Chapter 234 cynicism
With a "snap", Ning Yuezhao slapped the Langhao brush in her hand on the table again, and the splashed ink quickly bloomed a few plum blossoms on her cuff.

"What's going on, why did he dislocate his right wrist!"

Her voice was not loud, but it contained coercion.

The palace man swallowed a mouthful of saliva, his tongue was unprecedentedly flexible, and he quickly told the whole story.

The ancient books in Zangshu Pavilion are as vast as smoke. In order to store these precious ancient books, the bookshelves in the pavilion are built into multiple layers, all of which are higher than human heads. In order to get books from high places, sometimes ladders are used.

Qingchi was picking up books in the Library Pavilion of the Imperial Academy today. When he found the book he wanted to read, he couldn’t help but read it like this before getting off the ladder.

Because the ladder was not high, Qingchi fell suddenly and dislocated his wrist.

Ning Yuezhao stood up from behind the desk, her clear and beautiful face was covered with clouds.

"Where is she now? Immediately send the imperial doctor over for diagnosis and treatment!"

Na Gong said: "Master Qing is still in the Hanlin Academy, and the Hanlin scholars have already sent someone to invite the doctor."

Hearing this, Ning Yuezhao's face softened slightly, "Prepare the carriage, I'm going to see what's going on."

Jiang Nian lightly clasped the folder in his hand on the table, "I'll go too."

At this time, in the Library Pavilion of the Hanlin Academy, the sleeves of Qingchi's official robe were pulled up, and her wrist was swollen like a steamed bun. She didn't dare to touch the wound, so she could only press her forearm tightly.

Lu Ji saw that she was frowning and remained silent, the knuckles covering her forearm turned white, and knew that she was enduring the pain.Even though he knew it was rude, he still stretched out his hand to press her forearm, "Call out when it hurts, don't hurt yourself."

"It's okay." Qingchi shook her head with a pale face, she didn't want to cry out for pain at this time, it's a shame!Because of her injury this time, even the Hanlin scholars were alarmed, and there was a circle of people in the Zangshu Pavilion at the moment.No matter how thick-skinned she is, she is too embarrassed to show her little daughter's attitude at this time.

Because it involved the empress' most favored courtier, the imperial hospital sent an old imperial doctor who was proficient in orthopedics directly after receiving the order.

Originally, the Hanlin scholars sent people to the medical center of the imperial capital to ask for a doctor, but later, because the empress was alarmed by the incident, they sent an imperial doctor instead, but the matter has not been notified to the Imperial Academy.

When the people around Qingchi saw the imperial doctor, some of them looked at Qingchi differently, and some even groaned in disdain.

Seeing this, Zhou Cheng, a Hanlin scholar, couldn't help coughing heavily, and then fell silent.

When Lu Ji saw the imperial doctor coming, he hurriedly moved away from the seat beside him.

The old imperial doctor inspected Qingchi's wound, "Master Qing's wrist is dislocated, so he didn't hurt his muscles and bones. This old man will reset it for you. It will hurt a little, sir bear with it."

After finishing speaking, the old imperial doctor handed her a piece of clean soft cloth to bite on, lest she hurt herself by clenching her teeth.

Qingchi frowned, and wanted to refuse, but Lu Ji had already taken it for her and handed it to her mouth forcefully.

In desperation, she could only bite her lips.

The old imperial doctor held her palm with one hand, supported her wrist with the other, pinched and pressed it slightly, and after finding the right position, he pushed hard and gave it away.

There was a soft "click", accompanied by Qingchi's muffled groan, the imperial doctor let go of her hand, "Okay."

After the wrist was reset, it was still highly swollen.

The old imperial doctor took out a bottle of medicinal wine from the medicine box and handed it to Qingchi, "This medicine promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis. Lord Qing apply it morning and evening and rub it, and the swelling will disappear in about three days. Then take another seven or eight days of medicine, and you will be cured." .”

"Thank you." Lu Ji took the medicinal wine on behalf of Qingchi and thanked him.

Some people in the crowd looked at Qingchi even more unkindly.

"Lord Lu is too polite, I will leave first."

The old imperial doctor was also a person who had been in the palace for many years, and when he sensed that the atmosphere was not going away, he hurriedly retreated.

"Your Majesty Qing is really a big face, but the dislocation of your wrist has attracted the governor of Shuntian Mansion not to mention it, but also alarmed His Majesty, and specially appointed an imperial doctor to treat you."

The person who spoke was Feng Shiyang, the daughter of Feng Yuzhang, a doctor of the third-rank military department, who was the second-class concubine of the last women's Jinshi Division.

Shu Jishi was originally a vain job without rank. After passing the additional examination, the top-ranked Jinshi in the imperial examination was allowed to enter the Imperial Academy to study for three years. After passing the examination, he could stay in Beijing as a Jinshi.

This Feng Shiyang had already passed the examination of the Imperial Academy in May, and is now waiting for the appointment of a real position by the Ministry of Officials.

Because her father was a doctor in the Ministry of War, Xiao Jingtian held the military power before, and the Ministry of War was almost not under the control of the cabinet and the emperor, so even the daughter of the third-rank doctor had her eyes on the top of her head in the Imperial Academy.

Now Xiao Jingtian has bowed his head to the empress, and even his subordinates have begun to behave with tails, but Feng Shiyang, the "second generation soldier", still has a hard-to-change nature.

Qingchi looked up at the crowd, the tall and slender Feng Shiyang was particularly conspicuous among the female officials.Her facial features followed her father's, grand and masculine, with a bit of masculine valor and a little bit of feminine gentleness, so she could only be considered mediocre. Coupled with those sharp words, her appearance was even more vulgar.

Before Qingchi could open his mouth, Lu Ji said softly, "Your Majesty has not dismissed my post of compiling. Today, I just finished handling the affairs of Shuntian Mansion and came to Zangshu Pavilion to read books. It just happened to happen that Master Qing came up from the ladder. Just fall."

Since the last case in the Green Bamboo Pavilion, Lu Ji felt that he still needed to learn a lot in judging criminal cases, so he often asked Yan Zhenglang, who used to work in the Ministry of Criminal Justice, for advice.Yan Zhenglang had a very good impression of this young man who had saved his daughter. Seeing that he was hardworking and studious, he told him all about his previous experience in the Ministry of Punishment, and recommended a few books to him.

Today, after Lu Ji finished dealing with the affairs of Shuntian Mansion, he went to Zangshu Pavilion to find the books that Yan Zhenglang had mentioned.Unexpectedly, Lu Ji just stepped into the Imperial Academy when he heard the woman's exclamation, and then the wooden ladder fell to the ground, accompanied by the muffled sound of people falling on the ground.

He immediately recognized that it was Qingchi's voice, strode to the place where the sound came from, and helped the injured Qingchi up.

Thinking about it now, I still feel a bit scared, at that time there was only Qing Chi in the Library Pavilion, and the pavilion occupied a large area, if he hadn't arrived just in time, I don't know how long it would have taken for someone to find out that Qing Chi was injured here.

Hearing Lu Ji's words, Feng Shiyang's face softened a little.Although she and Qingchi were not close at first, there was no major quarrel, but her father and Lu Ji's father both served in the Ministry of War in the past, and the two lived close to each other.Although Lu Ji is a concubine, he is the only child in the Lu family, and he will definitely inherit the family business in the future.Lu Ji was handsome again, needless to say he was romantic and suave in the past, Feng Shiyang also fell in love with him when he saw him.

Not to mention that after the Holy Majesty rehabilitated the Lu family, Lu Ji was already a fifth-rank Shuntian governor in just one year, and his official career can be said to be progressing steadily.If he hadn't been in the filial piety period, the threshold of the Lu family would have been broken by someone who said he was relative.

Feng Yuzhang had liked the child Lu Ji before, but the situation of the Lu family was too complicated, so Lu Jiansheng never mentioned the idea of ​​getting married when he was alive.Now that Lu Ji's future is bright, and there is no elders in his family to suppress him, he seems to have become the second girl's dream lover after Jiang Nian.

Feng Yuzhang felt that he couldn't miss the second time. Relying on the old friendship between the two families, he came to the door a few days ago to test Lu Ji's intentions.Lu Ji is such a thoughtful person, and he immediately understood the meaning of Feng Yuzhang's words, but he already had a crush on someone, so he thought that he was still in filial piety, so it was not appropriate to talk about marriage, and he was a concubine, not worthy of the Feng family's concubine. Yu declined.

Seeing his father's disappointed face when he came back, Feng Shiyang knew that the result was unsatisfactory, and was so angry that he fell in the room for a while.

In and out of the Hanlin Academy for the past few days, she didn't have a good look at anyone.At the cusp of this storm, she heard another rumor that Lu Ji liked the daughter of Grand Tutor Yan, and that her mother would follow her on horseback, and Feng Shiyang hated Qingchi.

Lu Ji looked at the way Feng Shiyang looked at him, with an undisguised boldness in his eyes, his heart trembled, and he continued: "If Mr. Feng thinks it's inappropriate for me to still hold the title of the Imperial Academy, you can Advise His Majesty. It's just that Mr. Feng has not been appointed by the Ministry of Officials, and he is not qualified to advise the Emperor."

Hearing that Lu Ji didn't come here for Qingchi, the resentment in Feng Shiyang's heart had calmed down a little, but now Lu Ji's merciless and poisonous words made her almost jump in anger.Lu Ji was her favorite person, so she naturally wouldn't turn her anger on her, she could only blame everything on Qing Chi for bewildering Lu Ji.

Imperial scholar Zhou Cheng also said: "Qingchi is the person who was named by the imperial husband as a ghostwriter. Now that her right wrist is injured, she naturally has to report to the imperial court. You all, don't gossiping when you have nothing to do. You are no different from a woman in the market!"

Feng Shiyang was ridiculed by Lu Ji first, and then cut face to face by the highest officials of the Imperial Academy. Now he was very angry, but he had to endure it.

Xu Miaoyun tugged Feng Shiyang's sleeve lightly, trying to ease the atmosphere and said: "Master Feng is also afraid of disturbing Sheng Ting because of trivial matters, so he only said a few words, Master Zhou, don't be angry, she also means well."

Zhou Cheng glanced at Xu Miaoyun, moved his lips, but did not say anything after all.

Feng Shiyang said with a bit of yin and yang: "Now that Master Qing's right wrist is injured, should Master Bachelor send someone to replace her?"

Zhou Cheng frowned, the Qingchi ghostwriter was appointed by the emperor, how dare he find someone to replace it!

Just at this moment, a female voice with just the right majesty came from outside Zangshuge——

"Have the members of the Hanlin Academy stopped working? What are they all doing here?"

Zhou Cheng shivered, and turned around in embarrassment, and the people in the circle also consciously moved away.

It was Ning Yuezhao who came, and Jiang Nian walked beside her without making a sound.They originally wanted to leave the palace to the Hanlin Academy in a low-key manner, and leave after seeing Qingchi's injuries, so they skipped the pass and asked someone to lead the way to Qingchi's location.I didn't want to, but I heard someone sneering and sarcastic, the sour taste in the words could float several miles away.

The Hanlin scholar hurriedly knelt down, and everyone else knelt down on the ground as well.

"Your Majesty, my husband!"

(End of this chapter)

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