full-time lord

Chapter 136 Master Wants To Apprentice?

Chapter 136 Master Wants To Apprentice?
Zhao Feng didn't say much, but followed behind the old man, carefully looking at the environment here.

Under the dim phosphorescence, everything in front of him looked very gloomy.However, it looks very dry here, and the more you go inside, the tunnel becomes wider and wider.

It can be seen that the tunnel here seems to be some years old, it should be left over from history, and the time is definitely beyond the age of the old man in front of him.

"Young man, what's your name, are you interested in alchemy?" At this moment, the old man walking in front broke the silence and asked Zhao Feng.

Zhao Feng shook his head and said, "I'm not particularly interested in alchemy, I just plan to buy some materials and make something."

"Oh, who is your master?" The old man said, "Maybe I know him."

"I taught myself." Zhao Feng said, "There is no master."

"Aren't you kidding, learning alchemy, you don't even have a master?" The old man said angrily, "I have lived in Yorksa for so many years, and I have never seen an alchemist without a master. You are challenging my intelligence. ?"

Alchemy is a very profound and dangerous knowledge, generally only with the guidance of a master can it be tested, and it can only be done by itself after a long time.

Generally speaking, this is an extremely long process.Since there is no systematic scientific system, knowledge can only be acquired through the accumulation of experience.So all along, the development of alchemy has been small.

However, Zhao Feng is no ordinary person.He has systematically learned those chemical knowledge in modern times, and has done a lot of experiments to understand many principles.After arriving in another world, those knowledge were not lost.No matter how alchemy changes, it will still follow the laws of chemistry and react.

Zhao Feng nodded and said: "There is really no teacher to teach."

Although he knew some chemistry teachers when he was in school, those people were not in another world. If he said it rashly, it would not be good for the old man to ask the bottom line.

He really couldn't explain where those people were, how much they knew about chemistry, how much they knew about the secrets of alchemy.

"Forget it, keep it a secret, I'm just asking casually." At this time, the old man named Yorksa walked in front angrily, looking angry.

The two walked for a while and came to a huge and empty room.In other connections between the rooms, there are also some dilapidated buildings, all buried under the sand.

Only now did Zhao Feng know that there was a very large dungeon underground in this desert.The Yoksa in front of me probably cleaned up the sand in one of the relatively intact rooms and lived here.

It can be seen that the ventilation conditions here are good, the ground is very dry, and the air is not bad.The only fly in the ointment is that there is no sunlight at all, and the only light source is some huge fluorescent light whose name is unknown.

Under the illumination of the lights, Zhao Feng could clearly see the furnishings here.In the huge room in front of me, there are countless materials.Various reagents, bottles, and other miscellaneous things filled most of the room, like a huge mountain of garbage.

Although the ventilation here is good, there are still various pungent smells in the whole room.

Zhao Feng couldn't imagine how the old man in front of him lived in such a smelly environment.If it were him, he wouldn't be able to stay there even for a day.

"Be jealous, look at me, what a big room I have. The laboratory here is definitely the largest and most luxurious in Mundra!" At this time, the old man named Yoksa raised his hand, looking intoxicated.

Zhao Feng frowned and said: "Come on, if you let me stay in this place for an hour, it will kill me, and it's luxurious!" At this time, he pinched his nose and said bitterly.

That Yoksa said with some displeasure: "To be an alchemist, you must first have a nose that can endure all smells. You are not at home yet!"

At this moment, he said to Zhao Feng, "If you want, I can give you some advice." This Yorksa was a little satisfied with Zhao Feng's ability to recognize the white phosphorus in the basement and his courage.Of course, what he is most satisfied with is that Zhao Feng looks like a rich man.

When alchemists choose their disciples, they usually choose those with rich wealth.

Because doing experiments and buying materials requires a lot of money, and they are not like magicians, who have a noble status and someone to please, so they are generally very poor.

In order to buy materials for experiments, many alchemists chose an evil path, using tricks and deceitful methods, such as alchemy, to defraud money, which made them have a bad reputation.

There are also some alchemists who are unwilling to cheat, so they choose to recruit a wealthy disciple to obtain a stable source of income.

Zhao Feng is not very keen on alchemy at all, and he directly refused after hearing the words: "I don't want to learn. My goal is not to become an alchemist. This is just one of my hobbies."

Yorksa took out something, gestured at Zhao Feng, and said with a shocked expression: "No wonder you don't want to learn, it turns out that your strength has reached the level of a sword master, and you are still a magician. Compared with alchemy Teacher, the status of these two professions is indeed much higher."

After speaking, he lost interest in continuing to chat with Zhao Feng and said: "Give me the list of materials, and I will help you find the materials you want."

"Okay, here." Zhao Feng handed all the materials needed to Yorksa.

Yoksa looked at the list, chanted and picked materials, while Zhao Feng was watching him rummaging through the garbage, a little bored, watching some of his ongoing experiments.

"Purification and extraction experiments!" Looking at some liquid boiling in a crucible, and a small charcoal stove placed underneath, Zhao Feng showed a smile.

At this moment, he thought of those days in the chemistry laboratory.

Seeing that Yorksa was too busy for a while, Zhao Feng took some materials of the old man and started some familiar experiments here.For him, who has done many experiments in the chemical laboratory, operating these instruments is naturally a no-brainer, and he is extremely proficient.

When that Yorksa brought the materials that Zhao Feng needed, he saw him standing there moving his own experimental equipment, so he couldn't help being furious, and rushed over directly, pushing Zhao Feng aside.

"You bastard, why are you messing with my things? I have done this experiment many times. This time, I am about to succeed. If you screw it up, I will die!"

At this time, Yorksa, like an angry lion, roared at Zhao Feng.

"Isn't it just a simple extraction? I've done it for you!" At this moment, Zhao Feng said to Yorksa indifferently: "Look in that crucible, are those crystals what you want?"

Seeing the crystals in the crucible, Yorksa couldn't help showing a surprised expression, and kept asking Zhao Feng, "How did you do it, how did you do it?"

"It's very simple, isn't it?" Zhao Feng said, "You just did it casually?"

Yokesa grabbed his hair and said, "Impossible, absolutely impossible! It's impossible for you to do it, but I can't! Why do I always fail?"

For the experiment in front of him, he has spent a long time.

During these days, he didn't sleep, didn't even bother to eat, and didn't even have time to take a bath, just hoping to get the crystal in front of him.

However, no matter how hard he tried, the result was failure.

Zhao Feng said: "This kind of crystal is not very stable, and the container needs to be shaken frequently so that it can absorb oxygen molecules in the air. Also, the stability of the charcoal fire is not very stable, so we must pay attention to controlling the temperature."

As he spoke, he said, "The experimental conditions here are too crude. There are no test tubes or flasks, but earthen jars, which are not conducive to storage at all."

Hearing Zhao Feng's words, Yorksa was a little puzzled.What Zhao Feng said, in his ears, are some very complicated words, very profound.

However, at this time, his eyes showed an expression of excitement.

Yorksa knew that Zhao Feng in front of him was definitely a master, a superb alchemist.The things he said were not casually deceiving.

For Yoksa, who is dedicated to pursuing the highest level of alchemy, Zhao Feng in front of him is definitely a famous teacher.

One of the main reasons why alchemy is not widely spread is that the alchemists are very wary of each other, they will never tell each other some of their research results, and they always research secretly.Even if they are teaching their own students, they will not pass on all the knowledge, they always have to keep a hand.

This disadvantage is also a factor restricting the development of alchemy.

"You're right, everything you said is right." At this moment, Yoksa unknowingly used honorifics to Zhao Feng.His treatment was not even enjoyed by Yoksar's master.

Seeing the old man nodding his head again and again, Zhao Feng stopped, and said, "Okay, there's nothing wrong with it, you have all the materials here."

He knew that it was absolutely unfair to judge Yorksa's laboratory with the eyes of modern people.After all, the person in front of him is already ahead of the times.

"Have you prepared my materials? If possible, calculate the price!" Zhao Feng remembered that he would go on a date with Earl Hawke, so he didn't intend to delay any longer.

"Not busy, not busy." At this moment, Yokesa quickly waved his hand and said, "These materials are easy to talk about, and all of them can be given to you. But, you have to promise me one condition."

"What conditions?"

Zhao Feng stared at the old man with glowing eyes in front of him, showing a vigilant look.He was thinking in his heart: "Could it be that the old man in front of him is going to be against him?"

"Can I worship you as my teacher?" At this moment, Yoksa uttered an astonishing remark.


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(End of this chapter)

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