Chapter 139 [Old Lover, New Lover 2]

"Brother Huang, if you can't change the letter this time, you will be in trouble next time."

"I know."

The speed of Huangfu Xin's brain rotation should not be underestimated. How could he not know that this time he would not be able to get the letter in exchange, and even provoked Zhong Nanyue's anger. The next time he wanted to exchange with him, he might have to pay a very high price.

"What Zhong Nanyue wants to exchange with me most must be Rongcheng. This is a piece of fertile land that I can't give him. Third brother, is there a way for you to get a letter from him?"

"Brother Huang, do you think the third brother is a godly thief who was born to steal if he says so?"

Are you a thief?" Huangfu laughed, he thought of Su'er when he went to steal Concubine Chen.

But let her steal things, small places are fine, but Zhong Nanyue's side is difficult.

Huangfu Ling seldom saw him like this, so he said calmly: "If you want to blame this troublesome thing that came out of nowhere, you can only blame the Empress Dowager for believing in affection too much.

"Third brother, she is always the queen mother, you and my half-mother, don't say that in the future, I will definitely find a way to get that letter."

"What if I can't get it back?"

Huangfu showed murderous intent on his face: "If I can't get it back, I have only one way to go."

In the evening, the wind and the moon were rustling, Su'er was nestled in bed and refused to get up, and the meal was served on the bed.

"Sheng'er, do you think there are many guards around Zhong Nanyue?"

"He is the prince, and there must be more guards around him than other people."

From Jin Duoduo's mouth, Su'er knew that there were not many descendants of Huang Yu in the Southern Dynasty, and there were only two sons under his knees. The eldest, Zhongnanha, had been fighting on the western front for more than four months. He heard that the battle situation had improved, and he was [-]% sure of returning victorious. .

The second prince, Zhong Nanyue, was sent to the New Moon Dynasty, where relations were now tense, to handle diplomacy.

The emperor of the Southern Dynasty was not too young, so he must have taken this opportunity to test the two princes and choose one of them to succeed him.

"Zhong Nanyue's martial arts is much higher than mine, and there are so many guards around him, how can I get close to him."

"You still want to get close to him?" Duoduo cried with tears in his eyes, "Miss can't do it, he's from the Southern Dynasty or the prince, you can't be with him, you can't do anything wrong to the emperor!! "

Damn, when will I be sorry for Huangfu's love, Duoduo, your imagination is too rich.

(End of this chapter)

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