The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 108 [Empress Dowager's Birthday Banquet, Lovers Meeting 1]

Chapter 108 [Empress Dowager's Birthday Banquet, Lovers Meeting 1]

"Mother, there is another gift that you haven't read yet."

"Oh, what is it?"

Huangfu stood up and waved his hands, the theater troupe immediately retreated, all the concubines who were excited to see them all suddenly retreated, it was unavoidable that they felt strange.

Director Du shouted: "Envoys from the Southern Dynasties come to see you!!"

Su'er saw several well-dressed people from afar.

"Strange, why does this person look so familiar?!"

Su'er muttered to himself, the queen mother smiled lightly, the emperor pretended not to hear, turned around and said to the queen mother: "Mother, these three are envoys from the Southern Dynasty, this time they came to celebrate the mother's birthday, and specially brought the rare Tianshan Snow Lotus .”

"I greet the emperor and wish the queen mother good luck and prosperity."

"It's rare for the emperor of the Southern Dynasty to remember that Ai's family brought such a precious gift on his birthday. Please hurry up and take your seat."

"Thank you, Empress."

The more Su'er looked at it, the more familiar it became. No matter how he looked at it, the leader felt that the appearance he had seen somewhere still had a very familiar feeling.

Huangfu Hui recognized at a glance that the leading envoy was the man in the emperor's portrait.

It turned out that he was the second prince of the Southern Dynasty, no wonder the emperor's brother cared so much.

It would be even worse if Su'er was involved in the affairs between the two countries.

"Ah, I remembered!!"

Su'er yelled, causing countless people to turn their heads to look at each other.

Huangfu said with a smile: "Su'er thought of something so excited, tell me to make me happy too."

"Ah, I, I remembered that my ring was pressed under the pillow today and I haven't taken it out yet. I don't know if Dodo will break it for me."

Su'er slapped herself countless times in her heart, Murong Su'er, you are such a big idiot, if you recognize it, it's okay to call it a fart, it's not you who was slapped or who was slapped! !

"It turns out that Su'er cares so much about that ring, come and get it out."

Huangfu pushed his nose up and hugged her waist brazenly.

Su'er swallowed her saliva and her cheeks began to feel hot.

Ever since she entered the palace, Su'er found that the shamelessness she had practiced before had completely lost her immunity to Huangfu's love.

There is nothing wrong with red faces, red ears, red hearts, and accelerated heartbeats.

"Your Majesty, there are many people watching, please don't push me like this."

Huangfu couldn't help laughing.

The way Su'er leaned over secretly without moving her lips and said these words lamely made Huangfu really want to go up and take a bite.

"Your Majesty, I have a few words to say to the Emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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