Chapter 175 Entering the Role
In February of the 47th year of Kangxi, Minzhi was still recuperating at home. This time she was really injured. The wound on her forehead had almost healed, but she still had throbbing pain from time to time. What made her even more depressed was her physical strength. Thinking about it, I have been lying on the bed for nearly four months, including confinement and recuperation, and my bones are brittle, why do I feel dizzy after walking a few more steps?

Due to physical reasons, Minzhi didn't go to the palace for the New Year's Eve dinner, Miss Tong was sick and didn't go, Yinhu took Hongyan into the palace, Kangxi was silent, and looked at his little grandson who was so weak that he couldn't support him.Thinking about the two brothers in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Kangxi was merciful, and the imperial physician Xuan examined Hongyan from head to toe, and the conclusion he reached was the same as that diagnosed by the previous doctor in the mansion, heart and lung insufficiency, and the specific symptoms need to be older to judge.

That is to say, Hongyan nuclear energy is congenital heart disease, or it may be congenital asthma. It is up to God to see what it is. After all, there is no such thing as X-ray film in Chinese medicine, and the imperial physician can only make a rough judgment.

When Yinhu came back and told Minzhi, Minzhi had no idea, congenital heart disease, even in modern times, many children will die early because of this reason, unless their organs are replaced, but this is in a medical field that is extremely backward In the Qing Dynasty, Minzhi did not have such an extravagant hope. All she could do was to enshrine Hongyan as a porcelain doll, and take it with her wherever she went, watching him all the time, praying in her heart, God has mercy on this baby. Just asthma, or some other chronic condition.

One day, Minzhi was looking through the account books in the study. Since she was able to get out of bed, Minzhi announced that she was in charge of the family's financial and personnel affairs again. Qian Bernard finally got away and let Qu Cai, a Beijing official who is now a fifth-rank official, be the accountant. , It was too extravagant, Minzhi felt guilty while flipping through the account books.

Qian Bona and Erji belonged to Yinhu's account at the same time. He is now the military commander of Jiangnan Province. One-third of the troops in Liangjiang and Three Provinces are in his hands. Although the actual command is in the governor of Liangjiang, However, Erji grew up quickly from being an unknown scholar who had never been a soldier before to become a governor.Among them are Kangxi's use, Yinhu's cultivation, and more opportunities and his own accumulation.

With the training mode brought by Ke An, there are sixty Zhuang Ding templates, how much power Erji can exert, Minzhi looks forward to it more and more, Yinzhen, you can obediently be Kangxi's spearman, and make great achievements in pacifying Tibet When you come back, you will be crowned a great general, and then continue to be thrown into a place of bitter cold. When the old man dies, you will realize that you have already been marginalized.

Erji came to power, but Qian Bona became the accountant. It was like killing a chicken with a sledgehammer. Master Shaoxing's brain and heart are exquisite.Counting the time, Yinzhen should have taken in Tian Wenjing and Wu Sidao. They should have taught him the hidden method. Minzhi will not forget that Yinzhen is the ultimate enemy. Zhen took that seat.Otherwise, the ending of her and Yinhu can only be history repeating itself.

However, is there any way to drag Yinzhen out from behind?Minzhi frowned while counting the increasingly large family wealth. Yinzhen was too high-profile. Although he never paid less tax, the speed of absorbing money was really enviable. Yinzhen is not a fat sheep in her eyes.

Recall that after Yinhu failed to compete for the position of crown prince for the first time in history, Xiao Jiu turned to support Shisi. As a result, Sisi, a wolf-hearted man, exhausted Xiao Jiu's family wealth. Being circled by Yinzhen, Xiaojiu got the notoriety of "Seth Black" and died together with Yinhu.

On the other side of the account book was a stack of portraits. When Zhou Gui got the news, he acted immediately and gathered and screened all the unmarried girls aged 16 to [-] in Zhuangzi.The living conditions on Zhuangzi are better, and there are special teachers to guide these girls in labor and literacy. The overall quality is good.

Even so, Zhou Gui carefully selected [-] places, asked the artist to paint the portraits, and sent them to Minzhi's desk. After looking through the portraits, Minzhi shook her head with a smile. Mao Yanshou, fortunately, he had the foresight to sign the contracts of sale of the tenants in Zhuangzi in accordance with the format of domestic slaves. They have been tied to Yinhu for generations.

These little girls and boys are all talent pools, so there is no need to count on the small elections from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. If Concubine Yi and Concubine Hui preside over them, they can still drink some soup at home.Certainly cheapened her own son.This youngest son is also a sad reminder. The son he likes is not strong enough. Instead, the son who was selectively forgotten early in the morning won the throne. The relationship between the two mothers has long been dead.

I just don't know what's going on in Yinzhen's family now, Qianlong is not yet born, and his family is now a standard single seedling.Hey, Yinzhen, you said you don't work hard to have children, what are you doing nonsense, all the descendants of the Aixinjueluo family have been exhausted in your life, your son Qianlong has countless concubines, but in the end, one son was born and the other died.In the end, the worst fifteen elder brother Yongyan was chosen, and the prosperity of Kangxi and Qianlong was completely destroyed.

Thinking about it, Minzhi's eyes moved away from the portrait and turned to Hongyan. Little Hongyan was lying in the cradle beside her, sleeping peacefully. Minzhi leaned over and stretched out her finger on his little The poking on the face caused the son to twist the loach in dissatisfaction, using both hands and feet, moved a few inches away, tilted his head, and continued to dream.

Baby, little San'er, you must live a long life, even with your sister's share.The first half of my mother's life was spent in vain, and the second half of her life has just begun, and she has encountered a messy predicament with no clue at all.

After sighing, Minzhi continued to struggle. She hadn’t touched accounts for a long time, and she still had to get acquainted with them. The son’s doctor had to be invited, the maids had to be added, the spring seeds on the Zhuangzi had to be watched, and the servants sent by Yin’er I don't know how the training is going, as Yinhu said, I have forgotten too many things.

While busy, Hongyan who fell asleep next to him burst into tears, Minzhi hurriedly stopped working and picked up the child, patting and coaxing the child while checking what was wrong.She ate and urinated, didn't the baby sleep well, why did she cry suddenly, and when she touched it, the baby's forehead was hot, which frightened her and called the doctor in a hurry.

No ledgers or portraits were in her mind, she hurried back to her room after taking the child in her arms, but when the doctor made a diagnosis, she had a low-grade fever.There are no other symptoms, Minzhi is stunned, how can she have a fever when she is fine?The heating in the study is sufficient, and even the few steps from the recessed bedroom in the study have been tightly wrapped all the time.

However, there is one thing Minzhi insists on, that is, the child is determined not to use medicine.The side effect of traditional Chinese medicine is usually toxin accumulation, which occurs after a long period of time.Adults have perfect body functions and can detoxify on their own, but children can't. Otherwise, modern medicine would not be divided into human medicine and children's medicine.Under Minzhi's insistence, all the nuns had to use physical therapy to cool down the child.

After a lot of tossing, Hongyan finally stopped crying, but Minzhi's heart also sank. This child's physique is so weak, can he really live to adulthood?Hongyan's illness accelerated her mobility. The next day, two doctors with medicine boxes on their backs moved into the county palace and became Hongyan's accompanying doctors.

At this time, Minzhi was listening to two pathological analyzes of Hongyan, and the outside reported that Zhuangzi had sent a letter.After receiving the wax-sealed scroll from the servant, Minzhi was stunned for a moment, she forgot that there was a carrier pigeon base in Dongzhuang, and this letter was plucked from the feet of carrier pigeons.

Where did it come from?Minzhi held the scroll, sent the doctor away, hugged Hongyan who was still feverish, and went back to the study.Throw the paper roll in your hand into an inconspicuous plum bottle in the corner of the desk.This plum vase looks ordinary, but its function is extraordinary. All the news in it are destroyed today after reading it today.

Yinhu must go back to the study every night when he comes back to deal with the news in the vase. Minzhi knows about this, but just pretends not to know.Now that I think about it, it was really a mistake not to number the pigeons with ankle rings. I was afraid that the hunters or the common people would harm the pigeons for money.Now, because there is no identification mark, where the news came from, you can only judge by reading the content.No, I have to think of a way.

At night, Yinhu was surprised to find that his wife was waiting for him in the study with the child in her arms. She felt as if she had been in a lifetime: "Why are you still awake?" Minzhi put her son back in the cradle and took a few steps forward: " I'm thinking about something, and there's another letter today, so let's see what the news is." Yinhu turned around and took a few steps, then turned around and said, "Just sit on the soft bed and rest, your body is just a little better, don't get tired again on."

Minzhi sat on the soft bed according to the words, and watched Yinhu pour out the scrolls from the plum vase, put them on the candle to melt the wax, and took out the note inside.I thought to myself that this is actually not bad. After all, pigeons are easier to feed than people. If we really want to build a post office, it will take a lot of work to feed the staff.Now only one or two breeders can handle dozens or hundreds of pigeons, which is economical and affordable.

Just as she was thinking, she heard Yinhu slapping the table with a bang, and Minzhi stood up abruptly: "What's wrong? What's the matter?" Yinhu hurriedly turned her head and looked at Minzhi: "It's okay, it's okay, let's see you It's scary, it's good news, look..." He said and handed over the scroll.Minzhi took it, opened it, and saw that there were only four words: everything is going well, followed by a symbol that looked like the English letter S.

"I can't read this, can I? And I can't understand it either." Minzhi glanced at the note, then put it on the candle and burned it.Yinhu didn't stop him, but picked up his sleeping son: "Let's go back to the room, and I'll explain it to you slowly. You are half of the credit for this news." Looking at Hongyan, the Manchu rules are strange, he has never hugged Hongwang and Hongzhe, why did he hug Hongyan today?


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Title of the book "The Older Remaining Immortals"

Author Viro Rongrong

(End of this chapter)

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