on the way now, and she may be more anxious than us."

Dong Yilan nodded, her face calmed down a lot. It happened that a friend came over to take a group photo, so she couldn't care less about worrying and started to get busy again.

Amy's guess was right, Cheng Xiaoye, who was sitting on her mind, was extremely impatient, and she kept looking at her watch along the way.Pick up the magazine and put it down, put it down and pick it up again, repeating this action over and over again.

"Miss, are you in a hurry?" The man sitting next to her looked puzzled.

Cheng Xiaoye glanced at him, "Can you help me with something urgent?"

The man shook his head and pointed to her earphones, "You're wearing my earphones and turning off the sky."

Cheng Xiaoye's eyes twitched, and he looked at the man's computer. The headphone cable from the computer was now plugged into her ear, and her own headphone cable was at hand.It is estimated that when the earphone was placed between the two seats, she accidentally took it over.

"Sorry." Cheng Xiaoye smiled awkwardly, took off the earphones and returned them.

(End of this chapter)

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