Chapter 104 [Yes, I am secretly 1]

Huangfu Xin just didn't come tonight, Su'er looked at the sky and it was almost the time agreed with Xiaosi.

"Sheng'er, you pretended to be me on my bed, Duoduo, just do what you have to do as before, I'm gone."

Sheng'er blinked and lay on her bed wearing Su'er's clothes.

"Duoduo, why didn't your lady ever think about touching me?"

"My lady is a decent person."

I've seen a lot of "serious people" Sheng'er, but none of them are the same.

He didn't believe at all that anyone wasn't interested in his face.

When Su'er arrived at the rockery where Huangfuhui often went, he was already waiting behind.

Su'er was wearing night clothes which startled him.

"You are here to be a thief, what kind of night clothes do you wear, be careful to be regarded as an assassin."

"Those clothes are not easy to move. I want to show you a treasure. I only show it to you. You must not tell others."

Huangfuhui nodded, he was very happy that Su'er trusted him so much.

Su'er carefully looked around for no one, found the hole and carefully put her hand in, carefully took out the sailboat and put it on the ground, and opened the package.

A shiny gold silk galleon appeared in front of my eyes.

Huangfuhui knew at a glance that this item did not belong to Su'er, if it was, such a valuable item should be properly placed in her room by her, not in the rockery.

Su'er lightly touched the sailboat and whispered: "This is the present that Concubine Chen planned to give to the Empress Dowager on her birthday. I saw it last night when I went to paint her face, so I brought it out and kept it here. .”

Sure enough...

Huangfuhui admired her to the point of throwing herself to the ground.

In the middle of the night, painting the face of Concubine Chen and stealing her things is to ask which court woman has done such a feat throughout the ages.

"Then what are you going to do? Even if you want to transport this gold silk sailboat out of the palace, you can't use the same method as pearl agate, because it is easily crushed, and after it breaks, you can only sell it as half of the gold thread. Not a lot of money."

"At the beginning, I just wanted to make her collect this thing by the way. Now I really look at it or not. I always hold back in my heart and I am always afraid of being discovered. After I saw Concubine Chen today, I wondered if she was sniffing. What kind of smell did you come to find me?"

(End of this chapter)

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