Chapter 211 Mutiny
The news of the mutiny of the Northwest Army spread throughout the imperial capital overnight, and the originally bustling streets were cold and desolate.The gates of every house are closed, and the streets look like a dead city except for the imperial troops who pass by from time to time.

The sound of hoofbeats approached from far away, and a horse rode across the sky. The man on the horse was dressed in a black robe with narrow sleeves, exuding a biting air all over his body.

The imperial guards guarding the gate quickly sensed that someone was approaching fiercely, and were about to stop them, only to see the visitor rein in his horse in front of the city gate, and raised the gold medal in his hand.

The imperial guards knelt on the ground, "Long live my emperor!"

Xiao Jingtian gripped the reins tightly, and said coldly, "Open the city gate!"

Because he was holding the gold medal bestowed by the emperor, although some people in the forbidden army recognized him as General Jianwei Xiao Jingtian, they still opened the city gate for him.

The Northwest Army pulled out its camp from Yuquan Mountain, and the 5 Imperial Army was stationed outside the city. At this moment, the two armies were fighting less than ten miles away from the city gate.

Xiao Jingtian whipped his horse and arrived at the place where the two armies were fighting in a short time.

He stopped his horse and suddenly found that the situation in front of him was far beyond his expectations.

Originally, the strength of the Northwest Army was far superior to that of the Forbidden Army. Given the equal number of troops, it should be in the upper hand. Who knows that the current Northwest Army is only barely resisting, and there is a tendency to be forced to retreat by the Forbidden Army!
Xiao Jingtian was shocked. Relying on his extraordinary riding skills and martial arts, Xiao Jingtian, one man and one horse, nimbly shuttled through the front line where the two armies were fighting fiercely.

"The soldiers of the Northwest Army listened to the order, and all of them stopped!"

Xiao Jingtian's voice was full of power and power, and it was very clear in this battle of weapons and swords.

The soldiers of the Northwest Army couldn't help being a little bit surprised when they saw that the person who came was actually the general they were going to rescue in this operation.

The person in command of the Forbidden Army is the current deputy commander Fang Weitang. When he saw Xiao Jingtian coming, he ordered the Northwest Army to stop, and immediately ordered the Forbidden Army to stop.

Xiao Jingtian rode his horse up to several high-ranking generals, and said sharply, "Who allowed you to act without authorization!"

The astonishment on the face of Shi Yang, the commander-in-chief who was in charge of the garrison at Yuquan Mountain, hadn't faded, and he said, "General, you have been imprisoned in the prison of the imperial army for six days. You were beheaded, so I wanted to go to the city to rescue you!"

Xiao Jingtian said angrily: "You bastard! Who told you His Majesty is going to kill this general!"

Shi Yang was shocked, "It was the brothers in the army who heard the discussion from the common people when they went to the city to buy daily necessities."

They were stationed at the foot of Yuquan Mountain, and Xiao Jingtian strictly ordered them not to enter the city without military uniforms.Before Xiao Jingtian was captured by the forbidden army, he specially sent Yan Mo to the place where the army was stationed, and gave his order not to allow them to make trouble, just wait for the result.

Xiao Jingtian sneered: "Just based on a few rumors, are you going to lead troops into the imperial capital?"

"General, the emperor is afraid of the military power in your hands, and his subordinates are afraid that the emperor will execute you secretly. When the official edict is issued, it will be too late!"

"Absurd!" Xiao Jingtian scolded angrily, "The general's position as a general was bestowed by Emperor Taizu's military merits on Xiao's ancestors. By acting like this today, you are obviously trapping Xiao in a place of infidelity! "

Against Xiao Jingtian's anger, Shi Yang said in a loud voice: "General, the subordinates and others know that today's action is treasonous. However, today she is in a daze. First, she favored Bei Qi's secret work and lured wolves into the house, which almost caused trouble for the country. Now, in order to regain the military power, she even Disregarding the stability of the northwestern border, trapping loyalty and goodness in injustice. General, such a monarch is unfaithful!"

"It is you who are causing trouble!"

Xiao Jingtian was furious, raised his hand and whipped Shi Yang, the force was so great that Shi Yang fell from the horse's back and rolled several times, the pain made him unable to get up for a while.

"Don't you know what the situation in the northwest is like now? If civil strife breaks out at this time, wouldn't it be an opportunity for the ambitious Beiqi to take advantage of it! At that time, the northwest will fall, and the world will be in chaos. Do you want to destroy our people?"

As soon as Xiao Jingtian said these words, the hearts of all the soldiers present trembled.

They have always regarded Xiao Jingtian as a god, and have never considered the overall situation of the country.For a moment, apart from being stunned, he couldn't say anything else.

Xiao Jing got off his horse and said with a livid face: "Your Majesty has worked hard day and night since he took the throne. These rumors are maliciously framed by people with evil intentions. I was confused before and listened to these words. In terms of words and actions, I am right. Your Majesty is so disrespectful that you have these absurd ideas."

"General!" The officers and soldiers of the Northwest Army present were all astonished. It was hard to imagine that their own general, who had never been convinced by the Empress, would say these words.

Xiao Jingtian said sadly: "The Xiao family is deeply favored by the emperor, and they should be loyal to the emperor and serve the country, and keep their duty, but this general was in vain as a hereditary first-rank general. Today's chaos! What happened today is all the fault of me, Xiao Jingtian! If you don't put down your arms and stop this fight, then Xiao can only cut himself off from the front line and thank the world!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Jingtian strode up to a soldier, took the knife from his hand, and pointed the blade at himself.

"General!" Several high-ranking generals got off their horses and stopped Xiao Jingtian.

Xiao Jingtian put the knife on his neck and said, "Everyone put down their weapons!"

Several high-level generals glanced at each other, and then at the Forbidden Army not far away. The opponent's formation was neat, and the leading deputy commander Fang Weitang was watching the situation here quietly. They seemed to have no intention of taking advantage of the situation.

Helpless, they had no choice but to take the lead and throw all the weapons in their hands on the ground.

For a while, the sound of the metal and stone hitting the ground with weapons was endless.

Seeing that all the soldiers put down their weapons, Xiao Jingtian put down the knives hanging around his neck. He looked at several high-ranking generals, their expressions somewhat defeated.

"Shi Yang, Xiao Mou handed over the 5 troops to your commander, but you almost caused a catastrophe. Today, you were dismissed from the post of commander-in-chief and demoted to guard Yuyang Pass. Are you convinced?"

Shi Yang raised his head and looked at Xiao Jingtian. It was a blessing that he didn't beheaded and wiped out the family for today's incident. Although he was demoted, he was originally promoted from the bottom, so he didn't feel unconvinced.

"Thank you, General!"

"Get up." Xiao Jingtian waved his hand, and finally his eyes fell on Yan Mo, "Yan Mo, I was going to promote you to the commander-in-chief and command the 5 troops. Tomorrow, I will leave for the northwest to intercept Luo Feng's private transfer to the imperial capital. people!"

Yan Mo looked at Xiao Jingtian with some surprise, "General, my subordinates are still inexperienced..."

Xiao Jingtian raised his hand impatiently, signaling him not to say any more, "I think you can do it, so you can do it!"

Seeing that his expression was firm, Yan Mo didn't refuse anymore.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Jingtian walked up to Fang Weitang, cupped his hands and said, "Xiao will take responsibility for what happened today. Now that the Northwest Army is about to move out and go to the Northwest, there will be no orders from His Majesty to return to the imperial capital without authorization. Deputy Commander Fang can gone back."

Fang Weitang got off his horse neatly and walked in front of Xiao Jingtian, "General, Your Majesty benevolently ordered us to retreat to the Northwest Army and not to hurt the lives of our comrades. But there are some things that Fang has to say."

When the two armies confronted each other, there was no one who was not injured, but the Imperial Army was merciful, so the injured soldiers of the Northwest Army were all slightly injured, and they were taken down to the military doctor for treatment just now.

"Deputy Commander Fang said it's okay."

Xiao Jingtian felt that there was something wrong with his soldiers. It was said that the strength of the Northwest Army must be higher than that of the Forbidden Army, but when he realized it just now, the two sides were fighting to a stalemate, and his army was still invincible.He actually lost the last Yuquan Mountain parade, but that time was special, Jiang Nian was very clever and cunning, and he mistrusted Ming Han's strategy, which resulted in such a result.However, Fang Weitang was leading the troops recently. He has no military background, so how could he defeat the Northwest Army under his command?
Fang Weitang said: "General, do you think there is something wrong with these soldiers?"

Xiao Jingtian turned around and glanced at the soldiers present, his face suddenly darkened.He always insisted on military discipline and military appearance, why these people didn't have a neat formation today, and they seemed to be unable to stand, scratching their necks or pulling their armor from time to time, which was very abnormal.

"What's the matter, whether you stand up or not, how decent is it!"

One of the generals hesitated, grabbed his arm uncontrollably, and said, "General, for some reason, my body is itchy!"

These soldiers have undergone rigorous military training. If it is an ordinary itch, they can endure it for a while, but they all showed an unbearable appearance, which shows that this is by no means an ordinary itch.

Xiao Jingtian's heart shuddered, something happened to such a large group of people, this is definitely not a small problem.

But I heard the general continue to say: "General, two days ago the military supply side distributed new summer robes, and most of the brothers only changed into them in the past two days, and just now they were sweating, and they felt extremely itchy. "

Xiao Jing's weather was unstoppable. He tried his best to obtain a full amount of military expenses for the Northwest Army, just to make the soldiers live better, but now there is something wrong with the newly made summer robes!
Thinking of Luo Feng who was leading a team of Northwest soldiers to the north now, Xiao Jingtian's heart sank a little.He has always trusted his subordinates. Luo Feng has been taking care of the military expenses all these years, and he has also entrusted him to purchase a large number of military supplies. Now that there is something wrong with the summer robe, he is to blame!
"Everyone replaces the newly made summer robes and asks someone to come and see what's going on!"

Xiao Jingtian almost said these words through gritted teeth.

At this time, on the tower of the imperial capital, Ning Yuezhao held a binoculars and had a panoramic view of the situation of the two armies.

The fly in the ointment is that the sound cannot be heard.

"Hey, it's so strange, why did Xiao Jingtian let the soldiers of the Northwest Army take off their clothes?"

Ning Yuezhao was puzzled, the binoculars in her hand had been taken away by Jiang Nian, he didn't want her to watch other men undress.

"Well, maybe it's to take the blame!"

The corner of Jiang Nian's mouth slightly raised, playing with the binoculars in his hand, but not using it to look around, he was calm and relaxed.

Seeing his calmness, Ning Yuezhao immediately squinted her eyes, "What did you do again?"

 I'm so sleepy, I almost finished coding this chapter while my eyelids were fighting.

(End of this chapter)

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