The pink queen is a thief: the emperor should be calm

Chapter 145 [Learning lightness kung fu brings many benefits 3]

Chapter 145 [Learning lightness kung fu brings many benefits 3]

Persist and persist, the teacher said that persistence is victory! !Murong Su'er, you must persevere, no matter how much you pay for learning Youbu, you must persevere.

"Straighten your back, go down a little more, and don't let it go down when your hands are flat."

Yaya, if you squat down again, Miss Ben will have an intimate contact with the ground.

"I told you to stand up and straighten up."

Straight up straight up...

I have worked very hard, you dead eunuch, can you stop rambling! !
Su'er stared at him viciously, as if she wanted to tear apart the skin and swallow it into her stomach.

Director Du has no choice. Learning martial arts is a very tiring thing. I think that when I was learning martial arts, I was directly thrown into a pile of wolves to fight.

Where in the world is there something for nothing.

"The arm is hanging down again."

A piece of rattan was brushed on Su'er's arm, she screamed "ah", and a red blood streak appeared on her arm.

Director Du waited for her to lose her temper and quit, but Su'er gritted her teeth and endured it, which was really unexpected to him.

"Master, how long do you want to watch the show, master? If you don't come to save the slave, this apprentice slave will continue to teach!!"

"Master, what are you talking to yourself?"

"It's nothing, you continue to practice and continue to practice."

Huangfu covered his mouth and snickered in the distance, how could he miss such a fun thing.

Su'er's face was blue and red, and he clenched his teeth and held back his expression like a turtle that has eaten his stomach badly, while Du Zongguan was unable to speak because of suffering.

In fact, there is no need to practice horse stance at all to learn quiet step, because this one is quite special, ordinary people can learn it in one month, and stupid people can learn it in three months at most.

"I also want to see how long you can last, Su'er, I am optimistic about you."

Su'er couldn't hear Huangfu Xin's words because her hearing was really bad, but Manager Du could hear her.

Especially the last sentence "I am optimistic about you" greatly stimulated his nerves.

Zhong Nanyue just agreed to the master to destroy the letter, but he still hasn't left, so the master is so relaxed, isn't he afraid that they will come up with new tricks.

"You practice first, I'll be here in a while."

"Oh, you go, I must practice very seriously, go and go."

Mr. Du walked away and Su'er sat on the ground and complained bitterly.

(End of this chapter)

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