full-time lord

Chapter 357 Soul Battle Song

Chapter 357 Soul Battle Song
Going crazy has become Zhao Feng's only choice.

When Zhao Feng silently chose to go berserk, the fighting energy and magic elemental power that had been exhausted in his body suddenly became active again.

The price of burning life force made his grudge and the power of magic elements extraordinarily dazzling and powerful, including the artifact streamer in his hand, it seemed that he felt a force, and the light more than doubled.


Zhao Feng in front of him had red eyes, full of killing intent, and had no other thoughts at all.The only thought in front of him is to destroy that hateful Nine Nether Dragon.

"Oh, he can go berserk, this human kid knows a lot!" Seeing this scene, Karen, the great demon god in the demon world, also showed a surprised expression.

However, his expression gradually turned cold afterward, and he said, "Hmph, no matter how much you know, if you want to survive under the hands of my Great Demon God Karen, that is just a wishful thinking."

Following his sneer, a poisonous mist spewed out from the mouth of the Nine Nether Underworld Dragon, attacking Zhao Feng.At this time, its huge body was like a mountain, pressing towards Zhao Feng in the air.

It can be seen that at this time, it also used all its strength and began to work hard.

The man and the beast started a fierce battle in the air.Zhao Feng's movements are light and flexible, while Jiuyouming Longsheng has a huge body, many heads, and no dead ends for attacking.

Such a fierce battle, the people who watched were dazzled and stunned.

Explosions, shouts, black mist, and dazzling light turned the surroundings of the death swamp into a dangerous restricted zone, and people dared not approach it at all.

"Oh my god, this movement is too loud! I think the war between gods is nothing like this!" Looking at the fierce battle ahead, the three gods looked at each other in blank dismay.

It turned out that they thought they were good enough.But as they got in touch with Zhao Feng, they discovered more and more that they were ordinary and ordinary.

Originally, these people were all peak figures in the continent, but now compared with Zhao Feng, they are really far behind.This realm is very different.

As Zhao Feng progressed, the distance between them and Zhao Feng became farther and farther.

"It seems that we can only look up to him!" At this time, Capra sighed secretly: "I think the first god in the mainland after a thousand years will probably be born on him."

"Undoubtedly, it must be the master!" As the God of Ans, Rijkars always had infinite admiration and trust for Zhao Feng, making it impossible for people to see that he was once the God of magic.

Olic showed an envious look and said: "Since Aiken and Evans' group thousands of years ago, no one has broken through the realm of the God of Law! Sigh, although we are called the God of Law, we are still not God!"


Hearing Olic's words, the three gods sighed at the same time.Although, as Dharma gods, their lifespan is much longer than that of ordinary people.However, compared to the real god, it is still far behind.

Olic's words hit the most uncomfortable side of their hearts.For them, not being able to become a god is the most uncomfortable thing in their hearts.

These years, it is difficult for them to break through, which is why they are so anxious.Otherwise, they would not go to the doctor in an emergency and worship Zhao Feng as their teacher.

Fortunately, they saw the hope of a breakthrough in Zhao Feng.After all, they witnessed Zhao Feng's growth from a person who didn't understand anything to the state he is today.

Maybe, with his help in the future, they may go one step further and break through to a higher level.

At this moment, a melodious singing sound was heard from afar.The singing was not loud, but it reached everyone's ears very clearly.

This is a singing voice composed of a short language.No one knows the meaning of the lyrics, but there is a very passionate taste in the middle.

"What is this sound?" At this time, everyone who heard this sound felt very strange.They didn't know why such singing suddenly appeared.

You must know that apart from elves and monsters, no other races have appeared in the forest of monsters.

Hearing this voice, Emily, who was watching Zhao Feng's battle, murmured: "Oh my God, this is the battle song of the soul, is this the battle song of the orc clan's soul?"

"What soul battle song?" Hearing Emily's words, the other two girls felt a little strange, Elaine.Hazel couldn't help asking.

Emily said: "It is recorded in the Book of Elves that the soul battle song is written in the language of the orcs. It is a song praising the brave and invincible berserkers. During the battle, they will sing continuously and crush all enemies who dare to stop them. This kind of battle song was often played in ancient times. It was only after the defeat of the orcs that the berserkers had withdrawn from the stage of history. On the mainland, no one has ever heard such a passionate song."

"Could it be that the orcs also appeared?" Hearing Emily's words, Alice showed a puzzled expression and said, "What are they here for? Why can they sing?"

Emily shook her head and said, "I don't know. After all, I haven't experienced all of this. But I know that the soul battle song of the orc clan can boost morale. Everyone who hears the song will increase their courage and fight." desire. When the battle song is played, it is like a curse!"

"No wonder my blood boils now, and I want to help the master. It turns out that this is the effect of the soul battle song. No, I want to help the master. Even if I die in battle, I am willing."

At this time, Alice clenched her fists tightly, looking like she wanted to fight desperately.

Not only her, Elaine.Hazel was also holding the staff, staring at the place where Zhao Feng was fighting the Nine Nether Dragons, and said, "I, I'm going to kill that giant dragon!"

Besides them, the unicorn Gaia couldn't restrain the fighting spirit in her heart, roared, and planned to rush forward.It can be seen that it has also been inspired to fight.

Looking at the unicorn below her, Emily drew her bow and said, "Okay, let's go! Let's fight together!"

Saying that, the three women headed forward together to kill.At this time, they were very brave and fearless with an indomitable momentum, and their speed was astonishing.

"What's the sound?" Hearing this strange sound, the three great Dharma gods all showed strange expressions.At this moment, they all seemed a little confused.

"It seems to be the roar of a wild beast, and also the sound of singing." At this time, Oliqi, who listened intently for a while, said to the other three people.

"No matter what the sound is, these have nothing to do with us! Next, what are we going to do?" At this time, Rijkars seemed a little impatient, feeling eager to try.

Although the fight there was earth-shattering, the three gods of magic and Dankun, the god of war, were not particularly afraid.At this point, Rijkales raised the question.

Although he only had a questioning tone, his eyes and expression showed that he had already made up his mind.

In the eyes of Rijkars, the master is the most important role.At this time, he was very worried about Zhao Feng's current situation and wanted to help.

"You guy, you obviously want to go, why are you asking!" Seeing his appearance, Dan Kun who came from a distance couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

"There is such a battle, how can I miss it! I think this should be a way of experience! Only in constant battles can we make progress. Our life is not too comfortable!"

"Yes, that's true!" Rijkars said: "Since I entered the realm of the God of Law, I seem to be satisfied. I feel that there is no opponent in the world. This is absolutely impossible. No matter how dangerous the front is, I I have to go and have a look. Even if I die, I would rather die in battle than die of old age!"

Capra said coldly: "Don't ask me for advice, I have long wanted to deal with that long worm!"

At this time, the three gods of law united together, together with Dankun, the god of war, rushed towards the most dangerous place at the same time.This action made Black Dragon King Black ashamed just now when he was about to take a rest.

"Even these timid guys are so brave, I can't be underestimated!" At this moment, it turned around and continued to run towards the death swamp.

Amidst the passionate singing, these people all turned around and ran towards the death swamp where the battle was most intense.

And at this time, Zhao Feng also heard that clear singing voice in such a chaotic and complicated situation.At this moment, he had a look of excitement on his face.

"What kind of sound is this? It's so nice, it makes my blood boil and my strength doubles!" At this moment, the singing and the fierce drumming from a distance made Zhao Feng feel that his whole body was burning and boiling.

After becoming berserk, he himself was very excited.This kind of music, like adding fuel to the fire, added another layer to his fighting desire and fighting will.

Originally, this soul battle song was a way of motivation for berserk warriors.From Feng Feng's point of view, it naturally has a very powerful helping effect.

Originally, the berserk transformation probably increased his current strength by more than half.After hearing the soul battle song, his combat strength increased by half on the original basis.

The current him is still weaker than the Nine Nether Dragon in front of him, but the difference is not much.

And at this time, Emily and Elaine.Hazel and Alice have rushed over to help.Behind them, the three gods of magic and Black Dragon King Black rushed over regardless of their lives.

"Damn it, are these human beings crazy?" Seeing this scene, Karen, the great demon god in the demon world, couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

He didn't hear the soul battle song, but the Nine Nether Dragon's keen sense told him that besides these people, there were other reinforcements behind them.

"Damn it, this is a terrible thing!" He couldn't help cursing after seeing this scene.He didn't know how under such circumstances, there were still people who dared to challenge the authority of the Nine Nether Dragons regardless of life or death.

In the heart of the Great Demon God Karen, human beings have always been synonymous with timidity and fear of getting into trouble.Unexpectedly, at this time, they would show such bravery.

(End of this chapter)

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