The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 130 [I love you, do you love me or not 5]

Chapter 130 [I love you, do you love me or not 5]

Huangfuling was startled, what did the emperor want to do?And this Zhong Nanyue, who blatantly said Su'er's name and still called him so intimately, there must be ghosts in it, it's better not to get involved in this matter.

"Since the emperor brother invited the second prince to go, then the king will not delay."

"No hurry." Zhong Nanyue immediately stretched out his hand to stop Huangfu Ling's Lupi and said with a smile: "The emperor just sent someone to say that he will not summon the foreign ministers until after lunch. This prince is not familiar with this place, can you trouble the third prince?" lead the way."

It means that I want this king to be your guide and lead you to wander around. No wonder the emperor hates you, and this king hates you very much now!
"I don't have time for other people, but since the second prince has spoken, I will accompany you no matter how busy I am, please!"

Huangfu Ling was smiling all over his face, but he gritted his teeth in hatred and wanted to punch Zhong Nanyue twice.

"Second prince, this is the peony garden, all peony flowers."

"Thinking of the outstanding people in the Southern Dynasty, the city is full of peonies in the season when peonies bloom. If you have time, the third prince can go and watch them."

Huangfu Ling smiled and cupped his hands and said, "If you have time, you must go!"

As Zhong Nanyue walked, he saw that everything was compared with the things of the Southern Dynasty. After a while, all the things were not as good as those of the Southern Dynasty.

Huangfu Ling secretly wondered what the emperor would think when he heard it, and probably said: "Since everything in your Southern Dynasty is better than that of the New Moon Dynasty, why not just swallow it!"

"My lord, it's getting late, my prince will leave first to wait for the emperor's summons."

"Second prince, go slowly."

Zhong Nanyue was in a good mood when he taunted Huangfuling, and he was in a better mood thinking that he would be able to leave here soon.

Su'er, you wait for me, I can take you away right away! !

"Master, why didn't you refute him."

Huangfu Ling sneered and said, "Didn't you see Zhong Nanyue so happy? The happier he is, the better. The happier he is, the more painful he is. Do you know why?"

The entourage shook his head, Huangfu Ling patted him on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "Be happy because Brother Huang doesn't like Zhong Nanyue!"

Su'er had dinner and sat comfortably in the yard basking in the sun with Huangfu, she kept Sheng'er's words in mind, she would never make trouble for nothing and talk to Huangfu about what was good.

If you can't gossip about others, then you can only sacrifice yourself to gossip!

(End of this chapter)

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