Chapter 283
According to the original speed of the western tour team, it would take at least two days to arrive at Yaoguang Town, but when the brigade was about to leave a few days ago, Xiao Jingtian suddenly stopped Ning Yuezhao who was about to board the car.

"You have been riding in this carriage for almost a month, don't you feel bored? The Northwest Plain is vast, and if you don't ride the horse for a ride, wouldn't it be in vain!"

"Your Majesty, with a body of ten thousand gold, how can he ride a horse with the wind and sun?"

After entering the northwest region, the accompanying maids and officials were a little impatient with the strong wind and sand, and they all took veils to cover them up, wishing they could hide in the carriage.Regarding Xiao Jingtian's proposal, Zhu Yun and Lan Sha immediately expressed their opposition.

"Bring me my riding outfit."

Ning Yuezhao has been riding in a carriage for almost a month, and her waist and legs are already exhausted.Although he would stop from time to time on the road and get out of the carriage to walk around the resting place, he still sat in the carriage most of the time.

"Your Majesty, this is impossible!"

Lan Sha wanted to persuade her again, but Ning Yuezhao had already waved her hand, making up her mind.

In desperation, she and Zhu Yun had no choice but to change clothes for the Empress.

Riding on a green horse, the view is unobstructed, and you can have a panoramic view of the grasslands and mountains in the northwest, as well as the yellow sand and plains.Holding the rein in one hand, Ning Yuezhao pulled off her veil and let out a long breath.The depression that has been accumulated in my heart for a long time finally feels evacuated at this moment.

Xiao Jingtian, who walked side by side with her, said triumphantly, "How about it, is it more comfortable than sitting in a carriage?"

Ning Yuezhao nodded while looking left and right, admiring the scenery along the way.

The daily itinerary of a large group of teams is limited, and the first day is spent walking around and looking around.

On the second day, Xiao Jingtian said: "Walking so slowly is no different from taking a walk. Don't you want to try the feeling of riding a horse?"

Ning Yuezhao also felt that walking slowly like this was a bit boring, so the two rushed to lead a section ahead of the team.

The sky was high and the clouds were clear, and the freedom of galloping and riding a horse on the endless grassland was even better than the previous day's fun. Ning Yuezhao soon fell in love with this wind-like feeling.

Most of the accompanying officials are military attachés, and they naturally agree with their general's actions.Although the accompanying civil servants wanted to stop them, they were all sitting in carriages, and they were beyond their reach if they wanted to stop them.

That night, after moving into the Yamen of the state capital, a group of civil servants and palace attendants knelt down in front of the empress, hoping that the emperor would stop riding horses capriciously.

Ning Yuezhao helped the leading officials up, and said solemnly: "I know the concerns of your family, but as the Son of Heaven, the purpose of my trip to the west is not only to reward the soldiers who have defended the country for many years, but also to drum up the northern border. Morale, if the soldiers see a weak emperor, how will they think of the court, how will they think of the emperor?"

Hearing what she said, most of the people lowered their heads. They knew that their lord was a man of both civil and martial arts, and he was by no means a weak person, but she was a member of the country after all. If something happened to them, how would they deal with it? To the people of the world!

Ning Yuezhao seemed to see through their worries, and said with a smile: "Don't you gentlemen still trust General Xiao?"

Xiao Jingtian has always had the courage to be unworthy of others, with him around the empress, there is no danger.

In order to dispel everyone's worries, Ning Yuezhao ordered several guards from the imperial army to follow behind her and Xiao Jingtian, so that if there were any changes, they would not be alone and helpless.

But on the third day, Xiao Jingtian's demands rose again.He said that he wanted to compete with Ning Yuezhao on horseback riding, and Ning Yuezhao would not be timid, so the two of them rode their horses and galloped all the way.

No matter how hard Ning Yuezhao tried, Xiao Jingtian was always able to keep pace with her horse, and even slightly surpassed her.

Ning Yuezhao gritted her teeth, and exerted her equestrian skills to the extreme, finally leading Xiao Jingtian a bit.

Once this person started to compete, he completely forgot everything.

It wasn't until the two horses showed signs of exhaustion that Ning Yuezhao realized that the brigade had already been thrown far behind by the two of them.

Ning Yuezhao was about to turn back subconsciously, but Xiao Jingtian stopped her, "Don't worry, I've sent an order to my subordinates to pass, you and I will go ahead and let them follow slowly."

Ning Yuezhao looked at him suspiciously, "It turns out that you planned it long ago."

In the past few days, starting with a small request, he raised higher demands step by step, and she unexpectedly fell into her trap unknowingly.

hateful!She said those words swearingly in front of everyone yesterday, but today Xiao Jingtian made her slap her.

As expected of the "God of War", he is really good at military calculations!
Seeing her displeased, Xiao Jingtian hurriedly said: "Your and my horses are all good horses, and the team's journey is not much faster than walking. We have been running for more than half a day. If we turn around, we will definitely not be able to join them before dark , and it’s only half an hour’s journey away from the next station, after our horses slow down, we’ll be there before dark.”

Ning Yuezhao pursed her lips and said, "The general has made arrangements, what else do I have to say?"

That night, several imperial guards led by Fang Weitang chased him to the station.After a day of running around, the soldiers and horses were exhausted. Although the guards of the imperial army were a little dissatisfied with the empress's capricious behavior, they didn't say anything.

The next day, Xiao Jingtian took them on a slightly bumpy road that deviated from the official road, "If you take this road, at the speed we rode yesterday, we could reach Yaoguang Town in the morning, where should we wait? ?”

Xiao Jingtian's face has grown to a certain level in the past few days. Faced with his aggressive demands, everyone has to obey. It's their first time to the Northwest and they don't know the way!
After arriving at the barracks, the guards at the gate recognized Xiao Jingtian. Although they had some doubts about the entourage, Xiao Jingtian was an existence bigger than the sky in the northwest. Who dared to object to the people he brought.

In this way, there was the scene on the training ground.

After she finished saying "flat body", Xiao Jingtian walked up to her and said casually: "In order to welcome His Majesty's arrival, tonight the army, big and small, will have fun together!"

The soldiers got up one after another and said loudly: "Long live Your Majesty! The general is wise!"

The voices are overwhelming, one after another.

In the general's tent, lunch was placed on the ebony table.

A bowl of buttered tea, a plate of dried beef, a bowl of squid noodles, and a few pancakes.

Xiao Jingtian looked sideways at the woman beside him, only to see a faint smile on her lips, but not much smile in her eyes.

He couldn't help sighing in his heart, since he returned to the imperial capital this time, he had never seen her smile.I don't know what happened between her and Jiang Nian. She seemed to have lost the life-and-death friendship with Jiang Nian, only alienation.

Leaving the imperial capital that day, I don't know what Jiang Nian said to her in Changting. When he returned to the team, she obviously had a lot of worries. run wildly.

He could clearly feel that when she was galloping on the field, she completely forgot everything, but once she stopped, those thoughts returned to her heart.

Now seeing her staring at the food on the table in a daze, Xiao Jingtian couldn't help but said: "The food in the army is simple, you can just make do with it, the team will catch up in the next day or so, and let the imperial chef make it for you .”

Ning Yuezhao looked at him and said with a smile: "I just haven't eaten these northwest foods, so I thought about it a little bit more. When I go to the countryside, I do as the Romans do. I'm used to it."

After finishing speaking, she put a piece of beef into her mouth. She just wanted to bite slowly, but the dried meat was extremely hard, and she couldn't maintain the elegance of chewing slowly. Didn't bite!

"It's not bad to have this taste." Ning Yuezhao pretended to be witty and authentic.

Xiao Jingtian shook his head, "I will hunt some prey in the forest near the camp in the afternoon, and I will definitely let you eat fresh food tonight."

Years of wars and chaos have turned a large amount of fertile land in the northwest into wasteland, and border supplies are in short supply.Xiao Jingtian couldn't bear the sight of the lieutenant soldiers going to grab supplies from the people in the city, and usually hunted some prey by himself for tooth sacrifice.

Ordinary soldiers, lunch is pancakes.Yu Jia came suddenly today, and what was placed in front of Ning Yuezhao at this moment was already the best food in the camp.

Ning Yuezhao tried her best to chew the piece of beef, and swallowed it, " don't need to work so hard, the soldiers can eat it, and so can I."

After finishing speaking, she took the bowl of noodles and ate it as if nothing had happened.

The pasta in the Northwest is different from the refined pasta that Jiang Nian took her to eat in the Imperial Capital restaurant.From the mouth to the ingredients added to the noodles, it looks rougher.

Thinking of Jiang Nian, Ning Yuezhao bit off a noodle hard, like chewing wax.

A few days ago, when she was still on the west tour team, she would receive urgent reports from the imperial capital Babaili every day, which briefly described the days when she was not in the palace, and the events in the palace were of appropriate size.

Jiang Nian did fulfill the promise he made before she left, and took good care of Daxing's country.

After the previous rectification, the Guozijian has now established a monthly assessment system, and all Tai students must participate.The descendants of princes and princes can still be imprisoned, but if they fail three consecutive monthly assessments, they will be persuaded to leave.

The officials of the Ministry of Rites were also purged during the Qianqiu Festival, and today the Ministry of Rites has undergone a change of blood.Jiang Nian tried his best to reject all opinions and let Lu Ji step down as Yin of Shuntian Mansion and join the Ministry of Rites as a doctor.

But Ning Ziyi, the eldest son of King Kangyu, only asked people to send Shi Wanyao's coffin back to the fief, while he stayed in the imperial capital.Others said that because he was married to Xu's family, he forgot his wife who was pregnant with Liujia in vain.There are even rumors in the imperial capital that he and Xu Miaoyun have had an affair for a long time, and deliberately let his wife be killed so that he can marry the daughter of a cabinet minister.

Ning Ziyi was dumb about eating coptis, and couldn't tell what he was suffering.It's not that he doesn't want to go back, but his father ordered someone to send a letter to him, saying that the Shi family heard such rumors somewhere, and now there is a lot of trouble in the south of the Yangtze River, and asked him to go to other places to avoid disaster.Ning Ziyi was also eager to leave, but the emperor was on a tour to the west, and the emperor's husband blindly played Tai Chi with him.On the surface, without the consent of the emperor, he, a son of a vassal prince, could not leave the imperial capital without authorization.

In this way, Ning Ziyi was imprisoned in the imperial capital in a disguised form.

On Xu Zhi's side, because his daughter was taken away by the empress and Ning Ziyi's affairs got involved, he has settled down a lot in the court recently.

Jiang Nian, Jiang Nian... He is really her fate, especially after thinking of those memories, every time she thinks of him, she feels pain in her chest, and she can't even breathe freely.

Xiao Jingtian saw her thinking again, and pulled her up from behind the case.

"Go, I'll take you hunting!"

(End of this chapter)

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