Chapter 25 Top Gun
Ning Yuezhao sighed inaudibly, and said calmly: "You once said that you are the glory of the Jiang family, and you are willing to be a couple with me. But with the current status of the Jiang family, even if you find someone like Yun'er Even a single woman is enough to be rich and noble for a lifetime. Maybe you haven't met the woman you fall in love with yet, but when you meet one day, you will definitely regret today's decision."

Now she just wants to be with her lover but can't ask for it. When Jiang Nian meets someone she really loves, how will it end then?
After a pause, she added: "The position of imperial husband seems to be infinitely glorious, but in fact it is bitter, beyond imagination. I don't understand why you are so obsessed with it."

The corners of Jiang Nian's mouth rose slightly, his eyes were as deep as the sea, he smiled and said, "Your Highness, what Jiang Nian wants is not a lifetime of wealth. Do you still remember what I said before, what I want is Haiyan, Heqing, and peace in the world?"

Ning Yuezhao nodded, and said a little puzzled: "I remember, but now..." They were clearly talking about their relationship, why did they suddenly switch to the topic of family, country and world.

"No buts!"

Jiang Nian interrupted her forcefully, Ning Yuezhao wanted to say more, but was at a loss for words.

They were on a high ground now, and Jiang Nian cast his eyes on the vast fields, "Don't you want to know why I brought you here today? I'll tell you now."

Ning Yuezhao looked at his resolute face, and felt a strange feeling in her heart. The man in front of her seemed to be a phoenix reborn from the ashes, spreading its wings with peerless pride, as if it was about to soar into the sky.

Jiang Nian took a few steps forward, and raised his voice in a posture overlooking the vast land: "Did you know that the original fields of Jinlin Village were much larger than they are now, but because most of the village is full of old and weak women and children, they can only be left alone?" Large tracts of fields are deserted. In Daxing, many villages are like this."

Ning Yuezhao followed his gaze, and said helplessly, "I know, but Beiqi is ambitious, and the frontier defense cannot be relaxed. Those who have been conscripted into the army cannot be allowed to go home and farm for the time being."

In the wars and turmoil on the border, how many close relatives had to be separated, and how many people in the dream of a spring girl became bones by the Wuding River.

Jiang Nian stood sideways facing her, his knuckle-knuckle palms supported her shoulders, and his firm tone carried a calming force, "I want to change all this! The reason why I come here to teach in my spare time is because It’s because I can’t bear to see those children left unattended. In addition, I also hope to educate the people and enlighten their wisdom. Look at the court, almost all of them are descendants of aristocratic families. , there is no future."

Ning Yuezhao raised her head and met his burning eyes.

Indeed, the power of the aristocratic family in Daxing is extremely powerful, and the establishment of the system of selecting scholars through the imperial examination is to hope to introduce the power of the common people and break the situation of the dictatorship of the aristocratic family.However, due to successive years of war, Daxing was prosperous on the surface, but in fact the treasury was empty, and the people couldn't eat enough. How could there be a way for the children at home to study?
Ning Yuezhao pondered for a while, and said, "What do you think?" She knew that Jiang Nian must have a strategy to say since he started this today.

Jiang Nian smiled slightly and said, "I want to set up a free school to educate more poor children."

Ning Yuezhao shook her head, "Your idea is very good, but where does the money come from?" It's not that she didn't see the shortcomings of the current imperial examination system, but she thought hard for a long time about how to support the rise of the common people, but she didn't come up with anything Good strategy.

Jiang Nian looked at her, increased the strength of his hands on her shoulders, and said seriously: "Reduce taxes for merchants, open up coastal defense, and encourage private businesses."

Daxing imposes heavy taxes on merchants, so business is not prosperous, and most people still rely on self-sufficiency.

"Impossible!" Ning Yuezhao was shocked, and broke away his hands, "Businessmen value profits over righteousness, relying on opportunism and getting something for nothing. It took a lot of effort for the court to restrain it. How could it be possible to open up? Lowering the tax burden is impossible!"

Jiang Nian took her by the shoulders, "I'm not talking nonsense, as you have seen, all the men have gone to serve in the army, and the fields only rely on these old and weak women and children, and the food they grow can barely pay taxes and make ends meet. Jinlin Village has I can make a bridge and let Jiangjiabuzhuang accept their embroidery, but what about other villages?"

Ning Yuezhao shook her head again and again, thought for a while and said, "We can lower the tax on farmers."

Jiang Nian let go of his hand, and a casual smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "The tax burden of our dynasty is already the lowest in history, how much more do you want to reduce?"

"This..." Ning Yuezhao frowned, "You suddenly mentioned this, how can I answer it for a while, I will make a decision after going back to discuss with the cabinet."

Jiang Nian didn't intend to give her room to escape, "It's no longer a matter of a day or two that the national treasury is tight. You lowered the tax burden. Where does the supply of food and grass in Xinjiang come from?"

Ning Yuezhao had no choice but to retreat, took a deep breath, and took a step back, "Then what do you think?"

Jiang Nian heard the displeasure in her tone, but still insisted: "Don't underestimate these rural women and children. Although they are not as strong as men, they all have a pair of skillful hands. If the ban on merchants is lifted, there will be more The cloth shop will order their goods. On the other hand, the tax burden will be reduced, and more people will do business. In fact, the court will receive more tax revenue, and the national treasury will be filled?"

Ning Yuezhao looked at him in shock, no one had ever raised such an argument.She thought for a while and said, "It still doesn't work. Everyone has gone into business. Who will farm the land? If there is no food, what will my people in Daxing eat?"

Seeing that she had started to listen, Jiang Nian couldn't help but beamed with joy, and said, "The people won't starve to death, and it's not like they won't stop farming. Besides, aren't there hundreds of thousands of soldiers at the border?"

Ning Yuezhao had no choice but to reiterate again, "The soldiers at the border are used to defend their homes and the country, and they cannot be let back to farm."

"When did I say I want them to come back to farm?" Jiang Nian shook his head with a smile, "It's not that there is no land at the border, and the military town also has fields. They can farm on the spot, and the grain they grow can supplement food and grass, reducing the burden on the treasury. If there is a war at the border, you can go to battle wearing armor, wouldn't it be the best of both worlds?"

Ning Yuezhao looked at Jiang Nian. There was a trace of fanaticism on his handsome face, and the brilliance flowed in his black jade-like eyes.The breeze blew by, and the robes stirred, and Ning Yuezhao felt a kind of agitation and resonance from the bottom of her heart.

In the past, no one thought of encouraging business to fill the treasury, and at the beginning of the ban, it did achieve some results, but it didn't take long for businessmen to drive up prices and speculate in order to pursue profits.Some people made a lot of money, while others lost their fortunes, causing social unrest.In order to maintain stability, the imperial court immediately restored the ban.

There are profits and losses in doing business, and more importantly, after doing business, you are encouraged.The tenants who originally lived by renting and farming the land were also ready to move, which dissatisfied the several aristocratic families who had been handed down farming and studying.Therefore, the decree to encourage business has only existed for a few months, and it has come to an end.As for the prohibition of maritime commerce, it was because the Japanese pirates could not bear to harass the coastal residents.

After being silent for a while, Ning Yuezhao broke the calm, looked up at Jiang Nian, and said softly, "What do you want to do?"

Knowing that she no longer objected, Jiang Nian was greatly encouraged, and continued, "Haste makes waste, we have to take it step by step. Restructuring the imperial examination is the first step. Support the poor families and check and balance several noble families; The purpose of garrisoning the fields and increasing the supply of food and grass for the army is to reduce the burden on the treasury, and this must be done together with the reform of the imperial examination system.”

Ning Yuezhao pondered for a while, nodded and said: "So I say, there is no problem with these two proposals, but how to implement them has yet to be discussed by the cabinet. But how do you resolve the contradiction between the opening of the sea ban and the Japanese pirates disturbing the people? And lifting the ban on doing business will definitely be suppressed by several big families, how do you deal with it?"

Jiang Nian said with a smile: "Sea commerce has existed since ancient times. The Silk Road in the Han and Tang Dynasties is a precedent. The implementation of the maritime ban can certainly reduce the invasion of the coast by bandits, but it cannot eliminate it. To completely solve this problem, the country needs to be rich and strong." Soldiers. At present, our troops are all concentrated in the northwest, so the coastal defense is relatively weak. In the final analysis, the supply of money is still insufficient. When we have strong soldiers and horses, we can set up border defense checkpoints along the coast, and there is nothing to fear from mere Japanese pirates."

Ning Yuezhao nodded in agreement, and then continued his words, "Once the poor family is able to check and balance the big families, even if they want to stop the business, they will have more than enough energy. And, when they see the people in business After gaining benefits, they will naturally be motivated by profit and devote themselves to business, I am afraid that they will hope that the court will encourage more business, do you think so?"

Jiang Nian smiled lightly, and said approvingly: "Your Highness is wise. The issue of someone dying because of running a business is actually easy to deal with. Doing business is inherently risky, and the imperial court can't just open the fence and ignore the grazing, and the corresponding decree to regulate the behavior of businessmen should be promulgated together. , so as not to cause unrest."

Ning Yuezhao seemed to see the prosperous future that Jiang Nian had painted for her, and her heart was eager to move.Suppressing the excitement in his heart, Ning Yuezhao calmly reminded him, "Since ancient times, there has been no reform without bloodshed. Have you decided to become Chao Cuo?"

Chao Cuo is the internal history of Emperor Jing of the Han Dynasty and his think tank.He wrote to Emperor Jing, advocating the reduction of the princes' land distribution, emphasizing agriculture and expensive millet.This caused dissatisfaction among the princes, and the Seven Kingdoms Rebellion broke out.In order to quell the rebellion, Emperor Jing had no choice but to kill Chao Cuo in Dongshi.

Is she reminding him not to rush for quick success, so as not to make the dog jump over the wall in a hurry?

Thinking about this, Jiang Nian couldn't help but bend his lips and smile, "Throughout the ages, few advocates of reform seem to end well. If I die because of this, Your Highness will be sad?"

 I saw some people said that they disliked the heroine and abandoned the article, let me explain, the heroine of this article is relatively scumbag in the early stage, but it will be better later.

  Of course, everyone has the right to choose, and it’s okay not to watch it.

  Thank you to my friends who have always supported me, I love you.

(End of this chapter)

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