The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 127 [I love you, do you love me or not 2]

Chapter 127 [I love you, do you love me or not 2]

"I'll take you back, can I have lunch with you today?"

Su'er nodded stupidly, her face was redder than a monkey's butt now, she didn't know anything, he couldn't hear anything and could only nod and shake his head instinctively.

Huangfu pinched her face more and more, and it became more and more cute.

He took Su'er to the left and she followed him to the left, he went to the right and she also went to the right, he deliberately went around the garden road, Su'er still walked foolishly holding Huangfu's hand without saying a word.

When they reached the door of the room, Jin Duoduo took her over from Huangfu's hands, Su'er was still stupid and didn't know anything.

Jin Duoduo was extremely depressed, why did Miss still act like a fool in front of the emperor, she was too stupid.

"Su'er, I'm leaving, say hello to me."

"Goodbye, rich man."

Stretching out his little hand, waving, blinking and foolishly walking into the room.

Duoduo was frightened and silly, you think you have a long life for being so unruly to the emperor, miss.

"Take good care of her, I'll come for lunch."

Huangfu smiled and hummed the tune as he walked.

Su'er usually seems to have no idea about me, but today she found out that she really likes me.

"I'm such an idiot to worry about it all night. If I had known this, I would have slept peacefully yesterday."

Manager Du was ashamed. If he had known this early in the court, the Minister of the Household Department and the Minister of the Ministry of Officials would not have been scolded so badly. It is a pity that there is no medicine for regret in this world.

"Miss, it's dawn."

"Well, it's so bright."

"Miss, it's getting dark."

"Well, it's getting dark early."

Jin Duoduo pulled Sheng'er's sleeve anxiously with a mournful face: "What should I do with Sheng'er, miss, she is stupid again!"

Sheng'er frowned, it would be a pity that this talent would be stupid if he was promoted to concubine......

"Your Majesty, look at how much gold there is." Sheng'er shook a small ingot of gold in her hand.

"Yeah, a lot."

Jin Duoduo stomped her feet anxiously, it's too bad, the lady didn't even look at the gold, she must be possessed! !
"Sheng'er, should we do a French ceremony? Miss seems bewitched!"

"No, I have a trick that will definitely bring Miss back to her senses." Sheng'er walked in and shouted in Su'er's ear: "The emperor is here!!"

"Ah, where is it!!"

Su'er looked east and west for Huangfu's figure.

After a while, he didn't find it, but he blinked his eyes and said with a smirk, "Where's the rich master?"

(End of this chapter)

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