full-time lord

Chapter 456 Extortion

Chapter 456 Extortion
When Zhao Feng was fighting fiercely with Emperor Hongshi, Meng Khan on the other side was also in trouble.At this time, he and his soldiers were talking to Danny.Hazel's rebels are engaged in a confrontation.

The tense atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out.

"Are you going to give way or not? If you don't, don't blame me for being rude." At this moment, Menghan looked at Danny in front of him.Hazel said impatiently.

For a long time, Meng Khan looked down on Danny very much.Hazel felt that he was just a prodigal son, one of the kind of guys who failed to accomplish anything but ruined it.

Since the Mundra rebellion, Danny.Hazel came to the Anse Empire, but his status plummeted, and he was not liked at all.

However, in Roger.With the help of Melada's mediation, he has a good relationship with Meng Khan. They often drink flowers and wine together, chat and so on, and they are very familiar with each other.

On the surface, the two appear to be friends.But at this moment, the conflict between the two finally broke out inevitably.

It turned out that when Meng Khan fled, he not only took all the remaining rations of the coalition forces, but also a lot of gold and silver treasures, which can be regarded as enough to eat and drink.

However, as the most inconspicuous Mundra rebel in the coalition, Danny.Hazel's men didn't eat or drink, whether it was equipment or other aspects, they were all messed up.

Danny.After Hazel got the news of the fall of Sadam immediately, he led his men and left the Mundra Imperial Capital secretly.

He knew that there would be no result if the fight continued like this.In this way, it is better to run away earlier, just to save your strength, and make a comeback when the time comes.

In his opinion, the harder Mundra's army fought against the Ans coalition army, the better it would be for him, so that he could preserve his strength and survive in the cracks.

So be Roger.At Melada's suggestion, Danny.Hazel ran away with his men.Due to the chaotic situation of the coalition forces, his escape did not attract much attention.

On the way, they unexpectedly met Meng Khan and his men who planned to evacuate to the grassland.Look at the supplies and the rich booty, Danny.Hazel blushed.

In this war, he contributed both money and effort, and lost tens of thousands of soldiers. In the end, he got nothing. He was so desperate that he wanted to escape, feeling very unbalanced.

On the other hand, because he was in a hurry when he escaped, the army rations were not very sufficient, so his men needed some supplies.

At this time, Roger.Melada also looked at Meng Khan with hatred on her face, and said: "Your Highness, I think you should agree to our request and leave half of the food and spoils. Otherwise, it may be difficult for you to pass through this pass. I I think you are a smart person, you should know how to do it!"

Due to being severely humiliated by Emperor Hongshi, Roger.Melada was very annoyed, knowing that those Ansi people looked down on him at all.

After thinking about it, he continued to rely on Danny.Hazel.

Since their speed is relatively fast, so Roger.Meralda suggested Danny.Hazel fought steadily, and they first occupied the Mundra Pass, firmly blocking the road from Mundra to the Anse Grassland.

At this time, they asked Meng Khan and his subordinates for travel expenses before letting them go.

"Damn it, you Mundra bastards, you dare to ask the prince for travel expenses, you are really impatient." Hearing what these two people said, Meng Khan was very angry.

At this time, he was in full swing, and he didn't take Danny at all.Hazel and Roger,.Melada put it in his eyes.

all the time.Meng Khan followed the Redstone Emperor to do pioneering work, and had no experience in grasping the overall situation at all.This time, he led tens of thousands of the most elite troops by himself, and he was in charge of everything, which made him feel very good, with a feeling of elation.

Under such circumstances, he naturally refused to lose his momentum.

"You guys, if you don't give way, be careful that the king will be rude to you." Meng Han didn't take that kind of thing at all, with a fierce look, he threatened: "If you don't give way, be careful that the city is broken, and I will take it You are all made into drums."

Saw this scene, Danny.Hazel was also in trouble.To be honest, he didn't have the courage to fight against Meng Khan, he just wanted to blackmail some benefits.

He didn't expect that this Meng Khan was as hard as a rock, he didn't give any benefits, and he just shouted and killed.

"What should we do?"

Without his own opinion, he turned his head to Roger.Meralda, ask for his opinion.

Roger.Melada touched the scars on her body, new hatred and old hatred surged up, and said: "We have checkpoints, they can't do anything to us at all, what are we afraid of. If they don't give us benefits, we won't let them pass, I will I don't believe what they can do to us!"

"Yes, don't let me!"

Danny.Hazel also strengthened his confidence, and said to Meng Han: "Hurry up and hand over half of the food and spoils. Otherwise, be careful and I will be rude to you!"

At this time, the Mundra rebels on the city wall had already raised their bows and arrows and prepared for battle.If the opponent acts rashly, these bows and arrows will be shot down.

"Damn it, it's really bold!"

Seeing this scene, the sweaty orifices were filled with smoke, and he said to his subordinates: "Call me, let these Mundra bastards taste our power!"

Whether it was him or the Ans elites he led, all of them were arrogant and arrogant, and they looked down on Danny at all.This mob led by Hazel.

Just like that, a dramatic battle happened again.

Mundra's rebels had the advantage of the terrain, while Anse's elite fighters were strong.The confrontation between the two was evenly matched, and the heat was in full swing.

When Elaine I and Alice came here, they couldn't help being stunned.They didn't expect that there is nowhere to find when you break through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it.

Meng Khan and his subordinates did not leave at all.

For them, this is also a kind of unexpected joy.Seeing this scene, they naturally refused to be polite, and directly attacked Meng Khan's people.

In normal times, Meng Khan and his Anse soldiers would not be afraid of these Mundra soldiers at all.But at this moment, they couldn't support it.

At this time, they were under attack from both sides, and both sides were attacked.This has greatly damaged their strength.On the other hand, because they were fleeing, their morale inevitably weakened a lot.But on the other side, Mundra was chasing soldiers with great momentum and was very excited.

To be able to persist for so long and defeat the Anse coalition forces, this is a dreamlike thing for all Mundra people, and they are happy when they think about it.

And the atrocities committed by the Ansi people were also firmly remembered by the Mundra people.Now that they have a chance to retaliate, they will naturally not be relentless.

The unlucky Meng Khan couldn't help but regret it.At this time, he regretted that he had no way to escape because of his temper just now.

"This is too bad!"

Meng Khan thought of this, facing Danny on the checkpoint.Hazel said: "Let me in quickly, I agree to your request, and give you half of the spoils and food!"

Meng Khan knew that if this delay continued, all of his troops would probably be lost here.

However, his words did not attract Danny at all.Hazel's response.It turned out that I saw Elaine.After Hazel brought the pursuers over, Danny.Hazel was anxious to run away.

He knew that no matter how powerful he was, he couldn't defeat Dak.evans.If this procrastination continues, I'm afraid he won't be able to escape by himself.

As for opening the city gate, he would not do so.

Roger.Merada had made it clear to him a long time ago that if these Anse people were allowed in, maybe Mundra's pursuers could come directly.

Instead of this, it is better to use a strong city to block these enemies.

"It's too late, we don't want it!" At this moment, Danny.After dodging the arrows shot by the Ansians, Hazel yelled to the city, and then stopped showing his head.

Seeing such a situation, Meng Khan had no choice but to continue to participate in the battle with Alice and Elaine.Hazel and the two women fought.

At this time, he found that it was a bit difficult for him to deal with two women by himself.

Alice and Elaine.Hazel and Hazel's magical attainments are very high, making it impossible for a sword master like Meng Khan to deal with them.

If it wasn't for the complicated environment and his agility, he might have died long ago.

However, while fighting, Meng Khan's mood became happier.He found that the elites he brought had the ability to fight tough battles after they panicked.

Although the Mundella people are very powerful, it is still impossible to deal with them elites.Gradually, the Mundra people felt overwhelmed.

Due to the long-distance raid, many people's physical strength has reached the limit.

"I still have a chance!"

Seeing this scene, he felt very moved and planned to capture Elaine alive.Hazel, the Queen of Mundra, reversed the situation of the entire battle.

"If this is the case, I will definitely be able to write history books and become a legend."

With such a plan in mind, Meng Khan fantasized with Alice and Elaine.As Hazel fought, he became more and more energetic, and his movements were also very agile.

However, Meng Khan's illusions were soon shattered.

At this time, a person flew down from the air, he quickly landed on the ground, shook the frost on his body, and shouted loudly: "This is Hongshi's head, look!"

As he said that, Zhao Feng raised the head of Emperor Hongshi in his hand, and said to the Ansi soldiers who were still fighting: "Emperor Hongshi is dead, Ansi is defeated!"

"Your Majesty is dead!"

Ans soldiers and Meng Khan who heard the news fell into a daze.Although they knew that Emperor Hongshi stayed at the end, there must be more bad luck than good luck.

But when the news came, they still couldn't help but feel a sense of loss.


Hearing this news, all the strength in Meng Khan's body was exhausted, and he no longer had the strength to continue fighting.He knew it was over now.

(End of this chapter)

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