Chapter 173
Hongyan, she hasn't hugged this child well since it was born, so take a good look at it!Minzhi sighed and looked at Hongyan's face carefully.The little guy can't compare with Hongwang Hongzhe, he is thin and his skin is not as juicy as his two elder brothers, and he still looks shriveled after the full moon.It is as light as cotton wool in the hand.

Holding the child, Minzhi suddenly thought of Honghui, one was congenitally deficient, the other was injured the day after tomorrow, Honghui did not escape the shackles of the bright moon, and died at the age of eight, so what about this?Not knowing what to do, the stuffy feeling in the chest came again, and the hand holding the child trembled slightly: Yan Zhe was calm, stable, and happy.However, it also means being late, coming late.Kangxi gave the child this name, does it mean that he is half a beat slower than others?

Isn't this mocking his mother and me?Slow, indecisive, hesitant to move forward because of worries about gain and loss, every time I set my ambitions, I always retreat in front of the battle, the self-confidence and disdain I had when I came here all disappeared, and I became the kind of woman I hate the most.Sighing, she calmed down the restlessness in her heart: "Qiu Ju, go and invite the doctor." Qiu Ju looked at Minzhi's face. "It's not me, it's Yan'er. Babies with dystocia are always physically weak."

Qiu Ju took the order to go out, and Minzhi handed Hongyan back to the nanny: "Go to the accountant and pay ten taels of silver as a reward for doubting me just now." Already!" Minzhi touched her forehead, damn it, she was still dizzy: "I said I will reward you, so I will reward you, take Yan'er down."

The nanny retreated tremblingly, and Aunt Tara brought the medicine bowl: "Fujin, it's time to drink the medicine." Minzhi looked at the dark medicine bowl, and smiled wryly. When did she become Lin Daiyu? Sick.He took the medicine bowl, squeezed his nose and swallowed it raw, swallowed the halva: "Mother, I'll sleep a little longer, the doctor has finished his diagnosis when I was young, let him come to see me."

Mammy responded, helped her lie down, and covered her with the quilt.Minzhi suddenly remembered again: "By the way, the one from Nanyuan, is there anything going on?" The mother's expression darkened immediately when she heard the master asked about Tong's family: "Master, you said it happened that after you fell ill, he She is also sick, look at her appearance, she seems to be sicker than you, servant girl, it's probably just pretending."

Minzhi shook her head: "Let her go, tell the housekeeper, and try my best to meet her request." "Miss, she made you so angry, you still..." Mammy was very dissatisfied.But Minzhi curled her mouth: "Nurse, it was my fault in the past that made you suffer with me. You won't be like this in the future, don't worry." When she heard that, her eyes turned red, "Miss..." Min Zhi closed her eyes: "Go to Yan'er and watch."

When Aunt Tara went out, Minzhi finally let go of her worries and fell into a deep sleep.

It was near noon when she was awakened again. The first thing she did when she woke up was to summon the doctor. The doctor took her pulse first and confirmed that she was only weak and had no other symptoms, so she was relieved.Minzhi was eager to know Hongyan's physical condition, so before the doctor could catch his breath, he hurriedly asked: "Doctor, is Yan'er's body congenitally deficient?"

The doctor frowned: "If you go back to Fujin, little elder brother..." Min Zhi's heart sank: "But it's okay." Then the doctor said the truth: "Just now, the servant checked the pulse of the little elder brother, but it was slippery. Minzhi doesn't know Chinese medicine, but she saw the doctor's hesitation just now, and she didn't dare to ask, so she just said, "Go ahead."

"I don't dare to jump to conclusions. I just accidentally pressed the bottom of the little elder brother's foot just now, which caused a violent reaction. I feel that Fujin should invite the imperial physician to make a detailed diagnosis." Minzhi waved his hand: " How can the imperial physician be used casually as an enshrinement to the inner court, you are a doctor trusted by the prince, you can just say, what is the little elder brother's deficiency?"

Under Minzhi's repeated questioning, the doctor finally bit the bullet and answered: "According to my slave, my brother has injured his lungs. I asked my nurse, my brother often coughs and wheezes." "Can this disease get better?" The doctor looked worried, but he said that the little elder brother is just full-term, and as long as he takes good care of him in the future, he will be able to recover. "

Minzhi hummed: "I see, you go down and come up with a detailed treatment plan." "I obey." The doctor withdrew and went out.Minzhi once again fell into worry and hurt her lungs. There are many explanations. Cardiopulmonary insufficiency?Inflammation of the upper airway?Or asthma?Either way, it's tricky!It seems that it is necessary to find a doctor specially for him. The current doctor in the mansion has to take care of adults and children, and he is too busy.

Just as she was thinking about it, Magpie came in with lunch, Minzhi saw her and smiled: "Magpie, I'm better now, you don't need to come tomorrow, after all, you are married, the husband's business matters. Magpie Buyi: "Miss, you only have Sister Qiuju and Nanny left by your side now. Even if you have a new maid by your side, the servants are still worried. Besides, you are still sick now."

Minzhi thinks about it too. In the past, I always liked to have enough food and clothing by myself. After a long time, I was used to enjoying it, and I didn’t feel that it was awkward to be served by others. Now hearing what the magpie said, Minzhi felt ashamed, and she really became Lin Daiyu. Second, being coaxed to drink medicine, eat, dress and so on, if I go on, I will really degenerate into a baby, no, I want to cheer up.

However, before the excitement in my heart turned into action, I was defeated by bursts of pain on my head. Be good, I didn’t feel any pain when I knocked. Those without stitches need to rely on tissue regeneration to heal themselves. I don't know how long it will take.

After softening her body and letting the magpie feed her, Minzhi lost all strong thoughts, so Lin Daiyu will be Lin Daiyu, who made her body so weak?

Due to illness, Minzhi has no taste in his mouth, and the cook is also considerate, and all the food he brings is fresh, salty and easy to digest.In addition to the staple food, there are also soups. Minzhi loves fish. For lunch, it is stewed black fish soup with tofu, and the fish in it are all boned in large pieces, mixed with tofu and mushrooms, stewed milky white The soup is very delicious.

Minzhi twitched her index finger and finally regained her appetite. The three servants beside her breathed a sigh of relief. The master has an appetite, thank God.

At night, Minzhi was already in a coma, and felt the rustling noises behind her, and when she turned over, she saw Yinhu lifting the quilt, about to lie down, moving her body inside, and said vaguely: "You come back La."

Yinhu lay down beside her, and reached out to touch her face: "Well, did I wake you up?" Minzhi shook her head: "No, I didn't feel dizzy after a day of sleep. What time is it outside?" It was two o'clock when I came in." Yinhu said softly.

Minzhi pulled his hands from his face and hugged them together: "I asked the doctor today, and the doctor said that Yan'er may have a chronic disease." Yinhu frowned: "Although he is full-term, it is difficult to give birth. It's normal to be in poor health, just take care of yourself in the future, so you don't have to worry."

Minzhi looked at him faintly, this kind of comfort was almost subconscious, was she really that fragile?They, they, treated her almost like a pet.

Yinhu saw that his wife remained silent for a while, and her eyes were resentful, she suddenly became nervous: "How about, when I enter the palace to pay my respects during the Chinese New Year, let the imperial doctor in Erniang Palace show me. There is always a way to transfer her." ..." Minzhi didn't speak, but continued to look at him.Yinhu couldn't stand it anymore, and reached out to hug her: "I know you feel wronged, trust me, it's not your fault."

Speaking of which, he was also at fault, knowing that his wife's EQ is almost zero, and doing so many things, he smoothed her hair early in the morning, and now she is surrounded by children, and she enjoys happiness, without having to suffer on both sides outside and at home.

At this moment, Minzhi's heart was almost filled with some kind of liquid. She sucked her nose, held back, but finally couldn't hold back, tears stained his clothes: "Yinhu..." Yinhu was speechless, she called out last night. Is it too smooth? "What?" "Actually, I, I just want to tell Yan Er to hire a special doctor, I, I didn't..."

A certain person felt relieved: "What's so difficult about this, let Zhou Gui choose one in Dongzhuang. Speaking of which, the servants in your house should also be added. Let's choose from your own tenants first. This year the one who will host the small election, It's Concubine De."

Hearing what he said, Minzhi felt even more guilty. She completely forgot about the Zhuangzi she had run alone. The doctors in Dongzhuang were once handpicked by her. There are peaches and plums all over the world. Minzhi once strictly ordered them to accept apprentices and help them, in order to let more people learn Chinese medicine, at least within the scope of the village, and improve the level of medical technology. When Western medicine was just in its infancy, it could only rely on Chinese medicine to save itself.

I have resources in this area but I don’t know how to use them, and Yinhu has to worry about them. The more Minzhi thinks about it, the more she blushes, and she simply shrinks into a ball again, and a thin voice comes out from under the quilt: "I actually forgot about them... In other words, Yinhu was originally annoyed by a series of things outside, but now seeing his wife like this, those annoyances disappeared inexplicably. It’s true that the more you live, the more you go back. There are many people you have forgotten.”

Minzhi blushed and came out: "I'm sorry. I'll send someone to deliver news to Zhou Gui tomorrow." "When I recover, give me a long memory!" Yinhu feigned anger and said, "Do you still remember Muren? You For him to confront Huang Ama, show me face, I have news about him."


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